Timeline of the The Canadian
Revolution by Robbie Taylor
says: what if the American Revolution had failed and the principles had
headed north into Canada to continue to rebellion? muses Robbie Taylor.
Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily
reflect the views of the author(s).
Part 1: The Revolt Begins |
The Year 1775 |

On March 23rd,Virginian
Patrick Henry declares before the Virginia Convention, "I know not what
course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
The British governor, incensed at this presumption, has
Henry arrested and executed. His death becomes a rallying point for
American revolutionaries, and his famous words become the motto of the new
United States of America.

On March 27th,Virginian
rebel Thomas Jefferson is denied a seat on the Continental Congress that the
American revolutionaries have established.
Jefferson's energy and eloquence shortly became
directed towards the Canadian Independence movement, where he helped
design their parliamentary structure as well as their founding documents.

On April 18th,British
forces score a victory when they capture a pair of colonial spies, Paul
Revere and William Dawes, before they are able to warn rebels at Concord and
Lexington of their approach.
This crippled colonial operations in Massachusetts.

On May 24th,
Bostonian John Hancock was elected president of the Continental Congress by
a mere 3 votes, showing how thin support for the rebel cause was.
Although Hancock used his time in office to declare the
independence of the American colonies, by 1778 he was ousted in favor of
the more conciliatory John Jay, who negotiated a peace with the British.

On June 16th,
rebel colonial forces were routed by the British at the Battle of Breed's
Hill near Boston, Massachusetts.
Rebel commander George Washington was almost captured,
and the rebel army was thrown into disarray.
Virtually all colonials gave up the idea of freedom at
that point, with only a few hardcore rebels failing to acknowledge that the
fight was over. They manage to battle on another 4 years, but never win
another engagement.
On June 17th,
American rebels faced off against British troops led by General William Howe
at Breed's Hill in Massachusetts. After his first charge against the rebel
position was met with a volley of repelling fire, Howe organized a second,
which met with just as little success.
Not knowing that the Americans were low on ammunition,
General Howe ordered a retreat from the position, giving the day to the
Americans. His superiors felt that he had given up Breed's Hill too easily,
and recalled him to England, where he angrily resigned his commission,
saying, "Am I to be a wizard, that I should know the state of the enemy's
supplies?" Howe had been personally opposed to the war against the colonies
to begin with, and this reprimand encouraged him to join Parliament and push
for reconciliation with the Americans. He was one of the driving forces in
British government that accepted the proposals of American President John
Jay and led to the end of the war and America's partial autonomy from
British rule.
December 31st,Governor
Sir Guy Carleton sued for peace as British defenders of the city of Quebec
in Canada laid down their weapons to patriot forces under generals Benedict
Arnold and Richard Montgomery.
A blizzard had made the city indefensible, and privately,
the British had lost interest in staying in Canada due to the country's
inclement weather.
December 31st,American
rebels Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery break down the resistance in
Quebec; at the end, the citizens of Quebec had turned on the British
soldiers in the city. Arnold and Montgomery were soon training Canadian
forces to fight the British, and when the American rebellion collapsed, were
welcomed to Canada as heroes.
A blizzard had made the city indefensible, and
privately, the British had lost interest in staying in Canada due to the
country's inclement weather.
Part 2: The Revolt Heads North |
May 23rd, 1777,one of the
rebels' few victories was scored against the British when Colonel Meigs and
his Connecticut raiders sacked Sag Harbor, New York, capturing some vessels
and supplies.
These were transferred to the Canadian independence
movement after Meigs was ordered to surrender to the British in 1778, and
some of the ships Meigs captured were even used in the Battle of Hudson
Bay to defeat their former masters.

May 12th, 1780,
the Canadian independence movement is dealt a severe blow when General
Richard Perceval and over 10,000 of his men are forced to surrender at
British General Henry Clinton had amassed a major force
to overwhelm the Canadians since the cessation of hostilities with the lower
colonies, and put them to good use against the rebel stronghold at

April 24th, 1781,
former American general Benedict Arnold, now fighting for the Canadians,
clashes with British General William Phillips at the Battle of Hudson Bay.
Phillips had wanted to establish a fort that he could
begin moving troops from to strike at any point in Canada, but Arnold saved
Canadian independence by defeating him soundly and driving his forces back
to sea.

April 17th, 1790,
American exile Benjamin Franklin dies in Montreal. Although he had been
active in the Canadian Independence movement and had helped with the final
negotiations in that war, his heart was with his native America, and he
wanted his body to rest in his home colony of Pennsylvania.
Although it took many years, his family were finally able
to bring him home to rest in American soil.

May 9th, 1791,
another American rebel died in Canadian exile.
Composer Francis Hopkinson had been one of the signers of
the American Declaration of Independence, and when the rebellion's hopes
were crushed by Jay's ascension in the previous decade, Hopkinson followed
thousands of others north to the Canadian independence movement.
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