Milch Cow by Steve Payne
says: the misjudgement of appointing John Hancock as C-in-C sends the
patriot cause into a horrible downward spiral. Please note that the opinions
expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1775: on June 15th,
the British North American authorities decided to isolate "the troubles" to
Massachusetts upon hearing the news that the Second Continental Congress had
overlooked the Virginian George Washington and instead appointed John
Hancock of Braintree as the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army.
Due to his unsavoury role in the
Affair, the British authorities stigmatized Hancock as the "King of the
Colonial Smugglers". This was unfortunate because as the wealthiest man in
the Colony, he had been personally recommended by his early political mentor
Samuel Adams who saw that Hancock could bankroll the formation of the
Continental Army out of the militia units around Boston.
Warrants were now issued throughout the Royal Colony, stipulating that
should colonials lay down their arms, they would receive a royal pardon -
with the exception of the ring-leaders, Adams and his so-called "milch cow"
When this failed, the British proceeded with a variant of a plan devised by
Royal Governor Thomas Hutchinson which would turn Boston into a police
state. Incredibly, a series of letters which had advocated this supression
of colonial liberty had fallen into patriot hands. But against his better
judgement, Adams had unwisely agreed to the wishes of Benjamin Franklin that
Hutchinon's letters remain private...
says please note original content has been repurposed to celebrate the
author's genius © The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers by
Brion McClanahan (2009). To view guest historian's comments on this post
please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
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