Belisarius Killed at Tricamarum
by Jeff Provine
says: what if Flavius was killed at Tricamarum? muses Jeff Provine's on
his excellent blog
This Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed
in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On December 15th 533,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.on this day Byzantine general Flavius
was killed at Tricamarum. Flavius looked to be Emperor Justinian's best
hope for reaffirming and expanding the waning political power of his
empire. What had once been the Roman domination of the known world was now
but the eastern quadrant, tying together Egypt, Judea, Syria, Asia Minor,
and Greece with Constantinople as its century-old capital.
Belisarius had been instrumental as a young commander putting down the
Nika riots that had turned from unruly racing-spectators to a force that
nearly overthrew Justinian. As a reward, and a move for the
expansion-minded Justinian, Belisarius was sent on an expedition to put
down the usurper Gelimer who had taken over the Vandal kingdom of Hilderic.
"How would the death of one general have caused any
of these things?" - reader's commentsInitially, the expedition went
well. Gelimer marched to meet the invading Belisarius at Ad Decimum (the
marker ten miles south of Carthage). The attack on the Byzantines nearly
overwhelmed Belisarius until Gelimer saw that his brother Ammatas's troops
were sparsely arranged. By the time Gelimer came to reinforce him
(disengaging from a winning fight along the main road), Ammatas had been
killed, and Gelimer stopped fighting to bury him. The battle became a
rout, and Belisarius took Carthage while the grieving Gelimer fled. Twelve
weeks later, Gelimer formed up with an army of another brother, Tzazon,
and marched on Carthage, which Belisarius had been fortifying. Gelimer
used money as an axillary weapon, offering a bounty to locals for Roman
heads and seeking to bribe Belisarius' Hun mercenaries away from him. When
time for battle came, Belisarius knew he could not trust such craft to a
long siege and marched to meet Gelimer in the field.
"Because he was their last, best hope at this time.
It was like having (and losing) George Patton and having only a bunch of
George A. Custers around to replace him. " - reader's commentsThey
came together at Tricamarum, 30 miles from Carthage, Belisarius
outnumbered more than three-to-one. Roman cavalry led by Belisarius
charged against the Vandal infantry lines, hoping that they would break,
but the death of Belisarius caused them to falter. Gelimer solidified his
troops and charged the infantry on foot, overwhelming the Romans. Finding
the body of the fallen Belisarius, Gelimer placed his head upon a pike as
a standard of victory. When word reached Justinian of the defeat of the
expedition, his dreams of extension of his rule shattered.
"Without Justinian's idiotic expansion projects,
the Empire's more secure, if anything. " - reader's commentsGelimer
maintained rule over the western Mediterranean, the Ostrogoths halted
Byzantine attempts at seizing Italy and the seat of the Pope, and the end
of the Byzantines came as Zabergan, Khan of the Bulgars, crossed the
Danube in 559 and stormed Constantinople in 562. The Roman Empire
officially ended, and the age of Germanic rule settled over Europe. Great
leaders like Pepin and Charlemagne would unite tribes into strong
kingdoms, few more famous than the Vandal king Golomor stopping Caliphate
expansion west of Egypt, causing them to turn more northward through the
Black Sea.
While Europe remained a significant corner of the world, it would rarely
take the central position of the Muslim Middle East. The Caliph and other
leaders controlled trade, built great libraries, and furthered science and
mathematics. With the fall of the Khans and invention of modern banking,
centers in Baghdad, Alexandria, and Timbuktu would become massive
metropolitan cities, eventually dwarfing the ancient supremacy of Rome
with its estimated population of one million. Economics would lead to
imperialism, spawning a rivalry between Islamic states in exploration and
controlling resources from colonies in the New World, ports of call and
spheres of influence in the Far East, and dependent satellites in nearby,
though barbaric, Europe.
says in reality Tzazo was killed in the cavalry charges. Gelimer again
lost his nerve at the death of a brother, and his army was routed.
Belisarius finished the conquest of North Africa for Justinian and then
began an invasion of Italy against the Ostrogoths. He also conducted the
affirmation of peace by the Persians and came out of retirement in 559 to
defeat the Bulgars. With a powerful, expansive empire, Justinian set the
Byzantines to rule another millennium until the fall of Constantinople in
1453 to the Ottomans after the Crusades. To view guest historian's comments
on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
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