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All Along The
A Memoir Of The 1970 Salvadoran Revolution
By Chris Oakley
Part 3
From the April 14th, 1972 Houston Post,
page 3:
US State Dept. Reports 40% Increase In Asylum Requests From
El Salvador
Ongoing civil war cited as main factor in surge
From the May 1972 monthly issue of Ligourian
As Americans and Catholics, it is critical for us to take
an active interest in alleviating the plight of Salvadoran refugees displaced
by that country’s ongoing civil war. At the time this article is being
published, the conflict has been raging for nearly two years and shows few if
any signs of abating...
Excerpt of a transcript of a conversation between President
Richard Nixon, Secretary of State William P. Rogers, and Secretary of Defense
Melvin Laird on May 16th, 1972:
NIXON: Good morning, gentlemen...
LAIRD: Thank you, Mr. President.
ROGERS: Good morning, Mr. President.
NIXON: Let me get right down to cases...I’ve been keeping
tabs on the fighting in El Salvador, and the news is-- to be frank, it’s
discouraging. It’s a total (expletive) disaster down there. I want your candid
opinions on whether there’s any possibility of salvaging things....
LAIRD: I’m afraid not, at least in the short term. The
Salvadoran regular army is experiencing some severe morale problems, and in
spite of our efforts to help it meet its combat needs it’s still short of many
critical items, including munitions and medical supplies...
NIXON: Has there, uh, has the SCLN responded to the United
Nations mediation offer?
ROGERS: Not a whisper. Nor have they answered the Vatican’s
peace proposal. The sense I’m getting from our consular offices and embassy in
El Salvador is that the rebels aren’t going to give up their fight with the
government until they’ve either won the war or been wiped off the map.
NIXON: (unintelligible)
LAIRD: As you previously requested, Mr. President, I’ve
done some research on what it would take to make it possible for US combat
personnel to intervene directly in the fighting in El Salvador. You may not
like what I’ve found...
NIXON: Don’t beat around the bush, dammit, give it to me
LAIRD: The political support for such a move just isn’t
there in the House or in the Senate. And even if it were, we would need an
almost superhuman effort to assemble the necessary manpower in time to have an
appreciable effect on the ground situation in El Salvador-- to say nothing of
the possible consequences for our relations with other Latin American
NIXON: (expletive deleted)
From Ocho de Mayo:
By the time of the Watergate break-in, the handwriting was
on the wall for the Rivera administration in El Salvador. It had lost almost
all credibility in the eyes of most foreign governments and its grip on its
own people was becoming more tenuous every day; in the dwindling number of
regional department capitals not under the control of the SCNL, the calls for
President Rivera to step down were growing louder and louder. Anti-Rivera
rallies in San Salvador were now regularly drawing tens of thousands of
demonstrators daily, and for the first time the ranks of those demonstrators
included some of the landowning elite who had previously been Rivera’s
staunchest defenders.
In early August of 1972 the SCNL launched the first phase
of the campaign that would eventually bring it final victory over the
government forces. Dubbed "the Mochada offensive" because its battle plan had
been personally drawn up by SCNL leader Francisco Mochada, the offensive
opened with a bold thrust at the town of Aquilares...
From a UPI bulletin dated August 6th, 1972:
SAN SALVADOR(UPI)--Salvadoran defense ministry official
sources confirm that a major battle is underway between regular army units and
SCLN guerrillas at the river town of Aquilares. The engagement is believed to
be part of a larger overall operation by the rebels to secure a bridgehead
from which to begin a drive on San Salvador when El Salvador’s rainy season
ends in October....
From Firefights and Fruit Stands by Jim Rykers:
If we had any doubts that the Rivera government was on the
ropes, those doubts were gone when the regular army defenses at Aquilares
collapsed. The day after the rebels took Aquilares, we started making
contingency plans to evacuate San Salvador; we hoped we wouldn’t have to use
them, but we felt safer knowing they were in place...
From the August 23rd, 1972 New York Times,
front page:
From the August 29th, 1972 broadcast of CBC
News at Six:
The office of the Canadian Secretary of State for External
Affairs said today that remaining non-essential staff will be evacuated at the
earliest possible moment from Canada’s embassy in San Salvador. This action is
being is being taken in response to recent developments in the civil war which
has been going on in El Salvador since 1970...
From the September 10th, 1972 Washington
Post, editorial section:
By now, it is readily apparent to all objective
observers that the current government in El Salvador will not last
through the end of the year, yet the Nixon Administration is still stubbornly
insisting on sending arms and ammunition to support a regime that clearly has
no hope for survival. That is just one of the many disturbing parallels
between the White House’s policy on the Salvadoran civil war and the previous
administration’s conduct of the war in Vietnam; the only saving grace so far
is that Nixon has not as yet gone back on his word to avoid sending combat
troops into the blood-soaked Latin American country...
From the September 16th, 1972 broadcast of
NBC Nightly News:
The chief of staff for the Salvadoran air force has
resigned in protest of Salvadoran president Julio Adalberto Rivera’s refusal
to enter cease-fire negotiations with the rebel army...
From a leaflet distributed around the campus of Columbia
University in early October of 1972:
No to U.S. intervention in El Salvador!
No to corruption and the greedy, repressive Rivera regime!
No to bloodshed and hate!
Long live the SCLN!
From an internal memo sent to Democratic presidential
candidate George McGovern by the director of the Kansas state McGovern campaign
office dated October 9th, 1972:
Here are those poll results you wanted. They back up to a
great degree what you said in your last speech-- namely that there’s little
public support for any military involvement in El Salvador. Whether we can
make any headway with that I don’t know, given that Nixon is continuing to
stick to his stated policy of not sending any U.S. ground troops there; he’s
even talking about the possibility of a 5 percent cut in military aid to the
Salvadoran government. So he’s not very vulnerable on that front,
From the October 13th, 1972 broadcast of BBC’s
9 O’Clock News:
The two and a half-year-long struggle for control of the
government of El Salvador drew one step nearer to its climax today with the
capture of the town of Nueva Concepcíon by rebel forces after a week-long
battle with the Salvadoran regular army. With the fall of Nueva Concepcíon,
the SCNL guerrilla forces have gained yet another staging area from which to
mount what defence and foreign affairs experts believe will be an all-out
rebel drive in the coming weeks to take the capital city, San Salvador...
From the August 2007 episode "Dateline El Salvador: The Jim
Rykers Story" of PBS-TV’s American Experience:
Jim Rykers filed what would turn out to be his last
dispatch from San Salvador on October 28th, 1972; five days later,
as he was preparing for an interview with the El Salvadoran interior minister,
he heard distant explosions from the window of his hotel room mingled with the
wail of sirens. The SCNL had unleashed its final assault on San Salvador, and
before it was over Rykers would find himself being evacuated to Honduras much
to his regret. He had hoped to stay in the capital to the bitter end, but the
decision had been taken out of his hands...
From the November 3rd, 1972 New York Times,
front page:
From an ABC News special report broadcast November 4th,
The civil war between SCLN guerrillas and the Rivera
government in El Salvador appears to be drawing to a close. Within the last
half-hour we’ve received word via telegram that rebel forces have surrounded
the presidential palace in San Salvador and are firing on the palace’s
defenders using rockets, mortars, and rocket-propelled grenades. The commander
of the regular army forces guarding the palace says he is holding is own
against the SCLN troops but that his own troops have sustained heavy losses...
To Be Continued
