Smallpox Introduced to the New
World by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1002 A.D.,
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was introduced to the New World. The discovery of the New World by
Europeans came as something of an accident in 985. Viking Bjarni
Herjolfsson was sailing to Greenland to visit his father after wintering
in Iceland when bad weather caught his ship, blowing it far off course to
a land covered in trees.
It seemed good for settlement, but Bjarni and his crew decided to leave
the discovery for their intended goal of Greenland.
Leif Eriksson, son of the famous Erik the Red who had helped found
Greenland, became fascinated with the rumors of rich lands to the west. He
put together an expedition, buying Bjarni's boat (after all, it had been
lucky enough to find the land the first time, so perhaps it was favored)
and crewing it with 35 men. According to the Grœnlendinga saga, Leif asked
his father to head the expedition, but the elder man refused, saying signs
had shown that he was too old for such adventures. Leif would lead
himself. At the last moment, he decided to bolster his crew with two more
Vikings, one of whom had recently arrived from Spain.
The expedition sailed for days, finally coming upon a land covered in flat
rocks, perhaps today's Baffin Island. They proceeded further south to the
wooded Markland (Labrador) and at last arrived at the warm and fruitful
Vinland (Newfoundland). The Vikings settled there among wild grapes and
streams full of salmon, staying the winter. While there, it became obvious
that the Viking from Spain had contracted the new and strange plague that
was there, causing horrid blisters over the skin and high fevers. They
cast him out of their settlement, making him seek help from the native
Skraeling. From the sagas, it is believed the natives killed the man, but
they became infected with what would later be called "smallpox" as it
infected Europe.
"Weren't there other diseases from the Old World
that did just about asmuch damage?" - reader's commentsLeif's
expedition would return to Greenland with a wealthy cargo, even collecting
a shipwrecked Viking and adding his wares to theirs. Earning the nickname
"Leif the Lucky", he would not return to Vinland, citing the dangerous
peoples there. Other Vikings such as Thorvald, Karlsefni, and the
treacherous Freydis would mount expeditions to Vinland, but no permanent
settlement would ever take root. Meanwhile, the smallpox plague would
sweep through the New World, wiping out some ninety percent of the
Nearly 500 years later, an Italian sailing for Spain would re-discover the
lands west of the Ocean. Christopher Columbus would begin establishing
trading posts and exploring. While the natives were at a severe
disadvantage facing Conquistador firearms and steel, the sheer numbers of
the population kept Spanish influence in check. The disastrous expedition
of Cortes against the Aztec Empire would prove this, causing the deaths of
hundreds of Spaniards and a military crackdown that would keep the Aztecs
in power and limit relations with the Spanish to suspicious trade.
"the vikings only stayed in america for a few
years... and never really made any contact with the native americans
there.. and the native american population was very very small back than
Yes so the smallpox wouldnt have spread and died off in winter as the
vikings leave" - reader's commentsThe Spanish gradually gained a
sphere of influence over Middle and South America, but they could not
establish the empire they hoped. Trade made them wealthy, but hardly more
so than the Portuguese and their trade route around Africa as well as
their trading posts in Brazil. In North America, the French would come out
best, working well with the locals and harvesting furs for rich trade. The
English made repeated attempts at settlement but were wiped out at
Roanoke, Jamestown, and Charleston. Religious Separatists would found a
plantation in Plymouth, which existed only at the mercy of the local
Eventually European technology would prove overwhelming, and the Americas
would be carved up among the powers as they would do with Africa and
Southeast Asia. Rule would be colonial rather than hardy frontiersmen in
an empty land with tribes establishing treaties and forming military
alliances while European maps gradually filled in gaps.
After the World Wars, industrialized Europe would grow tired of
imperialism. Those colonies that could be kept were organized into
commonwealths while the others were set into somewhat spontaneous
political independence. Much of Aztec land would stand stolid, if
backward, while the Incan princes maintained political domination over
much of South America. In North America, tribes such as the Nez Perce,
Cherokee, and Iroquois Confederation would form functional and profitable
nations, other tribes in the Great Plains and Southwest found themselves
plagued by warlords. Genocide in the Americas is a common issue brought
before international committees on Third World charity.
says in reality small pox had not yet spread to the Vikings and would
not have a conduit into the New World until the coming of the Spanish. The
native population faced terrible plague that wiped out numerous tribes. This
power vacuum allowed European powers to exert further control to establish
cultural-revolutionizing empires and simply take up the now-empty land with
wave upon wave of settlers.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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