"Council of the Monongahela" by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present the sixteenth story from Jeff
Provine's excellent blog
This Day in
Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1755,
in the French American War (later to be known as the Seven Years' War in
Europe), a contingent of 2,100 British troops marched out under General
Edward Braddock against Fort Duquesne in what is now western Pennsylvania
Council of the Monongahela Braddock had been charged to drive the French
out of the chain of forts south of the Great Lakes, a goal presumably
easily accomplished with his numerically superior army, complete with two
regiments of British regulars.
Late on July 8, a delegation of Indians (Native Americans) had arrived at
Braddock's camp asking that they be given the chance at negotiating a
peaceful withdraw of the French. Looking to spare their lands, many of the
Indians had remained overall neutral, though most leaned toward the French
in loyalty. Colonel George Washington of the colonial militia and Chief of
Scouts Lieutenant John Fraser suggested that Braddock agree. Braddock had
had little luck procuring allies among the Indians (only eight Mingo
joined him as scouts). He decided to refuse the request.
A new story by Jeff ProvineOn the morning of
the ninth, after a night's reflection on seeing the ruins of Fort
Necessity the day before, Braddock reversed his decision. He sent
Washington and Fraser to meet with the Indians and coax alliances if
possible. That afternoon, near the Monongahela River, the Indians mediated
while the English and French discussed terms. Despite facing overwhelming
odds, French commander Lienard de Beaujeu, dressed in full military
regalia as well as warpaint, refused to depart. He attempted to cheer his
Indian allies into attack, but the Indians declined. The English suddenly
seemed much more reasonable to these neutral parties.
Without his Indian allies, Beaujeu returned to his fort and awaited the
attack while setting an ambush. The next day, not far from their meeting
on July 9, the Battle of the Monongahela occurred as 300 British
grenadiers in the advance guard met with the fully expected ambush. They
withdrew, successfully regrouped with the main force, and proceeded to
crush the ambush, killing Beaujeu. The fort fell quickly afterward,
despite second-in-command Dumas rousing French morale.
Braddock, now aided by more willing Indian allies, proceeded to rout the
French across Lake Erie. While the military aspect of the campaign would
prove negligible (the French would lose Canada in the 1763 Treaty of
Paris, just as well with astounding defeats in the remainder of the
colonial war), the great impact would be the Indians' diplomatic
connections with the British. With secure and clear channels to discuss
settlement across the Appalachians, there would be few incursions and
reprisal attacks, and those would be seen as criminal activities by both
sides. In fact, trade would prosper between the colonists and their native
The British were thus spared great expense at defense of the colonies by
relying on Indian allies. Such expense might have prompted Parliament to
raise taxes, adding stress to an already troubled relationship with the
colonists. When taxes were raised by the Tea Act to save the British East
India Company, the resulting Boston Rebellion would spark the successful
Taxation of Colonies Act of 1778 and give birth to the Continental
Congress to serve as a local Parliament raising taxes through
While there would be tensions as colonists continually crept westward,
most interactions with the Indians would be peaceful until Tecumseh's War
(1811-1813). As the attempt at Indian unification would fail with the
death of Tecumseh, the British would take the opponents as conquered
enemies, driving the Indians westward and eventually onto reservations all
over the enormous expanse of British North America.
says in reality, Braddock would keep his decision to march against the
French on July 9. The attack would be an initial success as British
grenadiers chased back French and Indians attempting to set an ambush at the
river. As the grenadiers fell back under fire, however, they would get
caught on the narrow forest road, mixing with the British regulars. In the
confusion, French and Indian snipers picked off British officers, including
Braddock, and the British would be routed in humiliating defeat.
With the Native Americans as secure allies, the resulting conflict would
become known as the French and Indian War to the American colonists.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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