Leeuwenhoek Blinded by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in
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October 24th 1638,
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this day the "father of microbiology" Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was blinded
by a terrible childhood fever that struck just before his sixth birthday.
When Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft in the Netherlands, the
baby seemed well enough: he cried, he reacted to his mother, he ate and
grew. As little Antonie grew, his family came upon troubled times. Two of
his sisters and his father died, and Antonie suffered a terrible fever
that would blind him by his sixth birthday. The boy recovered, but he now
faced a terrible handicap.
In 1640, Leeuwenhoek's mother remarried, and he was sent to a monastery in
Germany that cared for the blind. While unable to read, Leeuwenhoek would
be taught songs and oral passages from the Bible by the monks. He was
considered the brightest of the children in the care of the monks, and
they came to give him special privileges. Sometime when Leeuwenhoek was
about sixteen, he was with a scribe who told him about the illuminations
in the book he read to Leeuwenhoek and offered him to touch the gilt and
thick medieval paints. Leeuwenhoek's later letters described the sensation
of feeling images as almost as if he could see again with his mind's eye.
When he became sixteen, the monks encouraged Leeuwenhoek to pursue a trade
beyond simple manual labor. He considered several options before becoming
a draper, being able to measure by a grooved ruler he carved himself,
having the monks check its accuracies for him. When his skills were
approved, he moved home to Delft and secured an apprenticeship with a
cloth merchant. While he worked, he considered his system of grooves and
the illuminations, and, by 1653, he developed a method of "writing by
Leeuwenhoek worked in business until he had built enough capital to set
himself up as a teacher. He did not know Latin, and he had never attended
university, but his drive to develop a written alphabet for the blind
pushed him. Over the course of months and perfected over years, he built a
set of mirrored letters. His method of writing was to etch each backward
to be used as a mold. He experimented with systems of carving wood and
pouring wax, but the wax was prone to melt under the warmth and pressure
of fingers. Lead proved too soft, and tin plates warped. Finally he
settled upon glass, and the glass books he produced became the first
written code for the blind.
Leeuwenhoek's school attracted the attention of parents of blind children
among the growing middle class of the early Enlightenment, and he soon
found himself with no shortage of students. His methods spread across
Europe and were translated to match the alphabets of French, English, and
German. Only two of his original glass books are known to survive due to
breakage and the glass being worn down by generations of fingertips. In
place of glass, Leeuwenhoek experimented later with typesetting machines
into plates of alloys, adding mechanical engineering and metallurgy to his
life's impressive list of feats.
His contributions to science are held among the greatest of the
Enlightened Age. Along with the creation of calculus, natural law, and
principles of physics. It would not be until the Industrial Revolution
that discoveries in biology and anatomy would catch up with the science of
microbiology founded in part by Charles Darwin, whose theory of the sexual
reproduction of microorganisms would cause scandal among the Victorian
world, though later contribute to Sir Alexander Fleming's germ theory.
says in reality Leeuwenhoek was sighted. He became the apprentice of a
cloth merchant and eventually set himself up as a draper, where he saw a
magnifying glass with a 3x power. Inspired, Leeuwenhoek would develop more
and more powerful microscopes over his lifetime, building over 250 of them
and grinding 500 lenses. Considered an amateur by the scientific elite, his
discoveries with microscopes capable of 275-500x magnification included:
bacteria (called "animacules"), protists, spermatozoa, and great expansions
on the work of Robert Hooke.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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