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Murder Was The
The Plot To Kill King Henry VIII
By Chris Oakley
Part 4
From Chapter 6 of A Monarchy Shattered:
It is an indescribable tragedy for the human race as a
whole and the British Social Republic in particular that our gallant soldiers
at Halifax were not able to defeat the barbaric Canadian rebel armies who
overran their garrisons. Had they won their glorious struggle, the world would
have been spared much if not all of the horror which has been inflicted on it
in recent years by the UKAC...
From a plaque outside the entrance to the Fort Harwick Royal
National Historical Museum in Halifax:
From the preface to the book The Trial And Execution Of
King Henry VIII, copyright 2013 by Michigan Royal University Press:
Impartial justice was never a high priority for the court
system in Locksleyite Britain. In fact, in the case of the show trial of the
deposed King Henry VIII, the courts did everything that they possibly could to
rig the verdict against the defendant. Witnesses who might dispute the
credibility of the prosecution’s case against the fallen monarch were either
coerced into keeping silent, banned from the courtroom altogether, or(in some
extreme cases) even put to death and their corpses publicly displayed as a
warning to anyone who might be considering the idea of speaking out against
the oppressive policies and actions of the Locksleyite government...
From an exhibit at the British National Historic Archives:
This room is a re-creation of the courtroom in which the
deposed King King Henry VIII was tried and sentenced to death in 1523 for
supposed ‘crimes against the people of England’. Prior to the fall of the
British Social Republic, much of the truth about Henry’s trial and execution
was suppressed in order to keep the Locksleyite government in power...
From Chapter 9 of Winters of Our Discontent:
In the annals of Western jurisprudence there has seldom
been a greater miscarriage of justice than the show trial of King Henry VIII.
From the day the prosecution gave its opening statement to the day the deposed
monarch and his family were publicly hanged, no effort was made whatsoever to
provide Henry VIII with even the pretense of a fair hearing; in fact, the
tribunal sitting in judgement of the former king was specificially directed to
render a "guilty on all counts" verdict against him even if much of the
available evidence proved him innocent of the charges the Locksleyites had
leveled on him...
From the documentary Regicide: The State-Sponsored
Murder Of King Henry VIII, copyright 2003 by the Royal American Public
Broadcasting Network:
Henry’s trial lasted nine long, grueling days, during which
time he was subjected to physical and mental tortures which broke what was
left of his spirit. The Locksleyites were unmoved by his pleas for mercy-- in
fact, at least one of the members of the tribunal judging the deposed monarch
saw fit to view them as further evidence of Henry’s guilt. Anyone who was that
desperate to be spared, the judge in question reasoned, could only be trying
to avoid the punishment they deserved for their crimes...
From the home page of the website TudorRedemption.com:
Whatever self-serving propaganda the Locksleyites may use
to justify their cold-blooded slaughter of the last king of England, the stark
truth remains that when they overthrew King Henry VIII they robbed England of
its greatest leader and dealt a blow to civilization from which it is still
trying to recover. Henry VIII was a far better man than any of the
Locksleyites could ever hope to be, and the last bulwark of decency and honor
against the barbaric ideology of the Locksleyite thugs...
From a letter preserved in the archives of the Royal Canadian
Foreign Affairs Chancellery and dated August 13th, 1802:
I am of the opinion that you are correct when you assert
that the time has come for our two kingdoms to unite with one another. Only by
standing together can America and Canada hope to fully safeguard themselves
and the civilized world against the menace of the British Social Republic...
From Chapter 13 of Winters Of Our Discontent:
The American and Canadian rebels’ victory in the North
American War of Liberation was a major shock to the system for the British
Social Republic. For the first time since Oliver Cromwell’s ill-fated attempt
to subjugate Austria and Bavaria the British Army had lost a war and the
ruling class in London was having trouble figuring out how to cope with it....
From McClaren’s History Reader, Volume 3:
In April of 1784 George Grenville, under growing pressure
from his cabinet at home and facing the annihilation of his armies in North
America, finally agreed to make peace with the American and Canadian rebels.
It was not a decision he wanted to make, but the increasing drain the North
American Liberation War was putting on the British Social Republic’s treasury
left him little other choice in the matter...
From a plaque near the entrance to the main banquet room at
the Hotel Royale Geneve in Geneva, Switzerland:
In this room on the ninth of September, 1784,
representatives of the British Social Republic and delegates from the Kingdom
of America and the Principality of Canada met to sign the agreement that
officially ended the North American War of Liberation...
From McClaren’s History Reader, Volume 4:
In one sense, the end of the North American War of
Liberation also marked a beginning: concern over the possibility of a future
British government trying to regain control of America and Canada prompted
Pennsylvania governor-general Benjamin Franklin to publish a newspaper article
in the spring of 1785 calling for the two countries to form an alliance as a
self-defense measure; this proposal is widely regarded by historians as a
prototype for the Act of Union which created the United Kingdom of America and
Canada in 1807. Franklin, a survivor of the 1779 Philadelphia massacre, had
more reason than most to be worried about the possibility of future British
aggression against North America...
From a plaque outside the Benjamin Franklin Memorial Royal
Library in Philadelphia:
On this site in May of 1787, Benjamin Franklin hosted a
meeting between representatives of the Kingdom of America and the Principality
of Canada to draft the first series of articles in what would later become the
1807 Act of Union...
From the documentary film Two Crowns, One Enemy: The
Story Of The 1807 Act of Union, copyright 1957 by Boston Royal
Historical Academy Films:
While a great many men and women played roles in shaping
the Act of Union that established what we know today as the United Kingdom of
America and Canada, few men had more profound early part in shaping that
historic document than Benjamin Franklin. The Pennsylvania royal
governor-general personally wrote at least five of the first ten articles in
the agreements that would two decades later form the Act’s nucleus...
From Regicide:
Ten days after the show trial against him was first
convened, King Henry VIII was dead, hanged alongside his family by the
anti-royalist Fanatics who had overthrown the British monarchy and reduced
Henry to a physically scarred and psychologically broken shell of a man. As
the tribunal judging him had previously been instructed to do, they found him
guilty on all counts and sentenced him to be executed for his alleged crimes
against the British people...His family had little time or opportunity to say
goodbye to him before they too were hanged...
From an exhibit at the Canadian Liberation Museum in Toronto:
This cannon is one of twenty-one artillery pieces fired by
the Royal
Canadian Guard on June 28th, 1796 at ceremonies
marking the opening
of what is today the UKAC Royal Defense Academy...
From the Montreal Daily Mail of October 9th,
50-Year Anniversary
Of Act Of Union To Be Observed Today At Grand Gala
To Be Continued
