Ottomans Storm Vienna by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On October 2nd 1529,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Twitter.on this day the Ottomans stormed the
city of Vienna. The army of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent arrived at the
gates of Vienna September 27, 1529. Three years before, Suleiman had
smashed the army of King Louis II of Hungary, conquering much of the land.
Following the momentum, he raised an enlarged army and pressed toward
Vienna and the Austrians.
They set out in May, first reestablishing conquest in Hungary by
seizing fortresses lost in the interim to Archduke Ferdinand I of Austria,
who had been named king of Hungary after Louis's death under the might of
"The big change here is the sultan and the main
army wintering in Vienna. Ottoman state didn't work that way so when did
thsi new state come into being. " - reader Scot Palter's commentMost
effective were Suleiman's large-caliber cannons, which he brought over
miles of mountain roads. The rains were light, making for easy travel and
minimal loss of men and camels from illness in soggy conditions. Buda,
which had been softened by attack in 1526, was taken, and the army mopped
up various defenders before turning to the Austrian border. It was a
difficult march, but the soldiers looked forward to the great wealth to be
plundered "Good point, Scott. Couple of reasons to
stay, one being the establishment of a strong frontier. Also, with Austria
on just about the logistical max from Constantinople, much of the army
would not make it and take up garrison positions; fortunately, there would
be quite a few new fiefdoms to manage. If they'd just left, then Charles V
and the whole HRE would sweep into the newly reconquered land, just like
Ferdinand II did with much of Hungary just a few years before. Suleiman
definitely wasn't stupid" - author's responsefrom the Habsburgs.
The siege was laid, and the artillery gradually wore down the walls.
Suleiman made attempts at mining and tunnels to break in sooner, but the
defenders were ever-vigilant for the sound of rhythmic digging through the
After days of heavy assault, the city wall was finally breached. The
city had over twenty thousand defenders of German mercenaries, Spanish
musketeers, and hastily armed and trained peasants. They fought bravely,
but the 120,000 Ottomans outweighed them. After the breakthrough, the
battle lasted a day, and then five days of pillaging stripped the city of
anything of value. The rest of the fall was spent conquering as much of
Habsburg land as Suleiman could claim before retiring the army for winter
back to the reconstructing of Vienna.
" don't think they could have rolled the Ottomans
back that far that early on. At that time the Ottoman state was fairly
efficient, and a lot of its subjects were Orthodox Christians who
preferred "the turban" to "the tiara"---IOW, they'd not be pleased to see
Western Christians coming to "save" them. To this day, 1204 and the Fourth
Crusade's a sore point with a lot of them, I am told. The Ottomans could
have had a nasty defeat, and were coming to the end of their apogee, but
they'd probably hold the Balkans for a few centuries in any event. " -
reader's commentThe Christian Crowns of Europe recognized the
danger that the Ottomans held. The Holy Roman Empire had long stood as a
central ground of balance between them in their wars; now it was a border
with an ever-growing enemy. Problems of protestantism and reformation had
popped up through the likes of John Hus and Martin Luther, but minor
religious differences could be set aside for a time while they suddenly
faced a real possibility of Muslim invasion. Still, it would be almost
another decade before the fear and wrath gained direction through an
" concur with Oppen. Indeed there were probably a
fair number of Protestants that would defect in the long terms (consider
the fate of Calvinists and Unitarians in Transylvania as opposed to those
if Hasburg lands)." - reader's commentIn 1537, Ottoman admiral
Hayreddin Barbarossa took the Venetian island stronghold at Corfu near
Greece, proving that the Ottomans would push forward as their forces
allowed. Appealing to Pope Paul III, a Holy League was created,
establishing a navy of over 300 ships and, more importantly, a massive
army to march from the Holy Roman Empire and down the Danube.
Contributions came from the Republic of Venice, the Papal States, Naples,
Sicily, Spain, all through the Germanies and Bavaria, Poland-Lithuania,
and knights from the old orders of Malta and Teuton. The army marched,
liberating Vienna, and Suleiman met it in battle at Buda.
"This could have been a MAJOR game-changer as far
as Balkan geopolitics was concerned... " - reader's commentsIn one
of the most decisive battles of western history, the Ottomans were
defeated. Through the 1540s and '50s, the new crusade would push through
the Balkans, causing revolution among the Greeks and effectively pushing
the Ottomans out of Europe by Suleiman's death in 1566. The lands would be
divided among the participating crowns, creating a political union the
Balkans that would prove even more disorganized than the Holy Roman
This expansion caused a surge of wealth into the Catholic states,
combining with a flow of gold from the New World by Spain and Portugal's
trade. Much of this fortune would be spent crushing the Protestant
uprisings and checking the growth of Sweden as a power. Wars would then
divide the nations, especially during the reign of Louis XIV of France. As
the countries reorganized themselves, either putting down or supporting
revolutions, Europe would eventually transform into a series of
nation-states with nearly the whole continent tied together under the
common mantle of Catholicism.
says in reality 1529 was a particularly rainy year. Suleiman would be
forced to abandon his cannon and lose many men and camels to disease and
exposure. Without the use of artillery, Vienna was unshakable, and more
rains finally caused withdrawal on October 14, stemming the expansion of the
Ottoman Empire into Europe for another century. A Holy League was organized
in 1538 to attack Barbarossa, but the Christian fleet was soundly defeated.
After the Battle of Vienna in 1683, the Europeans would recognize the threat
of the Ottomans and create a Holy League to push them back into the Balkans,
where the Ottoman Empire would rule until its decline in the nineteenth
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Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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