Shimabara Rebellion Sparks
Opening of Nippon
by Jeff Provine
says: what if the Shimabara Rebellion sparked the opening of Nippon?
muses Jeff Provine's on his excellent blog
This Day in
Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On December 17th 1637,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.on this day the Shimabara Rebellion
sparked the opening of Nippon.
In the 1630s, a climate of heavy taxation and famine would ignite a
rebellion that would change the island nation of Nippon forever. In the
Shimabara Domain under Matsukura Katsuie (as well as the Karatsu Domain
under Terasawa Katataka), peasants were driven into bitter poverty by
construction projects by the Matsukura clan attempting to climb the
hierarchy of the lords by building up his defenses and preparing for an
invasion. Many peasants were Christian, as the previous lord family Arima
had been. When the Arima had left, the peasants had stayed, and now the
Matsukura enacted persecution to keep the believers of foreign things
under its thumb. Rebellion broke out in 1637 with the assassination of a
local tax collector, Hayashi Hyozaemon. Amakusa Shiro, a charismatic
teenager, led them, claiming to be the "Fourth Son of Heaven" prophesied
to be the one to begin the Christianization of Nippon. Masterless samurai,
many of whom had been involved in the plotting that autumn, joined the
peasants, and their ranks swelled by impressing the conquered neighbors
into joining their cause. While besieging neighboring castles, armies from
nearby Kyushu arrived, and the rebels made a series of advances and
retreats, eventually taking refuge in Hara Castle.
"Makes you wonder what would have happened to Pearl
Harbor in this TL... " - reader's commentsThough outnumbering the
defenders four-to-one, the shogunate forces were only able to take up a
siege of the castle. After several potential strategies, the commanders
called for aid from the Dutch, white-faced demons that arrived from far in
the west on wooden ships not long after the Portuguese. The Dutch gave the
army gunpowder and cannon as well as advisers on how to use them most
effectively. Having gone through generations of warfare with Spain during
what would become known as the Eighty Years' War, the Dutch had learned
many of the subtleties of artillery. The tradeship de Ryp took up a
position along with the battery-mounted cannons on land, and the barrage
of the castle began.
After some fifteen days, the rebels broke and called for truce.
Incendiaries and heavy shot had devastated the castle and ruined much of
their supplies. With the dead piling up, the peasants began to surrender
en masse. The castle ruins were burned, and more than 30,000 sympathizers
were executed. Amakusa Shiro had died in the barrage, and his battered
severed head was returned to Nagasaki.
The shogunate learned valuable lessons from the rebellion. Foremost, the
Shimabara peninsula had to be repopulated (even its lords, as Matsukura
Katsuie had committed suicide and Terasawa Katataka died childless), and
the reshuffling established a new and prosperous hierarchy rewarding those
who had worked for the good of Nippon. Another lesson was the dangers of
foreign religion, and Christianity was driven underground as the Kakure
Kirishitan. The third, and perhaps most important, lesson was the
effectiveness of Western technology and technique. Industrial spies were
shipped back to Europe, learning all they could of Western weaponry,
architecture, metallurgy, textiles, and, key to the future of Nippon,
"This would have been very interesting. However, at
the time, Japan was almost as advanced, militarily, as the West, and
didn't see the need for "opening." Later, the Closed Country became
set-in-stone policy." - reader's commentsInitially relying on the
Dutch, the Nipponese would later turn to the English and even cleverly pit
Western countries against one another to gain greater advantages in trade.
In the eighteenth century, the Nipponese would emulate the steam engine of
James Watt to great success. When Europe became embroiled in the affairs
of the French Revolution (ideals refused in Nippon as they found interest
only in technology, not social philosophy) and Napoleonic Wars, Nippon
seized the opportunity to colonize and create its own empire. Invading
Korea and using it as a launching ground for the conquest of Manchuria,
Nippon secured the coal and iron mines it needed to lead the world in
industrial power.
Over the course of the nineteenth century, Nippon would become the major
figure in the Pacific, conquering many of the unclaimed Polynesian islands
and using the Hawaiian Royals as a buffer to keep the expansive Americans
at bay. The Nipponese purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire after
beating out the United States in a bidding war served as the West's wakeup
call to the political clout of Nippon. Later defeating the Russians in
war, the West would realize Nippon's clout was more than mere wealth and
Europeans would clamor to bring Nippon into lasting treaties and even
their short-lived League of Nations, but the policy of avoiding Western
culture stood. Minor trades could be made for technology (they gained many
scientists from Fascism in exchange for resources), but there would be no
military pacts. Each time as the West has torn itself apart several times
over the centuries, the Nipponese have sat out, gaining a little more
wealth, industrial productivity, and power.
says in reality the Dutch guns did not work effectively. The defenders
of Hara Castle sent a mocking message, "Are there no longer courageous
soldiers in the realm to do combat with us, and weren't they ashamed to have
called in the assistance of foreigners against our small contingent?" At
Japanese request, the de Ryp was withdrawn, and, after the
rebellion was put down, Japan began the sakoku policy severely
limiting commerce and foreign relations. It would last more than two
centuries until the arrival of Commodore Perry in 1853. To view guest
historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
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differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
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