Caliph Omar Stabbed Five Times
by Jeff Provine
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Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
November 3rd 644 (65
on this day Caliph Omar was stabbed five times. The Muslim Caliphate had
grown by leaps since its creation twelve years before at the Prophet's
death. Omar, a Muhajir (Emigrant), had helped create the political
structure after the funeral of Muhammad.
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to comment on Reddit.The Ansar (native helpers) planned to control
the Muslim world themselves rather than letting foreigners rule, but
Omar's politicking brought about disputes between the tribes, sparking
scapegoatism and civil war that led to strong unification under the Caliph
Abu Bakr. His reign would be two short years, during which Omar would
serve as an adviser, recommending the writing of the Quran to ensure
battled did not kill all memorizers of the word.
In 634, Omar, soon to become known as Farooq the Great, was selected as
the caliph to succeed Abu Bakr. He was a capable but very strict ruler,
using harsh punishment for those refusing to support him. While many of
political importance did not agree with him, they at least acknowledged
with his skills as a legislator and reformer. Omar directed the growing
nation through the famines and plagues of 638-9, expelled the Christians
and Jews, and systematically conquered the Sassanid Empire. His brutality
during the conquest and treatment of slaves afterward resulted in a new
resurgence of distaste for the caliph.
Using propaganda for legitimacy, the Persians planned assassination as
retaliation. In 644, Omar went for his Hajj to Mecca upon prophecies of
never again seeing Mount Arafat and being hit with a rock during the
ritual of Stoning the Devil. On November 3, Abu Lulu, who had faced the
caliph due to tax issues, attacked with a knife, stabbing five times. He
made for a sixth stab, but Omar's hand caught the blade and wrung it out
of Abu Lulu's grip with much damage to his fingers. The assassin made to
escape, but he was reportedly ripped apart by the hands of the crowd.
Over the next week, Omar would regain his strength. Seeing the damage done
by his political enemies, he went on a new program of propaganda,
investigation, exile, and execution to secure his place. Many of his
allies disapproved of his position in what many considered a coup d'?tat
against the Prophet's daughter Fatima. Through spies and torture, Omar
determined who was truly loyal, and those that disagreed with his position
were eliminated. Civil war broke out as a coup was attempted against him,
but Omar was able to secure overwhelming support from the Bedouin tribes.
Omar the One-handed would spend the last of his reign planning further
expansion. While he did not live to see his plans come to fruition, he did
lay the groundwork for the conquest of the Byzantine Romans in 678 under
the fourth caliph. Islam came to rule the center of the world, controlling
vast trade routes and influencing cultures in every direction. While
Viking pirates gave the Caliphate great trouble through the next
centuries, the eventual religious conquest of Scandinavia would give great
seafaring and exploration to the Muslim world. Additional military skills
would be brought in upon the proselytization of much of the Mongol Horde.
Upon the discovery of the New World across the western Ocean, the
Caliphate would come into a new golden age funded by gold secured in
conquest from the natives. Muslim firearms and armor proved overwhelming
to sun-worshiping, human sacrificing Inca and Mayans who wielded obsidian
blades. The infidels faced plagues that served as a proving force that God
was on the side of conquest. Using the wealth to invest in art and
science, the Caliphate would spend the second millennium conquering
eastward, unifying the world under Allah at Mecca. While pockets of
dissidence are known to spring forth against the Caliph, they have always
been dealt with in the manner that Omar would find most expedient.
says in reality Omar was stabbed six times, the last being in the navel
and would prove the lethal blow. He would die of his wounds on November 7,
leaving behind a six-man committee to determine the third caliph. Separation
between the Muslims would grow over the course of time between Shi?ite and
Sunni upon the question of the proper succession to Muhammad, a distinction
that continues to this day. To view guest historian's comments on this post
please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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