Bishop Thomas Becket Arrested
by Jeff Provine
says: what if Thomas a Becket survived his arrest? muses Jeff Provine's
on his excellent blog
This Day in
Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On December 29th 1170 ,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.on this day Bishop Thomas Becket was
arrested in Canterbury Cathedral.
After a career of working tightly together as Chancellor and King, upon
Becket's appointment as Archbishop of Canterbury by Henry II of England,
the two discovered a rift that drove them to be bitter enemies. They had
once been close; Henry even placed his son in Becket's household for his
education. Henry sought control of his lands, both through Church and
State. When Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury died, Henry took it as an
opportunity to establish a trusted ally in one of the most powerful
positions in the English Church.
Thomas Becket had grown from a fortunate position and constant guest in
lordly houses, learning to ride and joust and receiving an excellent legal
and canonical education. Upon his installation as archbishop, however,
Becket shed his glamorous secular life and became something of an ascetic,
even reportedly wearing the penitent hair shirt under his priestly robes.
He immediately worked to strengthen the position of the Church, retaking
lost land, disallowing Henry from collecting offerings, and
excommunicating a royal tenant-in-chief after he refused to acknowledge
Becket's appointment of a clerk. The political rift split wide when Henry
called a meeting with the Church heads to discuss canonical customs, and
Becket led the bishops in refusing to attend.
"Prison Break: The Medieval Years. :D" - reader's
commentsHenry pulled his son from Becket's house and lifted
Becket's many honors, and the diplomatic war erupted with Henry attempting
to win favor of the bishops while Becket called on international support
from Louis VII. Henry won as the bishops, even Becket, agreed to the
customs of the Constitutions of Claredon, and then Becket broke favor by
attempting to leave for France without permission. Becket fled into exile
for six years. The Pope finally intervened, and Becket returned while many
of his excommunications were absolved.
Only a few months later, Becket began a new round of excommunications as
Henry's son had been crowned junior-king by the Bishop of York, which was
the right of the Bishop of Canterbury. Upon hearing the news, Henry said
from his sickbed, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" Four
knights took his words as an order and hurried to Canterbury. Placing
their weapons under a tree, they entered the cathedral and demanded Becket
return with them to see the king. He refused, turned to run, and tripped
over his vestments. The knights apprehended Becket and brought him back to
Henry had Becket imprisoned and was found guilty of disobeying customs in
trial in 1171. Becket was placed into a monastic cell, and, in 1173,
Henry's sons Henry the Younger and Richard rebelled against him in hopes
of achieving their inheritances early (as well as at the mentoring of
Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine). Becket escaped and worked his way into Henry
the Younger's court. While the young brothers were strong in France with
their mother's lands, they did not have the guile to manage England, and
Becket gave them the advice and subterfuge they needed to undercut their
father's support. The initial rebellion in 1173 had been met with failure,
but 1174 won the rebellion for the brothers. They treated Becket literally
as a godsend, and he was restored to Canterbury with great new powers.
Henry II went into forced retirement, and Henry the Younger (now III) went
about repairing his father's strained relations with the other Catholic
kingdoms, especially France. Richard (called "The Lionhearted") went on
crusade to the Holy Land, liberating Cyprus and staying with his armies
while Henry III ruled politically. Much of England's social power,
however, went into the hands of Becket, who set up his nation as a new
stronghold and even persuaded Prince John to become Bishop of Canterbury
upon Becket's death in 1189.
The Church continued its firm ecclesiastical position in England as kings
and bishops continued to vie for legal power, as did the many barons of
the kingdom, though the former two kept the latter in place. One hundred
years later, the two would grow even closer as Edward I would be sainted,
much like the French St. Louis (King Louis IX). The Church would be
instrumental sources of power for Richard III in the Rebellion of 1484.
England remained a strong Catholic nation, acting against the Protestant
armies of other northern Europe kings. In the 1700s, bids for religious
freedom would deprive England of its colonies in North America as well as
the Protestant lands of Scotland.
says in reality Thomas a Becket was assassinated as the knights returned
with their weapons and reportedly dashed out his brains. He would be revered
among Catholicism as a martyr and sainted soon after. In the Rebellion of
1173, Henry II would come to Canterbury and do penance for his part in the
murder. He would defeat his sons; Henry the Younger died a decade later of
dysentery while still in rebellion, and Richard and John later would become
kings themselves. John would yield to the powers of the Church as well as
the barons, for whom he would sign the Magna Carta. To view guest
historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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