Subversives Arrested while
Attacking Ships in Boston Harbor
by Jeff Provine
says: what if the Tea Party was stopped by the Boston Guard? muses Jeff
Provine's on his excellent blog
This Day in
Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On December 16th 1773,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.on this day subversives were arrested
while attacking ships in Boston Harbor.
Discontent had been broiling in the British American Colonies for several
years over various taxes that had been levied on the colonists to pay for
their military protection as well as a share of the debt from what they
called the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War). The Sugar Act had
been passed in 1764, and the Stamp Act, requiring a small fee for any
official publication, in 1765. The colonists objected to the right of
Parliament to lay taxes on unrepresented subjects and some, such as the
fraternity Sons of Liberty, began to rebel violently. Both were repealed,
and the rebellion settled until new, though low, taxes attempted to
establish the right of Parliament to tax colonies. Boston, a powerful
shipping town, was a center of trouble, and troops were quartered there,
leading to the misunderstanding of the Boston Massacre in 1770. Disgusted
at the violence, both sides quieted for a time.
"Given how ineptly the British gov't was handling the colonies, sooner or
later there'd have been trouble. " - reader's commentsIn 1773,
Parliament passed the Tea Act to aid the struggling East India Company, a
government bailout of the day. When news of the act spread, the rebels
kicked up again. Not only was this an infringement upon their perceived
rights as humans for representative government, but it also seemed to set
a precedent for government-backed monopolies. Among the rebels was Samuel
Adams (pictured), an elected official of the Massachusetts House who also
served as the ring-leader of the Sons of Liberty. Tea ships arrived in
Boston Harbor, and Adams and others voted a resolution to urge the captain
of the Dartmouth to leave Boston and return to England by December 16. As
more ships arrived, the rebels refused to allow them to be unloaded and
Governor Thomas Hutchinson refused to allow them to leave without paying
the duty on the tea. One the night of the deadline, dozens of the Sons of
Liberty (some dressed needlessly in the disguise of Mohawk Indians)
rallied and attempted to storm the ships. However, tipped by an anonymous
source, the Boston guard was there, and the soldiers apprehended the
majority of the men, including Samuel Adams, though he was not in the mob
"Had there been no American Revolution, or had it
failed, that is indeed how those involved in episodes like the Boston Tea
Party would be remembered by *official* history." - reader's commentsThe
political climate cooled as the men sat in prison, some petitioning for
their release, others calling them traitors. At Benjamin Franklin's
suggestion, a new order arose: repay what had been destroyed (several
fellow merchants chipping in), but keep up boycotts of the East India
Company. Governor Hutchinson was caught up in a release of embarrassing
letters about the Bostonian people, and 1774 would see him removed from
office. Seeing that their tie to the Americans weakening, Parliament would
experiment with allowing marginal popular control over the appointment of
the next governor. Lord North appointed a series of potential governors,
including the military General Gage, and finally settled on William Pitt
the Elder for the position, who was confirmed by the Massachusetts House.
Pitt attempted to decline, but the King insisted, and soon the former
prime minister arrived in Boston. While he held the title, much of the
business of the colony was performed by his son, Pitt the Younger. The
Pitts "Better perhaps to point to some big missteps
by folks at various steps in the British military just before and during
Lexington & Concord. " - reader's commentswould resolve the
financial issues and allow Parliament to repeal the Tea Act with the
passage of the Taxation of Colonies Act 1778, which would grant the
colonists a right to avoid taxation.
Pitt the Younger seemed to take up the life mission of establishing a
system of representative government for the Colonies. Along with James
Madison, he fell in among the followers of philosopher Thomas Jefferson.
The push was gradual over the 1790s, and war with Spain in 1801 would give
Parliament the surge to grant representation in guarantee of colonial
support of the Crown. Over the course of the nineteenth century,
individual rights would continue to grow, such as the end of slavery and
the suffrage of women. The precedent of government-sponsored businesses
would also grow, establishing huge corporations to foster the Industrial
Revolution. While humanity reached unimagined levels of technology and
material fulfillment, philosophers Karl Marx and, later, Ayn Rand would
predict an age where workers threw off their chains and owned the wealth
themselves, working for the betterment of their community as well as their
own interests. So far, the revolutions that have occurred have been steps
forward with a few great leaps backward into despotic tyrannies ruled by
fear and force. For the most part, people are comfortable, though not
totally happy, with their fluoxetine-laced lives.
says in reality the Tea Party was not stopped. Thousands had attended
the meeting at the Old South Meeting House, and a few dozen proceeded to
board the ships and destroy some 342 chests of tea. Parliament responded
with a crackdown on Boston and the colonies known as the Coercive Acts, and
the escalation continued to the American Revolution and the Declaration of
Independence. To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
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