St John's Parish Secedesby John Braungart
says: what if the revolutionaries of St John's Parish had seceded from
the Loyalist Province of Georgia? muses John Braungart? Please note that the
opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the

July 8th 1776,
on this day St John's Parish
seceded from the Province of Georgia, formally joining the newly
incorporated State of South Carolina which had declared Independence from
Great Britain only four days before.
The Most Flourishing Colony on the ContinentChiefly
settled by New Englanders from Dorchester, Massachusetts, the Parish was
considered a centre of revolutionary ideas, sharing a common mind-set with
South Carolina which was busy setting up its own government, the first
colony to do so.
If South Carolina was pleased to embrace the Parish in its newly formed
government, then the Loyalists of Georgia were similiar pleased to be
separated. Georgia, which of course derives its name from King George II. of
Great Britain, was the last of the thirteen English colonies to be
established in America. Ironically, its formation was due to a desire of the
British government to protect South Carolina from invasion by the Spaniards
from Florida and by the French from Louisiana. Under the new regime the
colony was so prosperous that the current Royal Governor Sir James Wright
(pictured) declared Georgia to be "the most flourishing colony on the
Georgians had turned down the invitation to the Second Continental Congress.
And now the territorial realignment that resulted from South Carolina's
absorption of the Parish provided British forces with a safe staging ground
in the South from which to launch their attacks on the rebel Americans...
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
John Braungart, Guest Historian of
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