Crime Passional
by Steve Payne
says: what if Nathaniel Greene had caught George Washington sleeping
with his wife Kitty? Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do
not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1779,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.on this day at Morristown the First
Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army George Washington was shot dead
by his most gifted and dependable subordinate, the American Revolutionary
War General Nathanael Greene.
Watch the Youtube Clip
Earlier in the evening, Greene had been sent on a wild goose chase, a
secret mission behind enemy lines in Philadelphia. It was so urgent,
General Washington had said, that he had to leave camp that night without
even saying goodbye to Kitty who was preparing to attend a party with her
However shortly after departing, his horse had grown lame, and Greene was
forced to abandon the mission and return to Morristown. Upon his
unexpected return, he immediately discovered that at the party, his wife
and the Commander had danced for three and a half-hours with each other
without stopping. Suspicious, he searched the camp, eventually discovering
that the pair had headed to the matresses in pursuit of their own secret
mission behind enemy lines.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
Facebook, Myspace and
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
