"King William III Dismisses Idea
of a 'Bank of England'" by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present the fourth story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
July 27th 1694,
on this day the new King of England William III (pictured) dismissed the
idea of a "Bank of England".
William, Prince of Orange and the new King of England after the Glorious
Revolution ousted James II, ran a government in desperate need of money.
Elections in 1690 had weakened his Whig supporters, and the Tories were
happy with his domestic policies but not his continuation in the Nine
Years' War with France. With his preference for the minority Whig Junto,
William was able to direct the country, but it was difficult to enact
taxes from a resistant Parliament.
In order to get around the ancient laws of Parliament controlling English
taxation, William and his Whigs turned to an idea that made his native
Netherlands famous and powerful: banking. Plans were put forth to enact a
Royal Charter for a Bank of England, much to suspicion of Parliament.
William had been very generous to the people, who had been very generous
to him with their invitation for his invasion to rout James II,
encouraging legislation such as the Bill of Rights and the Act of
"One small item to remember of William of Orange he
was a Dutchman first, second he could not speak English, third he was not
a true King in the sense that he was know as the "Usurper" and was
primarily a puppet to the then Government because of the religious
indifference at that time and so he really did not understand the British
monetary system and was dependent on the "advise" of the noblemen thus it
is a mystery how the Bank survived for as long as it has" - reader's
commentHowever, the Tories spoke out against his idea of a bank,
seeing it as a potential downfall of the balance between Parliament and
King. If the King could borrow money from another source, the powers of
Parliament would slip. After much politicking and even threat of turning
back to the Jacobites who still clamored for William's blood, it finally
fell to a body of Tories to stop the bank by agreeing to raise funds for
the war with France. Thus, on July 27, William publicly dismissed the
potential charter.
Maintaining the tradition of government mints and treasuries, England and
its allies would be victorious against France by 1697. After the war, the
Dutch continued their place as the bankers of Europe, guaranteeing
economic and military strength for the small country. After decades of
marginal peace, Europe would again be torn asunder in the Seven Years' War
(1756-1763). While Britain would be the greatest winner of the war, the
Dutch would secure their economic mastery of the world for a century until
manufacturing outpaced banking in capitalism.
As fallout from the Seven Years' War, the American colonists rebelled
against England due to rising taxes and lack of self-government. Already
in dire economic straits due to empty coffers from the Seven Years' War,
King George III had very little money for mercenaries and so dispatched
only what he could of his armies. The war ground on until 1781 when
English soldiers began to desert en mass from lack of pay. In 1782, the
Dutch granted the fledgling United States with a loan of five million
guilders, enough to solve many of the Americans' financial problems.
Britain, however, was bankrupt.
Heavy taxation to solve the problem resulted in a much angered populace,
and, in 1787, revolution would break out. Dethroning the king, Parliament
would become the highest law of the land, though many new additions to the
Bill of Rights would keep the country from the darker days of Cromwell's
reign. The new republican government would soon restore relations with the
United States and quickly recognize the French Republic when it came along
in 1792 after beginning its own revolution in '89. Alliances among these
republics as well as the wealthy Dutch would build up until France fell
back under dictatorial rule with Napoleon's crowning of himself.
"The next government would have accepted it usually
ideas have a life of there own and find people to implement them" -
reader's commentFaced with new military requirements, the British
Republic would bring up the idea of a national bank it had left behind
over a century before. The Bank of Britain secured financing for the
lengthy Napoleonic Wars and served to aid the exiled Dutch bankers when
their lands fell. When Napoleon was finally defeated, the republics found
themselves again at odds with the rest of Europe. Britain wished France a
return to its republic while the rest of Europe established Louis XVII.
Instead of igniting another war over Europe, Britain turned to expand its
republican ideals into the rest of its empire. The wealthy Netherlands,
too, continued its empire by maintaining the Belgians despite a rebellion
in 1830 and expanding into Africa and the Pacific. Economies worldwide
would spread like wildfire, but the growing sense of nationalism would
also spread.
In the eruption of the World War, much of the world leaders' forces would
be stuck in trenches in Europe, but a competition began provoking colonial
rebellion as Germany successfully organized revolt in Ireland. Soon
empires based on hollow republican ideals would fall as natives rose up
with their own notions of self-rule. India, the Congo, Egypt, Arabia,
Syria, Tanzania and many other countries would spring up independent over
the coming years. Even after the war was over, De-Colonization would
continue through the 1920s and '30s, creating over two hundred countries
over the globe. The resulting economic downturn would cause a Great
Depression like the world had never seen, giving way to a rise of strong
Fascist governments ruling these new countries. Not only would former
colonies would gain fascist governments, but also European nations like
the Nazis of Germany, the Blackshirts of Italy, and the British Union.
As with all strong governments, they would eventually clash. The German
invasion of France in 1941 would give way to a series of campaigns that
would carve up the world into factions battling one another over four
continents. In the end in 1962, the United States would assume supremacy
with its Hydrogen Bomb, and a new world empire would begin under the
popular Grand Marshall Kennedy, sadly murdered a year later, but succeeded
by LBJ, who would rule the world for the next decade.
says in reality, William III granted a charter to the Bank of England,
which would grant him a loan of 1.2 million pounds. The next year, he would
dissolve Parliament (which would realize many of the fears of the Tories),
and the new elections would restore the Whigs to power. He would win his
war, and the Bank of England would cause much of the world's economy to
shift to London, part of the groundwork of the British Empire for centuries
to come.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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