Scotland the Brave by Steve Payne
says: what if the Dinsdale film of the Loch Ness Monster had been a
horror movie? Please note that the opinions expressed in this satirical post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1960,
Please click
to Digg our site.the two-week long rampage of the Loch Ness Monster
was finally ended by heavily armed soldiers who trapped the creature in a
landlocked peninsula just north of the Scottish Channel.
The series of events which led to the destruction of much of the east
coast of the Scottish Island began six months before. An aeronautical
engineer called Tim Dinsdale had observed a large creature rolling and
diving in the Loch while he was having breakfast. Amazed by what he saw,
he grabbed his video camera and his sixty feet of film which depicted the
rear body, the rear flippers, and 1-2 additional humps of a
plesiosaur-like body. By the time Dinsdale got out there, though, he only
saw the hump swimming across the water with a powerful wake unlike that of
a surface vessel. For nearly two minutes, Dinsdale filmed the monster
swimming across the loch.
Inevitably, the reports of the confirmed sighting drew attention to the
Loch, enraging the creature who left a trail of carnage heading
southwards. And two weeks into the rampage, Downing Street panicked and
evacuated Edinborough, the small port on England's northern coast.
Expecting the worst, soldiers blockaided Princes Street by the sea front
and harbour. And artillery was set on the islands of Arthur's Seat and
Corstorphine Hill. But due to the bravery of a regiment of highlanders,
the monster was unable to cross the Scottish Channel which links the
Firths of Forth and Clyde.
says in Gordon Davie's post on
Google Groups ~ [article I read about thirty years ago] The Forth
Valley, linking the Firths of Forth and Clyde, is the Scottish Channel,
dividing the islands of Scotland and England/Wales. "Edinborough" is a small
port on England's northern coast - there was a painting of the town with the
sea front and harbour roughly where Princes Street is now. Arthur's Seat and
Corstorphine Hill are islands. The article concluded by pointing out that
the buildings in the painting might look odd - this is because with the sea
level much higher, the Netherlands don't exist and so there is no Dutch
influence on the architecture. But it isn't all bad news, it went on -
there's no Glasgow either!. To view guest historian's comments on this post
please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
Facebook, Myspace and
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
