Southern Cross Parts 1-4 by Steve Payne, Raymond
Speer, Stan Brin and Eric Lipps
says: what if Confederate Commanders immediately followed-up the victory
at Bull Run by occupying the Federal Capital? Please note that the opinions
expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
July 23rd, 1861,
amidst the chaotic evacuation of the US Government from Washington City on
this day, US President Abraham Lincoln was shot dead by a deranged stage
actor, John Wilkes Booth (pictured).
"We have whipped them! They ran
like sheep! Give me 5,000 fresh men and I will be in Washington City
tomorrow!" ~ "Stonewall" JacksonChaos had ensued the moment that
defeated Union forces returned from the Battle of Bull Run. Because in the
first (and last) major land battle of the American Civil War, General Irvin
McDowell's Union forces had been routed at Manassas Junction.
Worse was to come. Fast on the heels of the defeated
Union Army of Northeastern Virginia was an advance force of five thousand
Confederate troops led by "Stonewall" Jackson, considered by many to be the
architect of the victory at Bull Run.
By mid afternoon, a battery of rifled guns had been
established on Arlington Heights, and the first elements of the Army of
North Virginia were crossing the Long Bridge. It was a far cry from the high
hopes of US Congressmen who had taken up the cry of: "On to Richmond!".
Because the only one of them who actually made it there, Alfred Ely of New
York, did so as a prisoner.
August 26th, 1861,
just four weeks after the
chaotic evacuation from Washington City the Union mustered sufficient
organisation to reseat the National Government upon the island of Manhattan
which became the new Federal District under an emergency cessation by the
New York State Legislature.
The Union received an immediate setback to its national
authority when a few days later the District of Columbia signed an act of
retrocession returning the territory to the State of Maryland.
Whilst his murdered predecessor had grappled with the
retention of Federal Property in the Confederate States, for President
Hannibal Hamlin (pictured) the game had moved on from Fort Sumter and at a
pace. Because George Washington's capital was in the hands of the
Confederate troops who had crushed Union Forces at the Battle of Bull Run.
August 27th, 1861,
President Hannibal Hamlin was opposed by prominent business interests
when he attempted to revive the District of Columbia on Manhattan island. By
the end of his second year in office, Hamlin was resident at Montauk Point,
Long Island, where a Seaside White House was available to him and his
family, as was a double domed capital, larger and more spacious than the one
left behind in Washington D.C.
Meanwhile, Richmond remained the capital of the Confederacy, but that
organization was disintegrating while unchallenged by the USA. Georgia and
Mississippi sanctioned the disintegration of the infantry units that had
been raised by those states upon the expiration of their 60 day enlistment
periods. Virginia was more responsible (well aware of the Grand Army of
the Republic that the Yankees had training in Pennsylvania), but was
straining its own resources by putting forth the defense for the
Confederacy's eastern seaboard. And sales had not been good for
Confederate bonds, though the documents were being marketed freely in
The Post-Skedaddle phase of the War Between the American States began in
the Nevada territory, where a convention hall of orators in Virginia City
announced that Nevada was joining the Confederacy. That was in the last
week of November 1862 and a rival Union government in Carson City was
established by a company of cavalry the next month. By the beginning of
1862, Nevadan settlers were fighting among themselves over which side
would get the mineral wealth of the territory.
Both Jefferson Davis and Hannibal Hamlin appointed proxies in Nevada, and
contacted their respective Congresses for appropriations to send an
overwhelming force to conquer Nevada beyond dispute. Of necessity, each
side made ready their home defense forces back east.
As those events transpired, Brigham Young in Salt Lake City organized his
people, ordering a prepared defense force to resist outside domination
"from either side". In London, with the advent of the Nevada Crisis, maps
are consulted concerning the American southwest lands and the settlements
February 24th, 1864,
Walt Whitman (pictured as a young man) formed a Centennial Recovery
Committee, promising to get America "back on track for '76".
His candidacy for US President was declared in the city of Philadelphia,
the poet's home for the past three years.
"The defeated [Union] troops commenced pouring over
the Long Bridge at daylight, returning to Washington baffled, humiliated,
panic-struck". ~ Walt Whitman Crucifixion Day Part 4, A Very
Different American Flagg, c1864Because Whitman had been in Washington City
that dreadful day after the defeat at Mannassas Junction.
Confederate forces had seized the old Capital, and in the ensuing chaos,
as the US Government fled the City, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by
the deranged stage actor John Wilkes Booth.
And so Whitman had arrived in Philadelphia, the new capital of the Union.
Very shortly, campaign posters would start to appear, making the bold
announcement that "Somebody's go to put it all back together ... Walt
Whitman just might be the man".
says to view guest historian's comments on this thread please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
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