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Murder Was The Case:
The Plot To Kill King Henry VIII
By Chris Oakley
Part 5
From Chapter 7 of Winters Of Our Discontent:
The Act of Union was a bitter blow to the British
Social Republic, already stinging from its failure to crush the
American-Canadian insurgency in the North American War of Liberation. Having
the two rebel nations interfere in its expansionist plans for the New World
individually was enough trouble for the Republic to cope with, but now that
America and Canada had combined to form a unified bloc against Britain the
Locksleyites’ efforts to extend their power into previously uncolonized
territories in the Americas would be rendered more difficult than ever.
Worse yet, for the first time since Oliver
Cromwell’s ill-fated attempt to conquer the German-speaking territories of the
Austro-Bavarian Union, the Republic faced an adversary capable of mounting a
serious threat to its position in continental Europe. The leaders of the newly
established United Kingdom of America and Canada made it abundantly clear that
they would not stand idly by and let the heirs of Nathaniel Locksley keep
imposing their brutal, soul-destroying ideology on the rest of the world...
From Chapter 3 of the book A More Perfect
Union: The Birth Of The Modern UKAC by Lady Celine Dion, copyright 2001
Quebec Royal Book Publishers Ltd.:
October 9th, 1807 marked the beginning
of a new era in Western political and diplomatic history. That day,
representatives of the Kingdom of America and the Principality of Canada
gathered in Montreal to sign the Act of Union which would officially unify the
two realms as the United Kingdom of America and Canada; the days of the
British Social Republic as undisputed master of the Atlantic were, if not
over, certainly dwindling...
From a plaque displayed at the entrance to a civic
museum in Munich, Austro-Bavarian Union:
From Chapter 8 of Winters Of Our Discontent:
The diplomatic treaty establishing formal relations between the UKAC and the
ABU was a major step forward for the new nation...for the first time it had
been officially recognized as a sovereign state by a foreign government. In
the wake of this pact, UKAC diplomats next turned their energies to forging
ties with the Russian Empire...
From the book We Do Not Agree: The 180-Year
Feud Between The Russo- UKAC Alliance And The British Social Republic by
Lt. Colonel(retired) Vladimir Putin, copyright 2001 Muscovy State Defence
From the time the Russian Empire and the United
Kingdom of America & Canada first established formal diplomatic relations in
1818, the two powers shared a highly dangerous common enemy: the British
Social Republic, which was obsessed with avenging its defeat in the North
American War of Liberation and achieving world domination...
From Chapter 8 of Winters Of Our Discontent:
In forging an alliance with the Russian Empire
the UKAC hoped above all else to deter the British Social Republic from
attempting to retake control of its former North American
territories....Russia was well-known for being the only European power other
than the Austro-Bavarian Union that could meet the BSR on equal terms on the
battlefield. In one or two aspects, the Russians even had a slight edge on the
Social Republic....
From Chapter 13 of A Monarchy Shattered:
Despite what the apologists for the murderous
UKAC oligarchy and their Russian co-conspirators would have you believe, the
alliance forged between the Canadian-American kingdom and the Russian Empire
in the early 19th century was nothing less than the first step in a
sinister anti-British plan whose ultimate goal was the destruction of the
Social Republic and the establishment of UKAC global domination...
From a course syllabus at the European history
department of San Francisco Royal University, California:
RUS 312--19th Century Wars Between The
Russian Empire And The British Social Republic
In this course students will analyze and discuss
the causes, events, and consequences of the numerous military conflicts fought
by the British Social Republic and the Russian Empire between 1819 and 1922.
We will also look at the UKAC’s role in these conflicts, with special
attention to UKAC diplomatic and political support of Russia during the
so-called Dardanelles War of the 1840s....
From We Do Not Agree:
One of the Dardanelles War’s main causes was the
Social Republic’s desire to monopolize access to the great ports of the
Mediterranean Sea. This did not sit well with the leadership of the Russian
Empire, who resolved to thwart these monopoly efforts by any means
From an exhibit at the Muscovy State Defence
College Museum, Muscovy, Russian Confederacy:
This is a replica of the uniform worn by Field Marshal Mikhail Vorontsov when
he first took command of the Imperial Army in the first days of the
Dardanelles War...
From Chapter 8 of Winters Of Our Discontent:
From the day the British and Russian fleets first
clashed with one another back in 1819, it was apparent to any reasonably
astute observer that the Russian Empire and the British Social Republic would
go to war with alarming frequency-- in fact, many of the bloodiest armed
conflicts of the 19th century would directly pit Britain and Russia
against one another....
From an inscription at the base of the Tomb of the
Unknown Martyr of the Dardanelles War, Petrograd, Russian Confederacy:
In this tomb rests a man whose name is known only
to God, who perished in the defense of this nation...
From We Do Not Agree:
The primary causes of the Dardanelles War were as
much economic as they were political; the British Social Republic was at the
time in a period of economic decline and saw the resource-laden territories of
the Russian Empire as its greatest hope for reversing that decline....
From Winters Of Our Discontent:
While the
Imperial Russian Navy had the numerical advantage going into its first major
engagement with the British Republican Navy, the British navy enjoyed the
technical edge and superior crew training, and this would prove crucial once
the cannons began firing in earnest....
From a course syllabus at the Royal American
Military College:
EUR 201B--Causes Of The Anglo-Russian Wars
This course analyzes the primary social,
political, and ideological causes of the numerous wars fought between the
British Social Republic and the Russian Empire during the late 19th
and early 20th centuries....
From a chapter about 19th century Europe
in a Canadian school history textbook:
The British Social Republic’s first major step
along its path to war with the Russian Empire was the so-called Lisbon
Conference of 1814, when the London-backed puppet governments of Spain,
France, and Portugal signed a mutual defense pact with Britain pledging each
of the signatory governments to come to the aid of the others in the event of
what the treaty’s main provision described as "hostile intervention from
outside powers"....
From A More Perfect Union:
While the UKAC had not yet fought a war with any
Lisbon Conference power other than Britain, it was surely one of the
Conference’s staunchest foes outside continental Europe. The political
leadership in Franklin City had already made it clear on more than one
occasion that their sympathies in any future war between Britain and other
major European powers would rest with Britain’s enemies, and the UKAC’s
primary weapons-makers were cutting deals with potential military foes of the
Social Republic to furnish said foes with guns and munitions for any future
conflict they might be involved in with the British...
From the documentary Ties That Bind: The Act
Of Union 200 Years Later, copyright 2007 by the Royal American Public
Broadcasting Network:
The Act of Union had been in effect for more than
three and a half decades, and the United Kingdom of America & Canada allied
with the Russian Empire for nearly a quarter-century, when UKAC undercover
agents inside Britain began to pick up ominous hints that the British Social
Republic was in the first stages of preparing to make its long-anticipated
attempt to seize control of the Dardanelles Strait....
To Be Continued
