9/11 Terrorist Attacks
by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On August 26th 1987,
President Ronald Reagan declared the upcoming September 11 as "Emergency
Number Day" in recognition of the emergency workers of America as well as
the success of the 9 - 1 - 1 phone system. In his proclamation, he called
"upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate
ceremonies and activities".
While most citizens made no more plans than an office party or a "thank
you" to local firefighters or police, a lone man living in a cabin in
Montana made note of the important date.
"By mailing flights fast to the persons offices.
Makes sense!" - reader's commentTheodore Kaczynski was a Harvard
graduate in mathematics with a Ph.D. from University of Michigan. He had
served two years as an assistant professor at Berkeley from the age of 25,
but resigned to take up a self-sufficient lifestyle using survival
techniques. Though bright and promising, Kaczynski had been distant with
everyone through his life. As a child and young man, he had been through
several studies related to autism or impotent rage, but Kaczynski seemed a
normal, if quiet, intelligent guy.
"Electromagnetic pulse\"? From conventional
explosives? And I suspect a powerful explosion and subsequent fire would
do quite enough damage. I doubt, also. that a heightened xoncern for
internal security due to the Unabomber would survive his death long enough
to lock up the \'92 election for Bush the elder, let alone to result in
the deportation of the men who in opur history became the 9-11 hijackers.
(Most likely, in any event, the Sept. 11 plot would have taken the
prevailing security measures into accoount. Nothing is foolproof.)" -
reader's commentWhile in his cabin, Kaczynski worked to study ways
to become autonomous. The very little money he needed he made by working
odd jobs such as at his father and brother's foam rubber plant, where he
would be subsequently fired for harassing an ex-girlfriend fellow
employee. As his life-experiment continued, it became obvious to him that
he could not live this way with the increasing encroachment of modernity
all around. In 1983, he walked to one of his favorite spots of wilderness
to find that it had become a paved road. Later, he said, "You just can't
imagine how upset I was. It was from that point on I decided that, rather
than trying to acquire further wilderness skills, I would work on getting
back at the system. Revenge".
"In 1422, infidels from the north of Europe
captured 3 jets bound from Istanbul to Mumbai and diverted them into
Mecca. The jets smashed into the Ka'ba, destroying the holiest shrine in
all of Islam. The outrage unleashed by this act brings a terrible jihad
upon northern Europe, and many thousands of its people are killed, though
they had no part in the actions of the infidels. Indeed, many European
nations sent aid to Mecca and volunteered to rebuild the holy city, but
this was all as nothing before the wrath of the faithful" - alternate
scenario Kaczynski studied sociology, political philosophy, and
began a career of sabotage even before the road. When he came upon that,
Kaczynski knew reform for the modern industrial, technological world was
impossible. He decided that society needed to be woken up; the alarm would
be bombs. In 1978 and '79, he had mailed explosive devices to Northwestern
University and American Airlines, though none had been injurious. As the
FBI took over the case from the US Postal Inspectors, they dubbed him
UNABOMB for UNiversity and Airline BOMber. More universities and a
computer rental store were added to his list of victims, culminating in
1985 with four attacks and the death of Hugh Scrutton, the computer store
owner. In 1987, he struck again at a Utah computer store, then decided to
settle in hiding for a moment. However, upon word of Reagan's Emergency
Day, Kaczynski decided to show the world the real emergency: itself.
"In 12-19-8-10-1, northern terrorists of the
Algonquin fly stolen sky-boats into the great capital city of Oezteca,
smashing the pyramid of Kukulkan. Many see this as a sign that the end of
the age is coming; thousands begin to pray again at the temples, and
sacrifices are made to all the gods. The empire quickly attacks and
subdues the Algonquin nation and brings many of them back to Oezteca as
sacrifices. The gods seem to be appeased" - alternate scenarioLining
up over a dozen simultaneous attacks, many of which were delivered through
the mail, Kaczynski also hand-delivered several packages in the early
morning from a re-painted rental truck. Near noon, he drove the truck to
the Stanford Research Park in Palo Alto, CA. Kaczynski left the truck
loaded with homemade explosives on a timer, which exploded in the early
afternoon, killing 28 and destroying research in the resulting
electromagnetic pulse and fire. He disappeared into San Francisco and made
his way back to his cabin while the country descended into panic.
As news coverage swallowed the networks and bolstered the ratings of the
new Cable News Network, people looked for leadership. President Reagan
addressed the nation that evening and again on September 20, putting forth
the Homeland Security Act and the often-questioned Patriot Act for
Congress that next year. Kaczynski would remain quiet, writing his
manifesto, but his "On this day in 1971, a group of
New Yorkers desperate to escape the dying city attempted to fly a jet
airliner out of the now-abandoned Kennedy Airport only to lose control of
their plane somewhere over Manhattan and crash into the deserted United
Nations headquarters. The crash killed everyone on the plane and left the
UN building in ruins" - alternate scenariocabin would be raided by
FBI in April, tipped off by his brother David recalling letters and
clippings from Ted about the dangers of technology. Given a highly
publicized trial, Kaczynski would give his ideas of the problems with
modern society, but his argument was drowned out by the horrors of his
attack. Kaczynski would be specially executed in 1989, just after his
unfinished manuscript was published but scarcely read.
Security became a prime issue for Americans, suddenly seeing it everywhere
in post offices, lines with guards at all museums, monuments, and public
buildings, and, especially, at airports. Reagan's VP Bush would handily
win the 1988 and 1992 elections riding on the support of government during
this time. CIA and FBI investigations would develop new techniques of
watching for suspicious activities, such as deporting Ramzi Yousef in 1992
who had entered on questionable credentials and ordered chemicals in New
York, arresting anarchist Timothy McVeigh in 1995 after buying inordinate
amounts of fertilizer in Kansas, and deporting a number of Arabic men in
2000 that had taken flight lessons after CIA warnings of an airborne
While many critics note that America has become something of a police
state, secure feelings and a call for change gradually filtered into the
public, evidenced by the 1996 election of Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.
After being blamed for the Recession, the Democrats would fall to a
Republican takeover in 2002, leading to the landslide election of George
W. Bush in 2004.
says in reality, Ted Kaczynski would not attack again until 1993 after
the 1987 murder of Hugh Scrutton. In 1995, he would ask that his completed,
35,000-word manifesto, "Industrial Society and Its Future", be published,
promising that doing so would put an end to his terrorism. In 1996, aided by
comparisons in writing style with essays supplied by his brother David, the
Unabomber would be arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. Terrorism,
both domestic and international, continue to haunt modern America.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
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Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
