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Murder Was The
The Plot To Kill King Henry VIII
By Chris Oakley
Part 2
From the introduction to Chapter 2 of A Monarchy
The enemies of our glorious British Social Republic, in
particular the so-called United Kingdom of America and Canada, say that it was
wrong to use force with Henry VIII when it came time to hold him to account
for his crimes against our people. This line of thinking is at best absurd and
at worst an intolerable mockery of the suffering Henry VIII inflicted on the
masses during his reign as king of England. Only the vigorous and constant use
of extreme measures against this hideous tyrant could have properly punished
him for his crimes against the British peoples.
When the great Nathaniel Locksley sought to free our
glorious land from Henry’s tyranny, his intention was to infiltrate himself
and a handful of trusted comrades into the ranks of Henry’s servants and then,
when the opportunity presented itself, slit his throat so that the evil
monarch might fall and die the way he had caused so many of his subjects to
do. His alternative course of action was to put poison in Henry’s
drink....which would have been a fitting end for the tyrant, particularly
seeing how he so thoroughly poisoned his own nation. It is one of the great
tragedies of human history that Nathaniel Locksley was betrayed by his brother
before he could put his plans into action; had he succeeded in eliminating the
monster Henry VIII, England specifically and the world as a whole would have
been far better off. As it was, Britain would have to wait six more long and
heartrending years before the Tudor cancer was finally cut out...
From the afterword to Winters of Discontent:
The Locksleyite
takeover of Britain was one of the great tragedies of our nation’s history.
When Nathaniel Locksley’s followers ousted the Tudors and imposed their own
even harsher brand of autocratic rule on the British people, it set the
pattern for more than four centuries of misery, oppression, violence, and
persecution. The Locksleyite regime made Britain one of the most hated
countries on earth, and its successors only put further black stains on the
British national reputation over the subsequent generations. From Oliver
Cromwell, whose campaign to crush a revolt against the Dutch anti-royalist
government spread terror and death across Holland, to George Grenville, who
tried to crush the United Kingdom of America and Canada in that nation’s
infancy through a policy of systematic genocide and repression, to Harry
Pollitt, directly responsible for the bloodiest war of the twentieth century,
all the way up to Nina Temple, the so-called "Black Widow of the British
Isles", those who inherited the Locksleyite ideology and tools for oppression
turned Europe into a charnel house and did untold damage to Western
civilization in the process.
In this post-Social Republic era, every British citizen
over the age of twelve has the obligation to confront the hideous truth about
the Locksleyites and their ideological and spiritual heirs. This is
particularly true in regard to the Grenville regime’s brutal conduct of its
long war against the United Kingdom of America and Canada, a war in which the
most hideous excesses of cruelty and barbarism were justified with the
patently flimsy excuse that the Kingdom’s citizens were "reactionaries", to
use a word that has been invoked all too often in our lifetimes to tarnish
those who would dare utter the slightest criticism of the Social Republic
From the introduction to Chapter 4 of A People’s
History of the United Kingdom of America and Canada, copyright 2001
Republican University of Dublin Press:
The British government unwittingly sowed the first seeds of
its own eventual collapse when it established the penal colonies that would
later become the United Kingdom of America and Canada; the dissidents forcibly
exiled to those colonies, most of whom sought a restoration of the monarchy
that had been shattered when the Locksleyites took over Britain, began
secretly banding together to plan ways in which they might rid themselves of
their jailers.
Though nearly a century would pass between the moment the
inmates of the British penal colonies in America first rose up against their
jailers and the day the Kingdom of America and the Principality of Canada
signed the historic Act of Union which established the United Kingdom of
America and Canada, portents that the British grip on the North American
continent was about to be broken could be easily seen early on if one only
took the time to look for them. A particularly dramatic example of these
portents came in 1715 with the assassination of the governor-general for the
Massachusetts Bay penal colony(now the city of Boston); his death sparked a
revolt among the colony’s inmates which, although it was crushed within
eighteen months, provided inspiration for the more successful uprising against
British rule that would be mounted some six-odd decades later.
The Massachusetts Bay Rebellion(1715-1717) was a testing
ground for both the tactics used in the North American War of Liberation
(1777-1784) and the fighting men who would employ those tactics. It also saw
American political dissidents make the first explicit assertions of an
American identity separate from that of Britain. That idea was a powerful one,
and would shake Western civilization to its foundations in the decades after
the Massachusetts Bay Rebellion ended. The efforts of the British Social
Republic to quash the American independence movement would in the end prove to
have backfired to the tenth power; far from suppressing Americans’ desire to
break away from Britain, such repression only served to inflame that desire
and drive it underground.
The American rebel armies’ achievement in freeing their
homeland-- and assisting Canadian pro-independence insurgents in expelling
British colonial authorities from Canada --is all the more remarkable
considering that in the early days of the North American War of Liberation the
rebels had almost no outside support...
From Chapter 2 of the book The Butcher of Europe:
Cromwell’s 1644-47 Campaign In The Netherlands by Sir Pierre Trudeau,
copyright 1977 the Royal Canadian Historical Institute:
Oliver Cromwell was one of the British Social Republic’s
most ruthless, effective, and willing agents during his years as a general in
their army. He was also one of the worst mass murderers of his day, perhaps of
all time; when his expeditionary force entered Holland in 1644 to aid Dutch
anti-royalist forces in suppressing a pro-royalist insurrection in that
country, it would be the start of an orgy of cruelty and bloodletting that
witnessed thousands of people perish under his sword before he was finally cut
down himself by musket fire at the Battle of Dusseldorf in 1652.
During his three-year campaign to crush the royalist
insurgency in Holland, and his subsequent four-year war against the
principalities of what is today the Austro-Bavarian Union, Cromwell routinely
employed tactics that would under modern international law be regarded as war
crimes. He thought nothing of having civilians in the areas under his control
executed simply for giving him a dirty look; he allowed his troops to rape and
pillage almost at will; and in one of the most vicious examples of his
violence he ordered a defenseless farming town near Rotterdam sacked in
1645 in retaliation for an ambush of one of hisarmy’s infantry patrols.
Cromwell certainly wasn’t averse to shedding blood
personally to achieve his aims; the general is estimated to have killed
between 30 and 50 people by his own hand during his military expeditions in
continental Europe, and he is known to have directly participated in the
executions of two Dutch pro-royalist rebel leaders. At the time he was killed
in the Battle of Dusseldorf Cromwell had planned to have all the major royal
rulers in Austria, Bavaria, and other German-speaking regions of Europe
executed once their monarchies had been toppled. These rulers, not
surprisingly, resisted Cromwell’s armies to the last man; in so doing, they
handed the British Social Republic its only significant military defeat prior
to the North American War of Liberation....
From The Official History of the Royal American Army,
volume 2, copyright 1974 the UKAC Ministry of Defense Archives:
Following the collapse of the Massachusetts Bay Rebellion,
the American independence movement went into the shadows, biding its time
until the right moment came to mount another uprising against the oppression
of the British Social Republic. That moment came in the late spring of 1777,
when Thomas Paine, a political prisoner detained at the British penal colony
in what is today New York City, led his fellow inmates to overthrow William
Howe, the colony’s tyrannical warden. Once Howe was overthrown, Paine and his
comrades seized the British arsenal in New York and sent messengers to Boston
to pass word of the uprising on to the prisoners there.
The mutinies in New York and Boston constituted the first
blows in the North American War of Liberation; though the Grenville regime did
its best to put the genie back in the bottle, so to speak, news of the
insurrection spread like wildfire among the political prisoners in North
America, and within only a year after Warden Howe was overthrown the British
Army found itself engaged in a fierce guerrilla war with the descendants of
the original exiles sent over by the Locksleyite regime in the late 1600s....
From the visitors’ guide at the North American War of
Liberation Museum in Boston, copyright 1991:
Boston played a critical role in the fight for UKAC
independence from the British Social Republic. One of the first major
uprisings against British rule in America took place in this city; later,
Boston served as the political heart of the American rebels’ struggle to free
themselves from the oppressive rule of the anti-royalist mob in London....
From Chapter 3 of A Monarchy Shattered:
The so-called North American War of Liberation constitutes
an unforgivable betrayal of the British Social Republic and everything she
stands for. Our chancellor at that time, George Grenville, understood this and
strived to avenge the American and Canadian rebels’ treachery, but his noble
efforts were tragically and intentionally sabotaged by traitors in his own
midst. It is a tragedy for the world as a whole and for our nation in
particular that Chancellor Grenville was prevented from crushing the
Though the citizens of the UKAC may speak the same language
as our fellow countrymen, in every other respect they are the direct opposites
of and mortal enemies to the good people of Britain. The world will not know
peace again until this evil empire has wiped from the face of the earth once
and for all and its inhabitants placed once more under the sterling leadership
of the British Social Republic...
Even when not waging military campaigns against us, the
UKAC has historically sought to attack our great Republic by every means
possible. After the North American War of Liberation ended, the American
royalist government and their Canadian puppets started to infiltrate spies
onto British soil in an attempt to inflame rebellion against our noble
leadership, and these attempts to provoke counterrevolutionary violence and
disorder under false pretenses continue to this very day. Also still going on
today: the anti-British propaganda campaign first instigated by the leaders of
the foul American uprising against our Republic’s rightful rule....
From The Official History Of The Royal American Army,
volume 3:
The Army of the British Social Republic was notorious for
its vicious treatment of prisoners, and seldom was its brutality more evident
than during the North American War of Liberation. One out of every three rebel
soldiers killed during that war died in British army prison camps at the hands
of British troops who either intentionally tortured them to death or simply
let the prisoners succumb to starvation or disease; there was no such thing as
the Geneva Convention in those days, and even if there had been it’s unlikely
the Grenville regime would have obeyed it. Indeed, many of the British army’s
top generals openly encouraged their field commanders in North America to be
as cruel as possible to captured American and Canadian guerrillas. At least
one British army infantry colonel is known to have paid his troops bonuses for
every rebel soldier they bayoneted or clubbed to death...
But perhaps there was no greater act of barbarism
perpetrated by Grenville’s legions against the American and Canadian rebels
than the sacking of William Penn’s "peace colony", Philadelphia(‘city of
brotherly love’), in June of 1779. Penn, a Quaker pacifist who had long
opposed the militaristic mindset of the Grenville regime, had founded the
"peace colony" as a refuge for those who shared his horror at the bloodthirsty
nature of the British Social Republic as a whole and the Grenville regime in
particular; thus, it was a special target for the wrath of the British
To Be Continued
