A Dishonest Confession by Steve Payne
says: what if the affair with Sally Cary Fairfax had been exposed by the
Custis family? Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1758, following the
discovery of his love letter to Sally Cary Fairfax, disgraced twenty-six
year-old Colonel George Washington fled Virginia with the angry family
members of his jilted fiancee Martha Dandridge Custis on his heels.
A notorious society climber who had been engaged for just four months to
the richest widow in Virginia, Washington had pursued a decidedly
inappopriate relationship with the wife of his close friend and neighbor
at Mount Vernon, George William Fairfax. And he had rather unwisely
confessed the crime in writing with the damning words "You have drawn me,
dear Madame, or rather have I drawn myself into an honest confession of a
simple fact". Unsurprisingly, the view of the Curtis family was that this
secret letter was anything but an honest confession.
A social outcaste, Washington found his way to England. Ironically, he
would later return to the Americas in the forces of King George III sent
to stamp down on another form of disloyalty known as the troubles in the
says the idea for this story originated from the source article Fleming,
Thomas. "George Washington in love: the vivacious Sally Fairfax stole the
young man's heart long before he met Martha" published in American Heritage
magazine, Fall 2009 Edition
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