The dissolution of the Confederacy by Brian Visaggio
says: what if rather than Civil War, simply the slow working processes
of history forced the dissolution of the Confederacy? muses Brian Visaggio
July 10th, 2010:
the Confederate States of America was officially dissolved.
Despite securing independence at the negotiation table with United
States President George McClellan, the Southern Confederacy proved unable
to contain the spirit of independent action which had precipitated the War
of Secession in the first place.
The years following the war's conclusion proved destabilizing, as the the
member states balked at economic reforms implemented by a series of
presidents, primarily John C. Breckinridge and James Longstreet, to make
the Confederacy competitive on a global stage. Recognizing the difficulty
the nascent country would have without a strong economy, policies were
implemented to encourage industrial growth and restore control over
monetary policy to Richmond. The money issue in particular provoked a
resurgent nullification crisis, subverting the central government and in
effect reducing the Confederacy into little more than a league of
associated republics.
North might "fissure" too in such a situation" - readers commentIn
1885, this league of free states, as it was by then frequently being
described, had the last of its significant powers -- the power to maintain
a military -- stripped away by constitutional amendment requiring it to
depend on the voluntary loan of state armies, effectively removing even
the ability to coerce its members into obedience. The unilateral secession
of Georgia in 1888 prompted cascade of similar declarations, and by early
July, President Fitzhugh Lee was forced by events to call for the legal
dissolution of a confederacy that no longer had any members at all.
It has been speculated that the long-term survival of Confederate General
R.E. Lee might have provided a unifying figure for citizens to rally
around, a symbol representing the whole of the war effort, but
unfortunately, his unexpected death in 1871 put such hopes, such as they
may have existed, to rest, and the American South saw unleashed a spirit
of dislocation and fractiousness that grew for throughout the remainder of
this troubled republic's short life.The end result was eleven disparate,
squabbling independent states stagnating as their economies collapsed
around them, those countries sometimes referred to as the "Basketcase
The Confederacy would be briefly revived in the 1950's as a way of
standing up to the increasing strength of their northern neighbor, but
this short-lived project proved untenable, as the member states feared
domination by Virginia, which by maintaining a friendly and beneficial
trade relationship with the United States proved one of only two former
Confederate States (alongside Texas) to prosper.
Brian Visaggio
Guest Historian of
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