Dragon's Teeth by Steve Payne and Eric
says: John Adams was the only one of the first six US Presidents to have
a male heir. What if his advocacy of a monarchical state revealed a dynastic
ambition? Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1796, largely due to the
destructive misbehaviour of John Adams the victor of the first contested
American presidential election was Alexander Hamilton (pictured).
Nominally at least, Adams was Hamilton's senior in the Federalist Party
however the Vice President had destroyed his revolutionary credentials by
persisting in his advocacy of an American monarchy. Just a month into
office, Adams had been labelled "his rotundity" in the Senate by arguing
that George Washington should be addressed with the monikers "His Majesty
the President" or "His High Mightiness" over the simple "President of the
United States" that eventually won the debate.
A fact that was lost on no one was that the childless Washington was
sterile, and the Vice President was almost alone amongst Founding Fathers
in having a male heir, John Quincy Adams.
Thomas Jefferson was uncharacteristically drawn into the debate due to the
indiscretion of a printer who repeated his harsh criticism of Adam's
"Davila Papers". Never one to miss out on an argument, Adams accused
Jefferson's anti-monarchism of being a Francophone in nature, stating that
his former friend was sowing "Dragon's Teeth" in the new republic.
Prior to the passage of the Twelve Amendment, the runner-up in the
presidential race was elected Vice President and consequently Hamilton was
saddled with Colonel Aaron Burr. But by irony of circumstance, this
unlikely partnership saved the young republic. Because Hamilton made the
stupendous error of raising and organizing an army to fight the French by
invading the colonies of her ally, Spain.
Hamilton congratulated himself that he had succeeded in pulling the
"Dragon's Teeth" by ensuring that America would not be drawn into the
French system of thinking. And yet it was not the end of the French
episode, because in 1803 Napoleon Bonaparte's brother-in-law General
Charles Leclerc landed in Louisiana with twenty-thousand crack troops.
Fortunately, Burr was a crackerjack soldier, who, as an emergency
Commander-in-Chief, crushed the French at New Orleans.
says original content has been repurposed from both
Wikipedia and Joseph J. Ellis, "Founding Fathers"..
Other Revolutionary Variants
Steve Payne and Eric Oppen
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