Howell Cobb Elected CSA
by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
November 6th 1861,
on this day Howell Cobb (pictured)was elected President of the Confederate
States of America.
A misspoken word about the wisdom of secession in a speech by former US
Secretary of War Jefferson Davis turned sentiment against him and caused
former US Secretary of the Treasury Howell Cobb to be elected to the
presidency of the newly formed Confederate States of America. The past
years had been full of strife for the nation: economic turmoil, cultural
diversion, and, especially, the growing political sentiment among Northern
states that slavery was an all-out evil. Fearing suppression by the
election of the Republican Abraham Lincoln, the South moved to secede.
Please click
to comment on Reddit.Native Georgian Howell Cobb had been a leader
throughout his life. After a career as a lawyer, he moved onto politics,
serving as Congressman from Georgia from 1843 to 1851, as well as a stint
as Speaker of the House from '49 to '51. He moved into the executive
branch, serving as governor of Georgia, before returning to Washington as
Secretary of the Treasury. Cobb had long been a supporter of the right of
slavery, campaigning for its allowance into any territory before becoming
a strong adherent to the Compromise of 1850. In 1860, it became obvious
that states' rights would lose against federal tyranny, and so Cobb gave
up Unionism and campaigned for secession.
"Plausible twist" - reader's commentDavis,
meanwhile, had been a soldier working his way through the ranks until
being appointed as senator from Mississippi. A capable administrator, he
moved forward as Secretary of War under President Franklin Pierce. When
the notion of secession arose, Davis fought against it, though he finally
gave way when the majority ruled. Cobb, one of the greatest leaders of the
movement, had served as president of the provisional Confederacy
government, and Davis was given the official head of state soon after.
With reiterated words from his warnings about secession, however, public
opinion turned against Davis, and Cobb would be inaugurated February 22,
"Davis would have lost the war by 1862 - even as
compared to Bragg he did not work well with others and high command in
this era required people handling skills beyond those that Davis
possessed. Better to make him General-in-chief of the Mississippi State
Forces - a corps level command" - reader's commentCobb reportedly
admired Davis's skills and affirmed his loyalty to the South, making him
general-in-chief of the Southern armies. While Davis worked to defend the
homeland, Cobb rallied his people and relied on his talents in diplomacy.
Campaigns of "Let Us Go" circulated throughout the South and into the
North (where they were attempted to be contained). Davis and Lee argued to
be allowed to march north to scare the Yankees into peace, but Cobb
refused, saying it would undermine their position as innocents. Instead,
he reinforced defenses particularly in the west, giving way to the bloody
victory at Vicksburg in 1863, taking some 50,000 Union troops captive and
securing the Mississippi.
"There's no way in hell any United States
government will ever allow anybody else to control one inch of the
Mississippi-Missouri-Ohio rivers---we nearly went to war with Spain over
that in the early 1800s, before the Louisiana Purchase" - reader's commentCobb
also worked to win international recognition, which he was able to gain
from Napoleon III in France, exchanging support for Maximilian I in
Mexico. In 1864, Lincoln would lose the election to General George B.
McClellan, and the Democrat's peace platform would put into works the
Treaty of Washington in 1866 that would end the War of Secession. While
provisions would invite the Confederacy to rejoin the Union, or
vice-versa, the two became politically disunited. Having successfully
ended the war within his six-year term, Cobb retired, endorsing Lee in the
election of 1867.
The two Americas would go separate ways with the North focusing on
industrial growth while the South hoped for imperialism. Over the latter
part of the nineteenth century, slavery would give way to fiscal sense of
large-scale machine farming in an industrial economy. When France
collapsed in 1870, the CSA pushed southward for new colonial influence,
but the resulting wars would prove to dishearten and weaken the South. In
the push for New Nationalism in the 1890s, fueled by newspapermen such as
Hearst, a revolution rose up to rejoin the USA. In the Organic Act of
1899, the Confederacy (with the exception of the Republic of Texas) voted
to return to citizenship under the US Constitution and officially ending
says in reality Jefferson Davis won the election. Cobb went on to become
a brigadier general in Northern Virginia, working his diplomacy to exchange
prisoners. He later served as major general in Georgia and Florida, where he
fought a desperate defense against Sherman until surrendering at Macon on
April 16, 1865. After the war, Cobb worked until his death in 1868 to oppose
Reconstruction. To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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