Long Tom's War of 1801 by Steve Payne and Scott Palter
says: what if the Haiti revolt fizzled out, enabling Napoleon to send
his crack forces to New Orleans instead? Please note that the opinions
expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1801, following the
unexpected death of Toussaint L'Ouverture, Napoleon Bonaparte redirected his
attention from the revolt in Haiti to his grander ambitions for the vast
territory of Louisiana; L'Empereur sends his brother-in-law General Charles
Leclerc with thousands of troops and numerous warships to establish French
control of New Orleans.
Expecting the French to clamp down on the rights of Americans to use the
Mississippi River to float their goods and produce to New Orleans for
overseas shipment, US farmers and traders howl in protest. In principle,
President Thomas Jefferson sides with the British, threatening "The day
France takes possession of New Orleans, we must marry ourselves to the
British fleet and nation".
"The day France takes possession of New Orleans,
we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation"But he
hides behind negotiations for two years, needing that time in order to
reverse himself on disbanding the army and fleet his predecessor John
Adams was constructing. Jefferson finally made the offer of a military
alliance in 1803; sensing a unique opportunity to humiliate Napoleon, the
Prime Minister of Great Britain, William Pitt the Younger, seizes the
offer with both hands. As soon as the news reaches Washington DC, the US
declares war on France.
Not for the first time, "Long Tom" demonstrated that his mind was a
bundle of contradictions; a strict follower of the constitution who was
prepared to bend the rules, a slave owner who hated slavery, a white
supremacist who fathered dual heritage children, a balanced budget
advocate who died $100,000 in debt. And now, a revolutionary founding
founder who was prepared to ally with his bitter enemy, the British in
order to prevent Napoleon from creating a vast new French empire on the
North American continent.
says original content has been repurposed to celebrate the author's
genius © Steve Wiegand, US History for Dummies (2001).
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differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
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