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All Along The
A Memoir Of The 1970 Salvadoran Revolution
By Chris Oakley
Part 1
From the S-Sn volume of the 2005 edition of the World Book
The SALVADORAN REVOLUTION(1970-72) was a civil war
that erupted in El Salvador in the late spring of 1970; it cost the lives of
over 80,000 government troops and 65,000 rebel soldiers before the war
came to an end with the fall of San Salvador, El Salvador’s capital
city, to rebel forces in November of 1972. The Salvadoran Revolution was
mainly sparked by popular outrage over El Salvador’s defeat in its so-called
1969 "soccer war" with neighboring Honduras...
From the book Firefights and Fruit Stands: My Personal
Account of the 1970 El Salvadoran Revolution by former UPI Latin American
bureau correspondent Jim Rykers, copyright 1995 Harper Collins Publishing:
The thing I remember most about San Salvador when I first
got there in October of 1969 was the noise in the streets-- especially the
shouting of the demonstrators at the anti-government rallies that were
happening seemingly on every second street corner. I’d just been assigned to
the Latin American desk after spending the previous three years in Vienna; the
transfer was mostly my editors’ idea but I wasn’t going to complain about it,
especially since it meant getting away from those tough-as-hell European
winters I’d been enduring lately.
This was right about the time things had gone to hell in a
handbasket for El Salvador in its border war with Honduras. When that little
shooting match got started in July of ’69, most of us figured it wouldn’t last
more than a week; when it was still going on a month and a half later and El
Salvador was starting to lose big, you had to figure something was seriously
wrong. Then came that firefight between the Salvadoran army and the Hondurans
near Perquin,1 and from there on out it was batten-down-the-hatches
time. There had been two attempts early on to negotiate a cease-fire, but both
of them fell apart and the bloodshed went on until about a week after I
arrived in El Salvador.2 As soon as I stepped off the plane at what
passed for San Salvador’s municipal airport, I was accosted by a man in his
50s whose oldest son had been killed at Perquin...
From an Associated Press wire bulletin dated October 14th,
MEXICO CITY(AP)--A border war between El Salvador and
Honduras that has been raging since July came to an end today with the signing
of a cease-fire pact by the two combatants. A spokesman for the El Salvadoran
foreign ministry said that the El Salvadoran government was agreeing to the
cease-fire in the interest of avoiding further bloodshed along the
Salvadoran-Honduran frontier; the war, which has cost both countries thousands
of lives, broke out following the enactment of land reform laws which forced
thousands of Salvadoran nationals living in Honduras to leave their homes.
The conflict has been nicknamed "the soccer war" or "the
football war" because it began shortly after El Salvador and Honduras faced
each other in a regional qualifying match for the 1970 World Cup. Frustration
over the outcome of that match has been cited by political analysts as an
additional contributing factor in the hostilities that eventually led to armed
conflict between the two Latin American neighbors...
From the January 2nd, 1970 broadcast of The
CBS Evening News With Walter Cronkite:
The new year has gotten off to a violent start in El
Salvador; yesterday more than twenty people were killed and sixty others
injured when a riot broke out in the capital city, San Salvador, as police
clashed with demonstrators protesting the current Salvadoran government. That
administration is widely blamed for El Salvador’s defeat in its border war
last year with Hondurans and is also coming under increasing criticism for its
failure to resolve the country’s economic problems...
Excerpt of a classified SITREP(situation report) by the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) station chief in Mexico City to CIA director
Richard Helms dated March 15th, 1970:
In regard to your letter of March 10th re: El
Salvador, I’m afraid things in that country show no evidence at all of
improving. In fact they may have greatly deteriorated by the time you read
this. Virtually all of our agents in-country there, and many of my own staff
here in this office, are of the opinion that it’s only a question of weeks or
maybe even days before there is a serious attempt to overthrow the Salvadoran
government by force. The current leadership in San Salvador is widely blamed
by its people for El Salvador’s defeat in the border war with Honduras and the
country’s ongoing economic and social troubles; public officials known
or suspected to be in favor of the current regime in San Salvador are
routinely jeered, spat on, insulted, and even physically attacked. There have
at least two assassination attempts against province-level administrators who
support the established national government.
It is my professional and personal judgment that the
current regime in San Salvador will not remain in power beyond June 1st.
In fact, we should prepare ourselves for the possibility that the regime may
be toppled before that date revise our policies towards El Salvador with that
fact in mind. I also strongly recommend that the State Department begin
evacuating all non-essential personnel and dependents from U.S. diplomatic
outposts in El Salvador at the earliest possible moment. Finally, for their
own safely American tourists should be discouraged in the strongest possible
terms from visiting El Salvador until the current political situation there
has been resolved....
From the History Channel documentary special Ocho de
Mayo: The Salvadoran Civil War As Remembered By The Men Who Fought It,
copyright 2002:
Throughout April and early May of 1970 the streets of El
Salvador were excruciatingly tense as the country continued to teeter on the
brink of revolution. It finally tipped over that brink on May 6th
when Salvadoran government forces arrested and executed five protestors at a
rally in San Salvador calling for the existing government’s resignation; those
executions turned a long- simmering anger at the government into white-hot
rage. On May 8th, just two days after the executions,
anti-government mobs stormed a Salvadoran army base east of the town of San
Francisco Gotera and seized the base’s arms and munitions supplies. Most of
the soldiers at the base chose to side with the mob, some out of fear being
lynched if they opposed the mob but most because they genuinely sympathized
and agreed with the government’s critics. The Salvadoran Revolution had
From Firefights and Fruit Stands by Jim Rykers:
The first I heard about what happened at San Francisco
Gotera was when I got a call from one of my regular sources in the Salvadoran
defense ministry. He told me there had been a riot at the army base nearby, so
I chartered a plane to fly me out to the closest airstrip to Gotera and took a
jeep from the airstrip to the army base. As soon as I got there I saw one of
the people who’d organized the takeover, waving a huge Salvadoran flag; tied
to the flagpole was a sign that read in Spanish "Death to the pigs!", meaning
the government in San Salvador.
I interviewed one of the soldiers who’d taken sides with
the anti-government uprising; he said he’d joined the revolt because he was
tired of his officers kicking him around, and most of the men in his unit felt
the same way. Off to my left I heard what sounded like gunfire and thought
that maybe some pro-government people might be resisting the takeover-- it
wasn’t until later that I found out the base commander had been shot by a
firing squad of his own lieutenants...
From a United Press International wire bulletin dated May 8th,
SAN SALVADOR(UPI)--Months of discontent in El Salvador over
that country’s defeat in its border war with Honduras and its ongoing economic
and social crises have finally mushroomed into open revolt today as
anti-government demonstrators seized control of an army base west of San
Francisco Gotera. According to local sources, the uprising was aided by
mutinous soldiers of the Salvadoran army who are upset over the harsh
treatment they are often subjected to by their officers. It has not yet been
confirmed whether the whether the takeover was a spontaneous event or the
first stage of a carefully planned uprising, but the rebels at Gotera are said
to be receiving widespread expressions of sympathy and support from other
parts of El Salvador.
The takeover occurred just after 12:30 PM local time this
afternoon when anti-government demonstrators stormed the Gotera base in
protest of the execution two days earlier of five people who took part in a
protest march in San Salvador calling for the current Salvadoran government to
resign from office. A spokesman for the Salvadoran interior ministry said the
government would not capitulate to the Gotera rebels and that the government
was prepared to retake the Gotera army base by force if necessary.
In Washington U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers issued
a statement that his office was closely watching developments in the Gotera
situation and doing everything possible to guarantee the safety of American
nationals currently in El Salvador....
From the S-Sn volume of the 2005 edition of the World Book
The Salvadoran Revolution was also known as ‘the Gotera
rebellion’ because the revolution began at an army base at the town of San
Francisco Gotera and the rebel forces had their headquarters in the Gotera
region for most of the war. One rebel army unit even named itself "the Gotera
Brigade" in tribute to the town....
Excerpt of an interview with a student at Georgetown
University aired on the May 10th, 1970 edition of NBC Nightly
It seems like everything’s just going to hell in a
handbasket, man...first Nixon invaded Cambodia, then came the (deleted) at
Kent State, and now there’s a war on in El Salvador. Some guys say it’ll be
contained but I don’t buy it....I think it’s just going to keep getting bigger
and bigger until we end up getting dragged into it just like we got dragged
into Vietnam...
From Ocho de Mayo:
Three days after the Salvadoran Revolution began,
government forces made good on their promise to attack the rebels occupying
the Gotera army base. But the rebel forces easily turned back the government
army’s assault, inflicting heavy casualties on the attackers; after two days
of bitter fighting, some of it hand-to-hand, the government troops were forced
to pull back and regroup. Rebel propaganda posters trumpeted this as a
significant victory in their fight to bring down the existing Salvadoran
regime. But while the government forces had been defeated at Gotera, they
would prevail two months later when they fought to seize control of another
major rebel stronghold...
From a televised speech by President Richard Nixon broadcast
May 16th, 1970:
Good evening, my fellow Americans. As you may know, in
recent weeks long-simmering political and social tensions in El Salvador have
escalated into open armed conflict between the Salvadoran government and those
who disapprove of its handling of the country’s vast economic and social
problems and its border war last summer with Honduras. Let me assure you here
and now that the White House is doing everything in its power to protect the
safety of American citizens in El Salvador and help those who wish to leave
that country return safely to US soil; we are also making a concerted
diplomatic effort to bring the opposing sides to the conference table to
negotiate a cease-fire so that this terrible war can be swiftly brought to an
end. As our own history demonstrates, the most terrible wars of all are those
wars in which brother fights brother.
Let me make one other thing perfectly clear: contrary to
certain rumors you may have heard from the press, the United States is not
planning direct military intervention in the hostilities in El Salvador. The
situation in Vietnam and Cambodia is still highly volatile, and there are also
many critical security needs we must meet in western Europe; last but not
least, of course, there is the necessity of maintaining a solid defense
capability here on our own shores. Therefore, it would not make sense at this
time to commit American combat forces to El Salvador lest we run the risk of
shortchanging our military operations in other theaters....
From Firefights and Fruit Stands by Jim Rykers:
After my Gotera piece hit the papers, AP hired about a
half-dozen stringers to join me in San Salvador to cover the civil war. I was
glad for the help; this thing looked like it was going to get very big very
fast. Even before the war there’d been some talk of setting up a permanent AP
bureau in San Salvador. Makes you wonder if they knew something the rest of us
didn’t or just happened to be ahead of the curve....
I spent the 4th of July at a barbecue in the US
Embassy; about a week later I was filing a story about government artillery
units bombarding rebel positions near Santa Elena when I got word that a major
battle was brewing near one of the rebel camps in the north. I hired a jeep
and brought one of the stringers with me to check it out....
From the July 11th, 1970 broadcast of NBC
Nightly News:
The Salvadoran embassy in Washington has confirmed that a
major firefight is underway at this hour between government forces and rebel
militia near the town of San Miguel. According to the embassy’s military
attaché, a Salvadoran air force squadron is also involved in the engagement...
From the July 12th, 1970 New York Times:
From Ocho de Mayo:
After the Salvadoran regular army’s victory at San Miguel,
the rebel forces were on the defensive for months. San Miguel was the rebels’
second-most important base of operations; its capture was a major
setback for their strategic and tactical plans. Yet they were able to hold on
to Gotera in spite of the regular army’s best efforts to dislodge them, and in
early November, shortly after the end of El Salvador’s rainy season, they
marshaled their strength for a surprise attack to retake San Miguel from
government troops...
From an Associated Press wire bulletin dated November 5th,
SAN SALVADOR(AP)--In a statement phoned to press
correspondents here in the capital of El Salvador, an anonymous spokesman for
the Salvadoran Committee of National Liberation announced that SCLN insurgent
units have begun a multi-front attack on government forces currently occupying
the former Salvadoran rebel base at San Miguel. According to the SCLN
statement, the main purpose of the attack is to regain control of the base for
the rebel forces. An official press release from the Salvadoran defense
ministry acknowledges that government forces at San Miguel are under heavy
fire but claims only a single rebel unit is currently attacking the base and
promises that the rebel offensive will be defeated in a matter of hours....
From the S-Sn volume of the 2005 edition of the World Book
The SCLN offensive to retake San Miguel caught government
forces largely off-guard; though some Salvadoran regular army troops were able
to put a strong fight against the rebels, most were quickly overwhelmed by the
assault, and after three days of fighting the San Miguel base was back in
rebel hands. The SCLN’s retaking of San Miguel caused many of the Salvadoran
regular army’s senior field commanders to be fired from their posts and many
others to be reprimanded for not fulfilling their orders.
Their confidence strengthened by the success of the
November offensive, the rebels steadily expanded the area under their control.
By February of 1971 the SCLN sphere of influence stretched from Osicala to
Chirilagura and Salvadoran insurgents were conducting probing attacks against
San Vicente. Around this same time the SCLN executive committee drafted its
famous "Seven Principles" resolution spelling out how the rebels intended to
run the country after they had overthrown the regime of then-Salvadoran
president Julio Adalberto Rivera...
To Be Continued
