The New Jerusalem by Steve Payne
says: what if the voyages of Columbus were completely misunderstood?
Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily
reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1485, on this day three
papal vessels, the Gallega, Pinta and Santa Clara (pictured) departed Palos
de la Frontera, setting sail for the New World.
In order to "discover" the Americas, the commander of the fleet, the
Templar Cristoforo Colombo was provided with a unique set of navigational
aids - his biological father Pope Innocent VIII had granted him access to
study ancient texts and maps in the Vatican Library. Because Colombo's
mission was to seize the New World gold that was required to finance a
fresh wave of Crusades.
"The glory of the discovery of the New World"Trouble
was, Colombo didn't find any gold and duly returned to the Port of Lisbon
empty-handed, his mission seemingly a failure.
Surprisingly, the Pope's own father was Jewish and his grandmother was
Muslim, and his overarching goal was to reunite all three religions. But
when the mission failed, Colombo began his second voyage, with orders to
establish a New Jerusalem in the Americas. The sponsorship of the
foundation of that city would be recorded for all time at Saint Peter's
Basilica with a Latin inscription which simply records "the glory of the
discovery of the New World" on the tomb of Pope Innocent VIII.
says original content has been repurposed to celebrate the author's
genius © Ruggero Marino, "Christopher Columbus, the Last Templar" (2007).
Marino's book claims that when Colombo arrived safely back in Lisbon; not
only had the Pope been ousted by the Borgia and mysteriously disappeared,
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain had launched a disinformation
plan. For the next five hundred years, history would incorrectly record that
the voyage occured seven years later, and had been sponsored by the Spanish
monarchs. But then a chance discovery in Saint Peter's Basilica revealed the
hidden truth; the Latin inscription on the tomb of Pope Innocent VIII
praises the "the glory of the discovery of the New World". (Innocent died on
25 July 1492 before the Columbus set sail according to Spanish accounts).
Other Morality Stories
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in
Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History
That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
Facebook and Twitter.
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differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
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