Trump Card by Steve Payne
says: at the end of the Appomattox campaign, what if Ulysses S. Grant
did wake up to hear that Robert E. Lee had fled to the hills to lead a
guerrilla insurgency? Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1865, on April 9th
Confederate General Robert E. Lee mounted his horse Traveler and with a deep
sigh ordered the dissolution of the Army of North Virginia.
This informal cessation of hostilities between regular forces marked a new
phase in the American Civil War. By ordering his troops to continue the
fight as guerrillas in the Blue Ridge Mountains, the General had played
the trump card that President Abraham Lincoln most dreaded.
"a little more blood more or less makes no
difference now" ~ Lee's top military aidesBut in a sense, he was
only following the orders of the fleeing Confederate President Jefferson
Davis who had issued his own call for guerrilla struggle. In anticipation
of that order, hundreds of Lee's men had already vanished into the hills
on their own initiative. And yet Lee had not taken the decision lightly,
he had convened a council of war in which he had been advised that "a
little more blood more or less makes no difference now". Nevertheless
events in Virginia would soon mirror those in Missouri, where a full-scale
guerrilla war of terrifying ferocity had dragged the state into a
whirlpool of vengeance.
"I was afraid every morning that I would wake up
from my sleep to hear the Lee had gone .. and the war was prolonged" ~
Ulysses S. GrantIn his diary, Union General Ulysses S. Grant had
noted "I was afraid every morning that I would wake up from my sleep to
hear the Lee had gone .. and the war was prolonged". He was absolutely
right, Even a cursory review of Lee's record indicates that he would never
surrender to the abolitionists, despite his own fear that "we would bring
on a state of affairs that would take the country years to recover from".
- As a Brevet Colonel of the 2nd U.S. Cavalry, shooting John Brown
dead at the climax of the Harper's Ferry Raid
- Refusing to honour the terms of his father-in-law's will which would
have freed the slaves under his control
- After entering Pennsylvania, permitting his men to round up many
former slaves and free blacks and send them south into slavery
- Refusing President Lincoln's offer of the Command of Union Forces at
the outbreak of war
Having boasted that he could continue the war for another twenty years,
his heart condition suggested otherwise (he suffered several mild heart
attacks on the battlefields). Just five and a half years later "Marse
Robert" died in the vastness of the Blue Ridge Mountains, a remote and
harsh location which mirrored his own stubborness.
says the idea for this story originated from the source articles Jay
Winik "Graceful Exit" published in American History, Winter Edition: 35
Decisive Moments in American History AND Daniel Marino, reader's letter in
the April 2010 Edition of Civil War Times
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
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