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I watched the first series of 'Blackadder' (1983) on DVD. It was a
very successful comedy series set in the late 15th century but with a
counter-factual basis. In our world, Edward IV (ruled 1461-70;
1471-83) was succeeded by his son Edward V (ruled 1483; aged 12 on
accession to the throne; killed that year), with Richard, Duke of
Gloucester, his uncle, as Lord Protector, i.e. Regent. Instead in 'Blackadder' it
is Edward V's brother, Richard (lived 1473-83 in our world), who is in
line to the throne, with his uncle Richard ruling as King Richard
III. Contrary to our history, the young Richard is still alive in 1485
and looks about 30 years older than the 12 years old he would have been
that year. This younger Richard, the heir apparent, has had two sons,
Henry and Edmund who are both fully grown men. Edmund is the Duke of
Edinburgh, which is ahistorical given that England did not rule Scotland
at the time. Perhaps this is based on another counter-factual, as,
in 1475, Edward IV tried to replace King James III of Scotland with the
Duke of Albany. Maybe the coup succeeded meaning that 10 years later
Scotland is an English protectorate. Prince Edmund is the one who
becomes the eponymous 'Black Adder'.
In the series, Richard III is killed by Edmund at the Battle of Bosworth
Field which Henry Tudor loses, though he is inadvertently given refuge by
Edmund. Consequently Richard IV rules in his own right, only to be killed
in 1493 as part of a failed coup by Edmund. The poisoning of the
bulk of the Yorkist royal family and the murder of Edmund leads Henry
Tudor finally to come to the throne. Henry re-writes history to make
it appear that he won the Battle of Bosworth Field. In our world
Henry VII ruled 1485-1509.
This would have been a fun counter-factual if only they had not got
Richard IV's age so wrong. There is discussion whether Richard and
his brother Edward were murdered by Richard III. In British royalty,
as discussed on this blog before, the children of a monarch always inherit
the throne before the siblings of the monarch. Consequently Richard
III would have to have removed them before they had children themselves so
he could become king. In our world, he did this by saying that their
father's marriage was bigamous and that his father's first wife,
supposedly Lady Eleanor Butler, was still alive. This made Edward
(V) and Richard (IV) illegitimate and so unable to come to the throne.
These boys, termed the Princes in the Tower (of London), were not seen
after the Summer of 1483 and it is likely they were murdered.
Richard III, fascinatingly, is still popular in Yorkshire and parts of the
East Midlands and it certainly seems he was a more just ruler than he is
portrayed in William Shakespeare's play 'The Tragedy of Richard the Third'
(1591) written during the reign of Henry VII's grand-daughter, Elizabeth
I. Richard III was the last in the series of rulers in the long
enduring Wars of the Roses. The origins of the conflict date back to
1399 when, in a coup, Henry of Bolingbroke overthrew his cousin Richard II
and made himself Henry IV. Henry was heir to large estates in
Lancashire, so his faction became known as the Lancastrians.
Henry IV and his son Henry V were able to maintain the Lancastrian dynasty
on the throne, but war broke out in 1455 when the mentally troubled Henry
VI had come to the throne at the age of only nine months old. He
ruled England 1422-61 and 1470-71, and France 1422-53. However,
given his quiet nature and periods of mental illness, regents tended to do
the ruling, the most important of these was Richard 3rd Duke of York who
became regent in 1454 after having raised an army against the king.
Richard of York had been heir presumptive from 1447 but was ousted from
that position by Henry VI's son, Edward of Westminster when he was born in
1453 (he died at the Battle of Tewksbury in 1471 and never came to the
throne). Failures in France, the schemings of the Duke of Somerset
and Earl of Suffolk, and Richard's popularity with the public, made him
the focus of opposition to Henry VI's erratic rule. After 1461, when the
Lancastrian army had been destroyed at the Battle of Towton, the
Lancastrians lacked the strength to take the throne.
Following the victory at Towton, Richard's son, Edward of York, imprisoned
Henry VI in 1461 and came to the thone in a coup as Edward IV. He
was the first Yorkist king. Following his capture in 1469, Edward
IV was displaced by Henry VI, but, in 1471, following the Battle of
Tewksbury, Edward was able to get the throne back and ruled until his
death in 1483. Henry VI died in prison in 1471. With Henry VI and
his son dead, the Lancastrians had few candidates left. In 1483,
Edward's brother, Richard became first Lord Protector over Edward IV's
sons then King Richard III. Richard was defeated and killed at the
Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 by Henry Tudor, 2nd Duke of Richmond.
The whole period of the Wars of the Roses is pretty sordid and certainly
seems characteristic of the term Machiavellian with two kings swapping
twice in a decade. Notable is the role of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of
Warwick, known as The Kingmaker because he helped install and then replace
Edward IV and Henry VI. Aside from Edward and Richard who Richard
III replaced, Edward IV had five other surviving children by his wife and
possibly six by other women. These other five were effectively
illegitimate following Richard III's declaration of Edward IV's bigamy in
1483; the only other son, George had died in 1477. Edward's eldest
daughter, Elizabeth, married Henry VII to further legitimise Henry's
Seeing the first 'Blackadder' series, despite its blunders, made me think
it was time for me to turn to a counter-factual around Richard III.
It is probably right that he was ambitious and Machiavellian, but then
again, the man who replaced him, Henry VII and certainly his son Henry
VIII, can be characterised in the same way. Richard III, with 8000
men, met Henry Tutor with 5000 at Bosworth Field. Richard's position
was sapped when Baron Thomas Stanley (later 1st Earl of Derby) and his
brother Sir William Stanley, defected with their forces during the battle
and Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland did not engage his troops on
Richard's behalf when ordered to do so. Thomas was married to Henry
Tudor's mother, so it might have been expected that he would have backed
his step-son. William Stanley had been won over to the Lancastrian
side while in exile. Henry Percy also came from a Lancastrian family
and can be expected to have been ambivalent to the Yorkist cause.
Richard III was very active in the battle supposedly seeking out Henry
Tudor to kill him personally. This approach no doubt contributed to
Richard's death on the battlefield. As with Edward of Westminster,
it seems remarkable that members of the royal family became so involved in
the fighting, though, as discussed on this blog, that tradition was common
in England going back to King Harold II's death and that of his brothers
at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Richard's key problem was
Northumberland's unwillingness to commit the third of Richard's army he
had been assigned. Thus, with the defections and Northumberland's
ambivalence, Richard was out-numbered.
Despite the seeming defeat of the Lancastrian cause in 1471 the loyalties
ran deep. Of course, both the Lancastrians and the Yorkists had only
been able to provide kings because of Henry of Bolingbroke's original
coup. The war makes England look like a 'banana republic' with such
overthrows and counter-overthrows of the ruler. Richard III
eliminated members of his sister-in-law's family, the Woodvilles,
believing they would overthrow him. I imagine that they would have
felt a right to do so following the removal of the two princes who should
have been in line to the throne.
Let us imagine that Richard III was able to win the Battle of Bosworth
Field. His main difficulty was the lack of capable generals who were
not at heart Lancastrian sympathisers. The disappearance of the
Princes in the Tower did not help win support. However, perhaps
Richard may have been able to find capable, less notable, generals in the
heartlands of his support. Certainly if John Howard, Duke of Norfolk
had not been killed, one could imagine the battle going better for
Richard. Perhaps if his son, John Howard Earl of Surrey, had been
given Northumberland's force, Richard could have fought more successfully.
Richard did almost reach Henry, along with 800 picked troops and
killed Henry's standard bearer, before being cut off by Stanley troops.
Unlike Richard, Henry was not an experienced general and having lived in
Wales and Brittany was unfamiliar with the English Midlands. As
Richard was dependent on Norfolk, Henry was on John De Vere, 13th Earl of
Oxford and if he had died in Norfolk's place then the battle could easily
have turned against the Tudor forces. Oxford kept his force compact
rather than separated into three as was typical at the time and as Richard
had done. Richard held the higher ground and had cannon.
It might have been better for Richard to have withdrawn after Norfolk's
death and his force's inability to drive off the Tudor troops under the
Earl of Oxford had become evident. Like all invaders of England trying to
overthrow the king, Henry Tudor was dependent on a victory to maintain a
strong force. Richard, trading space for time, could have seen
Henry's forces denude as happened with Prince Charles's invasion in 1745.
Perhaps Richard could have been lucky and slain Henry himself. It
seems unlikely that this would have ended attempts by the Lancastrians to
remove Richard, but certainly would have removed their last prime
candidate. No doubt, if Richard had won would have purged the
Stanleys and marginalised Northumberland.
Richard seemed happy to use hostages to win loyalty. Notably he
ordered the execution of George Stanley, 9th Baron Strange, Thomas
Stanley's son, during the battle and he had tried to compel another of
Henry's allies, Rhys ap Thomas to turn over his son, Gruffydd as a hostage
in return for being made Lord Lieutenant of West Wales. This kind of
approach was used by regimes such as the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan
(1603-1868) but suggests that Richard lacked a way to inspire inherent
loyalty in the English nobles. Perhaps this reflected the turbulence
of the preceding thirty years with all nobles apparently willing to shift
sides to the benefit not only their faction but simply their own family.
Even before Henry Tudor landed in Wales bent on overthrowing Richard III,
there had been an uprising in 1483 by Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of
Buckingham, who seemed to be trying to restore Edward V, but, quite
possibly, saw a chance to put himself on the throne; Some feel he had more
motive than Richard III to kill the Princes in the Tower to strengthen his
own claim. What seems certain is that, in a way that Henry VII was
able to do, Richard III was unable to win over a sufficiently large
proportion of the English nobility to his cause. Saying this, Henry
VII faced rebellions too, in 1486, 1487 and 1495-7. He had all
nobles who had backed Richard at Bosworth Field declared traitors.
Conversely, we know that in areas he controlled as Governor of the
North Richard was seen as fair in his rule. His brother Edward IV
later made him Constable of England, Chief Justice of North Wales; Chief
Steward & Chamberlain of South Wales; Great Chamberlain and Lord High
Admiral. Of course, these were sinecures, but suggest at least some
competence on Richard's part for administration. Henry brought
stability but it seems by the end of his 23-year reign greed and
corruption had become rife. Henry seems to have been more successful
at manipulating the nobility and using financial methods to keep them
divided than Richard's rather blunt threats.
Henry VII was 28 in 1485 and Richard, despite portrayals we see of him,
was only 32 that year. Henry lived until he was 52; dying in 1509.
Thus, assuming that Richard had lived as long he would have continued to
reign until 1505. The last remaining Plantagenet who could have
succeeded to the throne was Edward, 17th Earl of Warwick, Richard's nephew
and son of his elder brother, George, 1st Duke of Clarence (1449-78).
The Platagenets had ruled England since 1154. This Edward was
executed by Henry VII in 1499. However, though he was de jure the
Plantagenet heir to the throne, he had not been named Richard III's
successor; this maybe because he had learning difficulties.
Richard's subsequent named successor, assuming he had no children, (though
he had had none by the time he died, he was far from being past the age of
conceiving them), was his nephew John De La Pole, 1st Earl of
Lincoln. John was killed in 1487 at the Battle of Stoke, trying to
overthrow Henry VII. His brother, Edmund, 3rd Duke of Suffolk (born
1471), took up the cause and was executed by Henry VIII in 1513. His
brother, Richard, then stepped in, until dying fighting in the Duchy of
Milan in 1525. Even if Richard had no heirs, then in 1509, at the
age of 47-45 (his year of birth is uncertain; 1462-4), King John II would
have continued the Yorkist dynasty; perhaps it would have been his son,
Edward, as Edward VI or maybe one of his brothers, Edmund as Edmund III
or the even younger brother as Richard IV; we do not know when he was
born, but probably was in his late thirties or early 40s in 1509.
In many ways, Richard III and Henry VII seem pretty similar. Henry,
perhaps had more sophistication in how he managed his nobles, but given
the skills we know Richard had in governance, with a period of peace,
perhaps he would have come to something similar. Would Richard
remaining in power late into the 15th century or into the 16th century
have made much difference? In the past 1485 was seen in England as
the date when the country left the Mediaeval period and entered the Early
Modern era. However, a lot of this is really hindsight projecting
the Renaissance appearance of Henry VIII and, especially, Elizabeth I back
on to Henry VII's period. Henry's change was to bring a greater
degree of stability and the fact that rather than a civil war which had
been raging intermittently for thirty years, it was now just a question of
rebellions. No-one really challenged Henry VIII's accession to the
Could Richard III have also marked a similar transitional reign to the
Renaissance which came late to England as it was? Like many of the
Yorkists and Lancastrians and like Henry VII himself, Richard had spent
time outside England, in his case staying for periods in Burgundy which
was a state on its way to disappearing. However, this suggests,
that, as with the Tudors, Richard would not have been incapable of
connecting with continental Europe, though his power base would always
have been Yorkshire. Given Richard's clear willingness to take an
active part in combat, perhaps he would have acted like Henry V and led
campaigns in France to regain lost English territory from the French.
It certainly seems that given the support Henry Tudor received in Wales,
Richard may have led punitive campaigns in that country. Perhaps
Richard's court in later years would have resembled what we think of the
city-states of Italy at the time, with ongoing dynastic intrigue.
I suppose we have to think that, instead of the rather particular traits
of the Tudors, we would have continued with more Plantagenets. In
some ways I can see Richard III as being as self-focused as Henry VIII.
We know that the key change that occurred in Henry VIII's time, i.e. the
breaking of England from Catholicism, quite easily might not have
happened, even with Henry let alone Richard III's successors on the
throne. If Catherine of Aragon had had sons or if the Pope had
granted an anullment to Henry VIII then England quite likely would have
remained Catholic, perhaps until a brief experimental period under Edward
VI, if Catherine's sons had not ruled in his stead and most likely he
never would have been born. Richard III certainly would not have
needed a divorce, it seems. He was content to name a male successor
rather than insist on conceiving one in the way Henry VIII seems to have
been obsessed with. The de la Poles who would have followed Richard
III seem to have had no difficulty in creating successors as the three
brothers mentioned above suggest.
We know that Richard III raised churches he had known to be collegiate
churches or minsters, i.e. communities of priests rather than monks, with
the kind of approach of a cathedral without the diocesan powers; he had
plans for one with over 100 priests at York. Richard and his wife
Anne gave money to establish colleges at Cambridge University.
Perhaps this suggests a robust approach to clerical establishments, more
worldly than monasteries, but it would be too much of a stretch to see
Richard on this basis favouring Reformation approaches. However, it
seems the church and education would have been favoured under a longer
reign from Richard III.
One key difference would probably be the status of York. In our
world it is a pleasant historic town and seat of the Archbishop of York,
responsible for the dioceses of northern England, second only to the
Archbishop of Canterbury in the Church of England. York's importance
was overshadowed by the 19th century with the rise of the industrial
Yorkshire cities of Sheffield and Leeds and the port of Hull just to the
East of York. It did not get a university until 1963. With
Richard III's continued patronage it may have become a kind of second
capital for England and gained an 'ancient' university in the 1490s or
1500s alongside the growing universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It
is likely to have grown larger, but perhaps would have remained an
administrative centre rather than becoming industrial due to its lack of
appropriate rivers. It was always the most loyal area for Richard
III and perhaps would have been important for the Pole dynasty that would
have followed him, especially given John was Earl of Lincoln, just to the
South of Yorkshire. This would have created a second focus in
England and one that might have been more appropriate as a capital in the
long run.
Of course, we cannot be certain how the Pole dynasty would have fared
through the 16th century. However, there were sufficient male heirs
to keep them going without the difficulties Henry VIII faced. It is
likely we would not have had the long Elizabethan-style 45-year reign but
more typical 20-30 year reigns. They would have overseen England
entering the early modern period. It is unlikely that they would
have stunted the mercantile and exploratory missions of English sailors.
They key difference seems to be that England would have remained a
Catholic country. Henry VIII had particular issues that it seems
unlikely other rulers would have faced in the place of the Tudors.
In addition, if King John II had come to the throne and managed to hold
on, then the approach of adopted heirs may have become more established in
England making the succession less of a challenge.
Given Richard III's emphasis on the secular clergy rather than
monasticism, perhaps England would have embraced the Catholic Reformation
rather than the Reformation per se, so denying Protestant states a
key ally and probably exacerbating the Anglo-Dutch conflicts of the era.
It seems unlikely that Richard or his successors would have abolished
monasteries the way Henry VIII did. People argue that without
Protestantism England would have lacked the mindset to have become the
first industrialised nation, but given its raw materials and its
inventiveness and that it was the Catholic states of Spain and Portugal
who began the world exploration race, it seems unlikely that England would
have diverged too greatly from the economic/industrial development we have
It seems likely given that the Poles seemed to have no difficulty in
producing male heirs that Scotland would have remained an independent
state, unless, say, John II or his son Edward VI (rather than the Tudor
Edward VI) had intervened in Scotland as Edward IV had done.
However, the combining of the thrones as happened in 1603 when Elizabeth I
died without a heir, is unlikely to have happened. England would not
have faced the Spanish Armada but it is likely that it would have become
involved in the ongoing conflicts between France and Spain, it was during
one of these around Spanish-controlled northern Italy that Richard de la
Pole was killed. We would have probably seen shifting loyalties as
both France and Spain would have tried to woo over the third great
Catholic power in western Europe, England, to tip the balance in their
favour. Another interesting difference would have been England's
intervention in Ireland. As a conquering power it would have still
faced opposition, but this would not be on a religious grounds. With
Scotland a separate state then Protestant settlers from Scotland would not
have come to Ulster; perhaps instead they would have settled somewhere in
North America instead and we would still have Nova Scotia.
To a great degree I do not see a vast difference between Richard III and
Henry VII ruling after 1485. Richard's rule may have been a little
more authoritarian but it is likely to have been about as fair for the
average English person as Henry's was. The greater changes would
have come under Richard's successors. Though they would have had
affairs and illegitimate children as much as their predecessors, it is
unlikely any would have approached the behaviour of Henry VIII or in fact
Mary I or Elizabeth I. The Tudors were an exceptional family but
that was not always for the good of England. A duller, more steady
Pole dynasty would have ruled a Catholic England separate from Scotland
even in the 17th century. The key beneficiary from this would
probably have been the city of York, perhaps capital of England, certainly
home to an ancient university and more religious buildings even than its
great minster.