The Rise of the Free States of America by Raymond Speer
"We've come to Atlanta, the cradle of the Old
South, the crucible of the New South. Tonight, there is a sense of
celebration, because we are moved, fundamentally moved from racial
battlegrounds by law, to economic common ground. Tomorrow we'll
challenge to move to higher ground" ~ Democratic National Convention
Address 19 July 1988, Omni Coliseum, Atlanta GA
says: in a timeline where Lincoln fails to preserve the Union, what
if the Confederacy had moved onto higher ground through change driven
from within? What if "tomorrow" had already come? Please note that the
opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of
the author(s).
On May 1, 1914, the Communist
Revolution broke out in the Confederate States of America after a year and
a half of Martial Law failed to quell the slave uprisings in Georgia,
Alabama and Mississippi. The Emergency Commission of the Confederate
Combined Forces had suspended the Constitution and arrested the President
and First Lady on suspicion of being Yankee sympathizing radicals, and not
even the show trials and executions settled things down.
On May 16, 1914, the intellectuals of
the Communist Confederacy, lead by WEB DuBois, voted for "full-out
revolution with no limits and no restraints" in a conference they held in
a Harlem, New York, meeting hall.
On March 12, 1915, the escaping VIII
Corps of the Army of Tennessee pushed through the enemy lines of the
Communist Army of the Central States, and were interned by the Yankees
once they had crossed the Ohio River.
On April 16, 1915, all whites were
evacuated from the city of Atlanta and very cruelly treated. Many were
raped, put in concentration camps or set unfed into rural areas.
On May 8, 1915, Vladimiir Lenin
disembarked from the boat that had brought him across the Ocean to meet a
cheering crowd of radicals in Charleston harbor, South Carolina.
On June 15, 1915, Communist General
Leon Trotsky won his great victory at the Brazos River. Within two months,
all Gray military units were retreated either to New Mexico or the south
side of the Rio Grande.
On July 4, 1915, WEB DuBois,
President of the Communist Confederate States of America, did his infamous
"Cleansing the Decks," and killed by swift execution a full third of the
members of the Communist Congress.
On August 31, 1915, the State of
Virginia passed a resolution of reunion which brought it back into the
United States. Accordingly, that day the US Army, Air Corps and Navy took
positions in Virginia by which it would oppose Communist incursions.
On October 1, 1915, Trotsky ordered
the stop of the Red Army at the southern border of TN. War was averted
between the Communist Confederacy and the United States which had been
rejoined by Delaware, New Mexico, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee and
Officially, the Confederacy was the first Communist
state and it was joined by believers from all the countries of Europe. In
that manner it was progressive.
The Communist Confederate States of America appeared in a
singularly unfortunate land, the final bastion of chattel slavery anywhere
in the world. Assisted by reactionary politicians in the most adamant
strongholds of slavery, rural counties with black population majorities,
the military forces of the Confederacy closed down their country's civilian
government in the national capitol (Richmond) and the most sophisicated
state governments.
Despite a year and a half of the Grey Terror, during
which sniper and bomb teams killed or crippled possible emancipatists,
violent rose and became endemic. One of the results of the Grey Terror was
the radicalization of Negroes in the North, brought on by Confederate
killers bent on killing the least conciliatory Negro leaders in Northern
The May 1914 organization of the Confederate rebels under
Communist organization was made possible by advances and distribution of
radios and other telecommunications. The old Confederate pattern of
"concentration against isolated servile insurrections" was obsolete when
swathes of territory in the thousands of miles were aflame with fighters or
else supportive of such revolution.
The Communist Revolution in the Confederacy is estimated
to have brought 100,000 European volunteers to the battlefields and Southern
cities in the course of two years. Many of them were inspired by socialist
ideas, like Benito Mussolini, whose posthumous masterwork TARGET SIGHTS has
attained classic status. Many Negroes, like General Jack Johnson, gained
publicity for valorous deaths even as the deliberate terror engendered by
the ruthless Communist Police ('the Red Hand") brought horrible publicity
against the Communists for their methods in defeating the disorganized Greys
of their opposition.
Dead of natural causes at the end of November 1915,
Booker T. Washington had been supplanted by the acerbic radical WEB DuBois,
the Russian radical and enthusiastic murderer Lenin, and the Generalissimo
Leon Trotsky, who reversed Communist setbacks in Texas conclusively by his
victory on the Los Brazos. The window of opportunity for a Grey victory was
closing fast with the setbacks to General Pilsudki (from Russian Poland),
whose division went to hide in the Everglades.
Winston Churchill encouraged British intervention to the
antiCommunists of the Confederacy, but his country was distracted by a Civil
War in their Irish province and Churchill's advice cost him his position as
Admiralty secretary.
The victory of Eugene Debs (Socialist Party) in the 1916
American presidential election was a development against US intervention in
the War. Richard Harding Davis, the expected Republican/Democratic candidate
of 1916, was rumored to favor military involvement against the Communists,
but he died of a heart attack on April 11, 1916, and his replacement, Thomas
R. Marshall lost to his fellow Hoosier by 30 electoral votes.
President Debs did approve a large increase in United
States military assets. The threat of incursion from the Communist states
persuaded Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and New Mexico
to request a return to the USA, which Congress separately granted the humble
President WEB DuBois had Lenin executed by firing squads
upon a still-controversial accusation that the Russian planned to kill
DuBois and attack the states of the North. Also eliminated by DuBois' "peace
purge" were John Pershing (general), Margaret Sanger (radical), and over
three hundred less prominent people.
Early Tuesday Morning
Hundreds of tanks and thousands of men manuevered over
the wooded Mssissippian hills south of the international border. As usual,
the Red Army filled the hardscrabble country south of that line with men and
machines that had to be monitored.
Fidel Castro was much older than when Yanks recalled him
as a ballplayer for the Brooklyn Dodgers. He was a celebrity now, frequently
on TV shows, always doing good deeds like sending meals to the CSA.
Under the Communist Confederacy's old masters (like WEB
DuBois, died August 27, 1963, or his successor Marion Barry, still alive but
supposedly retired, rumored to be incapacitated by leisure drugs). there had
never been a time when the Confederacy permitted aid to cross its borders,
on the theory that no place in the South was wanting for anything.
But nowadays, under the often equivocating leadership of
Confederate President Donna Rice, there were food shipments sent to the
aftermath of hurricanes and floods. Such generosity had been slowly
transformed to a habit after President Barry had stepped down.
"Those antenna try to interfere with the signals of Air
America," said Jim Wright, a refugee from Texas who had prospered in the
brief period between DuBois' death and Barry's strangle hold on power.
"They are not effective at all against satelltes but the Sobs keep them
intact and active.""
"That does not make sense," said Castro.
"Hardly anything the Sobs do make sense." Wright was
calling the secret police by their traditional Southern name: sobs, as in
"Security Office Bureau, what was once called the Red Hand. "For instance,
that cold fusion program that they keep secret and refuse to admit simply
does not work."
For the twentieth century, the United States had kept
mandatory conscription to keep reserves adequate for a Communist
Confederate invasion that had never come. In all that time, the greatest
disaster had been a three train pile-up in Shreveport, Louisiana, that had
killed the city's population from a nerve gas leak. And finally honest
threat evaluations had come in on the Confederate military which showed as
inept and corrupt.
Castro told Wright that President Rice had confidentially
admitted to him that she was no longer actively funding the cold fusion that
Marion Barry had put so much faith in.
"Big deal," complained Wright. "She stopped the
continuing waste of capital, but she never admits publically that the
project was a waste of everything that went into it. It is like public
schools that were supposed to bring about mixture of the races for a country
that divides everything in black and white."
Castro's driver started to walk down the stair case from
the viewing platform to where Castro's limo waited. Castro was
slower to leave Jim Wright.
"You ought to insist on interviewing the independents
being elected at the new elections," Wright told him. "They are insisting
on the power of the purse for the first time since 1915. And they are
insistant on a real vote count in the next presidential election."
"I will do that," Castro said.
says this story was originally posted on
Google Discussions Group.
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