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Murder Was The
The Plot To Kill King Henry VIII
By Chris Oakley
Part 3
From Chapter 5 of Winters Of Our Discontent:
The British Social Republic brooked no opposition of any
kind, whether from dissidents within its own borders or foreign powers alarmed
at London’s warlike and expansionist policies toward continental Europe. With
the exception of Oliver Cromwell’s ill-fated campaign in what is now the
Austro-Bavarian Union, the Locksleyite regime had usually been successful in
crushing its foes up until the North American War of Liberation. But British
military doctrine, designed for waging battle on the open plains of western
and central Europe, wasn’t fully equipped to deal with the new realities of
the guerrilla war the British army was being forced to fight in the mountains
and woodlands of North America. Nor did it take into account the American
insurgents’ determination to throw off the shackles of Locksleyite rule...
From the TV documentary Independence: The North
American War of Liberation, copyright 1977-84 Royal American Public
Broadcasting Network:
The sacking of Philadelphia by George Grenville’s army in
June of 1779 was one of the most brutal such atrocities perpetrated against a
city since the Romans destroyed Carthage during the Second Punic War. British
troops displayed no qualms about the mass slaughter of unarmed civilians or
the torching of houses; one British army field commander, in fact, actually
gained a promotion for his participation in the massacre...
London thought that by destroying Philadelphia they might
break the American rebels’ spirit, but their gambit backfired to the tenth
power. If anything, the carnage would only serve to incite the insurgent
armies to further resistance against the British forces. And when word of the
Philadelphia massacre reached Canada, it incited anti-British factions there
to redouble their efforts to break the Locksleyite regime’s grip on the
Canadian masses; many historians trace the origins of the Quebec Revolution of
1780 to popular outrage among the Quebecois over the brutally repressive
conduct of British colonial authorities in places like Philadelphia and fears
that Grenville’s sacking of the famous Pennsylvania "peace colony" could be
repeated at Montreal, which was then a major hotbed of pro-independence
sentiment in Canada...
From The McClaren’s Junior High Scholastic Canadian
History Reader, Volume 2, copyright 1979 McClaren Juvenile Publishing:
In April of 1780 a group of Quebecois determined to resist
Locksleyite brutality banded together with some of their English-speaking
neighbors to form what we now know as the Quebec Free State. This was an
important early step towards building what later became the Principality of
Canada, which in turn became one of the charter members of the United Kingdom
of America and Canada....
From The Official History Of The Royal American Army,
volume 2:
When the Quebec Free State was established, the American
rebel army-- by then largely in control of the New England territories
--hastened to organize an expeditionary force to assist the Quebeçois in their
struggle to drive the British out of the Quebec region. Grenville’s armies,
having already discovered themselves to be ill-suited for guerrilla warfare,
would shortly discover that their capacity to wage conventional battles was
also deteriorating...
From Chapter 4 of A Monarchy Shattered:
One of the most despicable lies bandied about by the UKAC
is the myth of "innocent" civilians being massacred at Philadelphia in 1779.
All objective students of history know that the sub-human louts who inhabited
that town were in fact enemies of Britain who richly deserved their fate.
Allowed to survive, these so-called "pacifists" would have sooner or later
poisoned the soul of our great nation with their cowardly ideology...
From the archives of the UKAC Bureau of External Defense:
May 5th, 1780
Our plight here in Montreal is a grave one indeed. The
butchers of Grenville’s army have drawn much closer to our city gates, and
there is a great fear that they may yet put our homes and other buildings to
the torch. We are in urgent need of any men you can spare to aid us in the
defense of our homes against the invader...
From an exhibit at the Canadian Liberation Museum in Toronto:
The defense of Montreal was one of the most critical of the
early battles in the struggle for Canada’s independence from British rule. Had
the British army succeeded in its efforts to capture the city, the Quebec Free
State might have died in its infancy and Canada remained under British control
for generations to come; it’s even possible that America’s own revolution
against the Locksleyite tyranny might have been crushed....
From the July 10th, 1880 edition of the
Montreal Daily Mail:
It has been fully one hundred years since our forebears
made their historic stand in defense of this city against the armies of the
British tyrant Grenville. Although the men who lived through those harrowing
days have long since passed from the earth, the memory of their heroism will
live for centuries to come...
From Chapter 7 of Winters Of Our Discontent:
The Canadian rebel victory at Montreal was perhaps the
worst setback yet for the British armies in North America. Had Grenville’s
troops been successful in capturing the Quebec Free State capital, it would
have been an incalculable boost to the political and military prestige of the
Locksleyite government; instead, the British army found itself wrestling with
doubts over its ability to even prosecute wars, much less win them...
From McClaren’s History Reader, Volume 2:
Following their hard-fought victory in the defense of
Montreal, the Canadian rebel forces began preparations for a bold offensive to
liberate the British-occupied city of Halifax, Nova Scotia’s provincial
capital. Joining the Canadian army in its assault were a group of disaffected
ex-British Army foot soldiers who’d deserted to the rebel side in disgust with
the excesses and atrocities of the Locksleyite regime. Some of the defectors
had once served with the occupation garrison in Halifax, and they provided
intelligence to the Canadians which proved highly useful once the assault
began in earnest...
From the documentary film Crucible: The Battle of
Halifax, copyright 1963 by the Nova Scotia Royal Historical Society:
On September 1st, 1780 the Canadian rebel army
began its attack on the main British garrison at Halifax with a cannon
bombardment that shook the garrison’s walls to their foundations. While the
British Army battled rebel artillery units, rebel infantry and cavalry
executed a flanking maneuver designed to exploit gaps in the garrison’s
From a letter dated September 3rd, 1780 and stored
in the North American War of Liberation Museum archives:
Our main garrison is down to less than a hundred men. One
of our auxiliary garrisons has fallen into rebel hands...
To Be Continued
