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Whig Revolution
by Eric Lipps
says, the September 2008 Edition of
History Magazine included a
feature article 'Trouble in Parliament' in which William Stroock looks at the
Whigs' opposition to King George III (pictured) on the eve of the American
Revolution. In this thread we look at a changed scenario for William Pitt,
Edmund Burke and Charles James Fox where the American Revolution inspires the
Whigs to challenge for the mastery of the British State itself. threads written
by Eric Lipps with conceptual contributions from Eric Oppen and Ed.
In 1796, the so-called 'Whig
Revolution' begins in England.
Whig Revolution by Eric Lipps
It will eventually end in the forced abdication of England's King George III
(pictured) and the installation of his son, Prince George, as a constitutional
monarch with sharply limited powers, as Parliament assumes de facto supremacy.
Twenty years ago on this date, dissident American colonists assembled at the
Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia voted down a proposed 'declaration
of independence' following the refusal of its drafter Thomas Jefferson to remove
a hostile reference to the African slave trade. The armed rebellion which had
begun with the battle of Breed's Hill the previous year had quickly fallen apart
after that, and King George III, determined to squash the spirit of rebellion
once and for all, had slammed down a mailed fist upon the thirteen disobedient
But his harsh response, which included the creation of a red-shirted 'Order
Police' empowered to use any means it chose to combat alleged sedition and
subversion, has not produced peace so much as sullen submission. Rebel groups of
one sort or another, many receiving aid from foreign powers such as France,
Spain and the Netherlands, still carry out sabotage and seek through propaganda
to stir up sentiment for a second attempt at revolution. The economy of the
colonies continues to stagnate, too, under policies designed to keep America
dependent upon Britain for manufactured goods; only shipping, which produces the
vessels needed to carry raw goods from America to Britain and finished ones
back, has been allowed to flourish.
Even in England itself, dissatisfaction has grown steadily. Growing public
awareness of the ways in which the colonists are being deprived of what British
subjects see as basic rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta and centuries of
tradition has given rise to the fear that what has been done across the water
may be done in the home islands. And influential figures in commerce and
politics are increasingly dissatisfied with what they see as a costly and
destructive occupation. Calls for reform, however, have been ignored or defied
by the king, who appears to feel that as monarch by 'divine right' he need not
listen to critics. In fact, he has lashed out at several of them publicly, and
on May 3, 1800, had threatened to dissolve Parliament outright if it again
raised the issue of his American policies.
It was this outburst which would prove to be the final straw. Meeting privately
at the country home of William Pitt, a cabal which included Pitt himself, Edmund
Burke and Charles James Fox, along with several other lesser figures, discussed
what Burke would describe in his diaries as 'the direction of the country,'
reluctantly agreeing that King George's continued reign and the continuation of
the policies he supported would prove harmful to Britain's 'best interests.'
Burke had emerged as a sharp critic of post-rebellion colonial policy, which he
saw as siphoning British resources while interfering in the natural operation of
the marketplace. Before the American rebellion, Charles Fox had denounced the
taxation of the colonies without their consent, and once actual fighting erupted
he had called for a negotiated settlement; the collapse of the revolt had very
nearly meant the collapse as well of his political career, which it had taken
him years to rebuild. Pitt, who had once been much less sympathetic to the
colonies than his father, the elder William Pitt, had come to believe that the
king's policies after the rebellion were all but guaranteeing another uprising
at some point, this one perhaps backed by foreign powers as the first had not
Pitt and Fox had more personal motivations: both believed they had seen evidence
that the king, who had contracted porphyria, was showing signs of mental
instability. They shared that concern with their fellow conspirators, who
acknowledged that if the king were indeed losing his faculties he must be
removed for the good of the nation, quite apart from specific considerations of
The actual coup required months of planning, during which measures were taken to
line up both political and military support for the plan. The timing of the
strike itself, two decades to the day after the rejection of the attempted
declaration of American independence, is pure coincidence, but conspiracy
theorists will insist that the plotters were working with colonial subversives -
perhaps even with the hated Jefferson himself, believed to be in exile in New
Orleans under Spanish protection.
In 1820, the deposed former King
George III of England dies at Windsor Castle.
Tory Counter-revolution by Eric Lipps
His son, George IV, has been ruling since the success of the
Whig Revolution
of 1796, when a cabal led by Edmund Burke, Charles James Fox and the younger
William Pitt forced George III to abdicate The royal powers and prerogatives of
the younger George have been largely usurped by Parliament, which is determined
to avoid a repetition of what it considers the disastrous reign of his father.
King George has never been permitted to forget that he owes his position to
Parliament and that Parliament can, if it chooses, depose him as it did his
father. That knowledge has made him a diffident ruler.
However, conservatives have begun scheming for a restoration of the absolute
monarchy of pre-revolutionary times. Believing that parliamentary supremacy has
encouraged what they perceive as the growing 'impudence' of the American
colonies, where revolutionary sentiment is still being fanned by such figures as
the exiled Thomas Jefferson, now living in Paris, they are plotting to depose
Charles IV and install a monarch of their own choice in a 'Tory
counter-revolution'. Moreover, they believe that George IV's weakness has
hampered Britain in its dealings with Napoleon, whose French Empire, largely
unopposed by Britain, has become the pre-eminent power on the Continent and is
working to detach the largely French-speaking province of Quebec from
British-ruled Canada.
Prominent among the conspirators are a number of influential proponents of a
Stuart restoration. Their choice to replace Charles IV is Charles Edward Stuart
(pictured), illegitimate son of Charlotte Stuart (herself the illegitimate
daughter of the previous Charles Edward Stuart, known as 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'
to his partisans) and Ferdinand de Rohan, Archbishop of Bordeaux and Cambrai.
Now thirty-five years old, the prince is seen as a legitimate heir on the basis
of claims that Charlotte herself had been acknowledged by her father.
Ultimately, however, the plot will come to nothing, and the 'bastard prince
Charlie' - as detractors quickly name him - will leave England in 1822 for the
American colonies, taking up residence in Philadelphia under the assumed name of
Charles de Roehenstart, a pseudonym derived from 'de Rohan' and 'Stuart.' He
will provide financial backing for the construction of the earliest railroad in
America, which opens for passenger service in June 1831. In 1854, now a very
wealthy man, he will return to Scotland, where he will die, on October 28 of
that year, in a carriage accident.
says, The September 2008 Edition of
History Magazine included a
feature article 'Trouble in Parliament' in which William Stroock looks at the
Whigs' opposition to King George III on the eve of the American Revolution. In
this post we look at a changed scenario for William Pitt, Edmund Burke and
Charles James Fox where the American Revolution inspires the Whigs to challenge
for the mastery of the British State itself.
Eric Oppen suggested a reference to Bonnie Prince Charlie's refusal of the
American crown, and Eric Lipps has been kind enough to write this terrific post.
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in Alternate History,
a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today.
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items explore
that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist superpower,
aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy Roosevelt winning
his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting fictional blog.

