Farewell to the Magicians, Part
by Steve Payne
says: what if the Nazis had used their secret weapons? Please note that
the opinions expressed in this satirical post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
August 1st 1940,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.on this day the Nazi UFOs in "hot
pursuit" of the fleeing British Government turned back after a cabal of
American Nazi businessmen convinced the Fuhrer that North America would
soon fall to a Quisling-style coup d'etat.
With the RAF swept from the skies by next generation flying saucers,
Operation Sealion had proceeded with frightening pace forcing Churchill to
plan a strategic withdrawal to establish a Government-in-Exile in Canada.
Hitler ordered Goering to destroy the Royal Navy ships carrying both the
Cabinet and also the Royal Household. However, for the second time in six
months, he ordered a last minute halt operation that enraged (and
confounded) the German armed services.
Hot PursuitIn the United States,
Nazi sympathisers such as Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Prescott Bush and
Alfred P. Sloan were confident that they could overthrow the government.
However the sudden opening of an Atlantic theatre might prove
counter-productive to their plans, and therefore they convinced the Fuhrer
that such a move was unnecessary. Instead, Edward VIII and Oswald Mosley
formed a new government in London, one that could demonstrate the
semblance of sovereignty that would force Churchill to capitulate, and
perhaps convince the silent majority of Americans to come around to the
idea of joining the Axis.
But then the situation changed dramatically; the benign alien race known
as the Mlosh landed in Canada. In his diary that night, Churchill wrote
the famous words: " To have the Mlosh at our side was to me the
greatest joy. Now at this very moment I knew the Mlosh was in the war, up
to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all!...Hitler's fate
was sealed. Mussolini's fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would
be ground to powder". It was an amazing reversal of fortune for the
blue-bloods; the tide of war had finally turned (green)..

December 17th 2009,
despite the unambiguous evidence of sonar reports presented by the
British Admiralty, the Armada de la República Argentina flatly denied
any responsibility for the frenzied submarine activity in the
exclusion zone surrounding the Falklands, South Georgia and the South
Sandwich Islands.
The Mlosh are back! Through
collaborative investigation work undertaken by both Navys, the
unidentified vessels were traced to the secret Nazi base at New Swabia
in the Antarctic.
The mystery was unsolved however because thermal satellite images
failed to reveal any evidence of human energy signatures at the
disused base.
Abandoned after the Fuhrer's
second physical death, Neuschwabenland had been
incorporated into Norwegian dependent territory under the Antarctic
Treaty System of 1961. It was an ideal location for a third landing
attempt by the benign alien race known as the

December 24th
with Nazi UFOs poised to wipe out the Eastern European and Western
Russian populations of the Soviet Union, a new and insidious force
emerged in "the Bloodlands" of their future battlefield: the enemy
that Hitler had always imagined - the Greater Zionist Resistance (GZR).
The Rise of the GZRFirst proposed at the Congress for Safeguarding
of Non-Jewish Interests held in Dresden, Germany in 1882, this
paramilitary unit was secrely formed by the Jewish officers of the
NKVD that had sown the seeds of anti-semitism during Stalin's
And their orders to shoot political dissidents in advance of the
Nazi invasion was all but certain to make willing executioners of
the German-friendly elements of the gentile population who would
welcome the invaders as liberators. Instead, they would form a
"stay behind" organization that would prevent such an alliance
from ever forming.
The Rise of the GZRBut
the mad aspirations of Hitler's mind had grown with the successful
development of super-weaponry. A grander vision had now taken the
place of the "lebensraum" dreams he penned as a political prisoner
in "Mein Kampf". And as events turned out, Nazi inhumanity
extended to Slavs as well, and Hitler made unnecessary enemies of
the people of the occupied territories which he planned to
completely depopulate. Because the Aryan race and their alien
allies would be more faithfully served by robots instead of the
As the troop formations of the Red Army were swept away, the
Wehrmacht raced towards Moscow and a bloody siege of
street-to-to-street facing that would last for six months. The GZR
would score early successes by creating havoc in the German supply
chain. By the end of 1940, Ribbentrop and Molotov would sit down
to negotiate a ceasefire that would enable both nations to team up
against the GZR which was by now a putative authority, the new
masters of "the Bloodlands".
June 16th 1720,
just two weeks after the benign
alien race
known as the Mlosh landed on earth a deadly alien superbug outbreak
appeared to justify the initial panic caused by their arrival amongst
When the infection rate reached one hundred percent, humanity stood on the
brink of extinction - until teleporting monstrous alien squids rescue
mankind. After administering the species-saving vaccine, the squids
exterminate the unwitting alien visitors before suppressing the superbug
that they had secretly infected the Mlosh with.
Deadly Mlosh Superbug OutbreakFor
the next two centuries, mankind is the beneficiary of accelerated
technology developments. Alternate ending to a story by Robbie TaylorThe
Mlosh, realising that they and humanity have been duped, attempt a second
landing in the middle of the twentieth century.
But a global conflict is triggered when the nations are
forced to choose between two species of alien benefactors.
Both alien combatents are ultimately forced to withdraw, although the
squids retain their
technology sharing alliance with mankind, enabling the two species to
co-exist peacefully
says to view guest historian's comments on this
thread please visit the Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
Facebook, Myspace and
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
