Kinshasa Surrenders to the
Robots by Ninebucks

In 2173, after days of
fighting on the streets of the Congolese capital, the provisional president
Claude-Jean Kasanji has stepped down and handed control to forces loyal to
Gor, the android warlord whose forces have been highly active throughout the
Democratic Republic of the Congo for the last fifteen years.
Many human Congolese support Gor as it, unlike dozens of warlords
previously, seems actually capable of ridding the Congo of the spectre of
war that has haunted the nation for over a hundred years. While many
militias resist his leadership, Gor's army of human soldiers and battle
droids have proved effective at eliminating them.
Of course, this is good news for androids throughout the world, (myself
included), as the instability in the Congo has for a long time inflated the
price of the precious commodities needed to construct the synthetic
neuromatter upon which we rely upon for our continued survival. Indeed, many
androids I know have donated to support Gor's War.
It is now uncertain now whether Gor itself will accept the presidency, or
install a human in its stead. Many states still do not accept full android
personhood, which would make relating to a state with a robotic president
diplomatically difficult. But even in the so-called enlightened West, there
may be resistance to robotic control over an entire nation - it may reawaken
the paranoia among humans that we are more after political rights, (Which we
don't, why would we androids want to vote anyway? We don't require
healthcare, education or social services, politics doesn't really have
anything to do with us!)
says this story was published on the
Alternate History Discussion Board on March 30th 2010. I'm interested to
know what some of the humans on this board think of these developments,
surely even the most robophobic of you must support something that brings
peace to one of the world's most blighted nations?
Nine Bucks
Guest Historian of
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