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Day in Alternate History Blog
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England Beheaded
by Steve Payne
says, what if Pope Julius had prevented Henry VIII from marrying
Catherine of Aragon?
In 1504, on this day Pope Julius
II refused to grant dispensation for the thirteen year old Prince of Wales,
Henry Tudor to marry Catherine of Aragon, widow of his death brother Arthur.
in which a fiendish anti-popish plot is put down
Catherine of Aragon was the youngest surviving child of King Ferdinand II of
Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile. For two years, Arthur wrote numerous
letters in Latin to his bride-to-be, and she would formally reply. However, as
the young couple had never met, the letters were written as instructed by their
tutors and were more polite than passionate. When Arthur was fourteen, Ferdinand
of Aragon and Isabella of Castile promised to send their daughter Catalina
(later known as Catherine) to England, but it was not until after Arthur turned
fifteen that Catherine and her retinue finally started their journey. The
Spanish Infanta (the Spanish title for princess) finally landed in the autumn,
and on 4 November 1501, the couple met at last at Dogsmersfield Palace in
Hampshire. Little is known about their first impressions of each other, but
Arthur did write to his parents in law that he would be 'a true and loving
husband' and he later told his parents that he was immensely happy to behold the
face of his lovely bride. Ten days later, on 14 November 1501, they were married
at St. Paul's Cathedral. At the end of the festive day came the Bedding
Ceremony, in which most of the court put the young couple to bed. This was to be
one of the most controversial wedding nights in history.
The couple soon travelled to Ludlow Castle on the Welsh border, where Arthur
resided in his capacity as Prince of Wales and President of The Council of Wales
and Marches. He died suddenly at the young age of fifteen. The cause of his
death is unknown but may have been consumption, diabetes, or the mysterious
sweating sickness, which some modern theorists tie to a hantavirus. Catherine
was sick too, but unlike her unfortunate husband, she survived.
Upon his death Arthur was only fifteen years old and Catherine swore that her
marriage had not been consummated. Nevertheless, a dispensation from the Pope
was normally required to overrule the impediment of affinity and both the
English and Spanish parties sought to remove all doubt regarding the legitimacy
of the marriage. Infuriated by the Pope's refusal, Henry VII lost interest in a
Spanish alliance, and the younger Henry declared that his betrothal had been
proposed by Queen Isabella I without his consent.
Having denied the authority of the Pope, inevitably events began to escalate as
Great Britain and the Vatican became locked in a bitter power struggle. Fearful
of appearing a weak vassal of Rome, Henry VII then declared himself
the only Supreme Head in Earth of the Church of England
and the Treasons Act 1504 made it high treason, punishable by death, to refuse
to acknowledge the King as such.
Within months, the armies of Catholic Europe landed in southern england and
marched on London to put down this fiendish anti-popish plot. Blaming religious
intolerance, the Tudor Royal Family fled the country, carrying the seeds of
their schismatic protest with them to North America. Henry VIII later founded
the Kingdom of Deseret,
based upon the new Mormon religion which conveniently permitted him to marry six
times before his death in 1547.
says, please note that we have (as usual) repurposed a significant amount of
content from
We believe that the quarrel with Rome could of course have arrived at various
points in Henry's rule and in a sense was inevitable; in this scenario we
imagine that rather than grant the dispensation and then later refuse to set it
aside, Julius never grants it at all. Please do not interpret any unintended
aspect of religious intolerance in the tone of this story.
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in Alternate History,
a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today.
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differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items explore
that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist superpower,
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