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All Along The
A Memoir Of The 1970 Salvadoran Revolution
By Chris Oakley
Part 4
From the November 5th, 1972 broadcast of BBC’s
9 O’Clock News:
The fight for the Salvadoran presidential palace may be
coming to an end. A Swiss radio correspondent has told the BBC that only a
handful of government troops are left defending the palace and SCNL insurgent
forces occupy most of the surrounding streets and buildings. Nothing has been
heard from Salvadoran president Julio Adalberto Rivera or his remaining
cabinet for over twelve hours....
From Ocho de Mayo:
Of all the engagements fought during the Salvadoran
Revolution, the battle for San Salvador may have been the bloodiest. It is
estimated by the El Salvadoran defense ministry and the U.S. State Department
that at least a fifth of the total casualties incurred in the Salvadoran civil
war were suffered in the struggle for control of the capital city. The fight
for the presidential palace is thought to have accounted for many of the
losses on both the government and rebel sides.
For years it was thought that Salvadoran president Julio
Rivera had been killed in the early phases of the final SCLN attack on the
Salvadoran presidential palace. Not until the 1987 publication of the book
Mi Salvadora("My El Salvador"), the autobiography of a former
Salvadoran regular army officer who barely escaped with his life after the
Rivera regime was overthrown, did the world finally learn that Rivera had in
fact been one of the last men to fall on the government side....
From Firefights and Fruit Stands by Jim Rykers:
I was in Honduras when I got the word that the SCNL had
broken into Rivera’s palace. It seemed like everybody and his cousin was glued
to their radio-- or TV, if they were lucky enough to be able to afford one. I
know that when I got to the US embassy in Tegucigalpa to have them process my
visa for return to the United States, the Marine guard detail had a transistor
radio set up at one of their sentry booths so that the MPs could keep up with
what was happening.
Around 5:00 PM, I heard my interpreter-- who’d come with me
when the last UPI staffers evacuated San Salvador --saying that the fighting
was over and President Rivera was dead. At the time, I thought just like
everybody else that he’d been killed early on and they were just now getting
around to confirming his death. It wasn’t until Col. Marchado’s book came out
in ’87 that I knew Rivera had actually been one of the last to go...
From the November 6th, 1972 broadcast of
NBC’s Today Show:
After nearly two
and a half years of bitter fighting and high casualties, the Rivera government
in El Salvador has fallen to the rebel armies of the Salvadoran Committee for
National Liberation(SCNL). An SCNL spokesman announced early this morning
Eastern Daylight Time that the last remaining government troops inside the
Salvadoran presidential palace have ceased fire and turned over their weapons
to the insurgents...
From the evening edition of the Washington Post
that same day:
From the S-Sn volume of the 2005 edition of the World Book
The SCNL’s victory in the Salvadoran Revolution sparked
fear among conservative governments elsewhere in Latin America. After the SCNL
seized power in El Salvador, these governments became convinced that their own
countries would soon become targets for left-wing insurrections; in fact, less
than a year after the Salvadoran revolution ended a leftist uprising broke out
in Nicaragua....
From Wikipedia’s entry on the 1970-72 Salvadoran Revolution:
On November 12th, 1972 the SCNL reorganized
itself as the National Executive Committee and began restructuring the
Salvadoran government to fit the agenda it had outlined for El Salvador in the
early days of the revolution. One of its first official acts was to issue a
decree requiring all surviving soldiers from the old Salvadoran regular army
to take a pledge of loyalty to the new government; most of these men complied
with the directive, but a substantial number-- mainly officers from the upper
classes --rejected the new government’s demand and fled across the border to
Guatemala to await the opportunity to start a counter-revolution against the
new government...
From the December 3rd, 1972 New York Times,
page A3:
White House criticizes NEC edict
From the December 15th, 1972 broadcast of
The CBS Evening News:
Jose Napoleon Duarte, a former mayor of San Salvador who
fled to Guatemala when the Rivera government in El Salvador collapsed nearly a
month ago, has been elected chairman of the Salvadoran National Restoration
Party, an organization of Salvadoran exiles whose stated goal is to retake
control of El Salvador’s government from the left-wing National Executive
Committee. Duarte, a longtime outspoken critic of the NEC, was recently
declared persona non grata by the NEC regime...
From the March 8th, 1973 Washington Post,
front page:
From Ocho de Mayo:
The post-civil war Salvadoran government sought to extend
its influence beyond its borders by backing socialist movements in other
Central American countries. This brought El Salvador dangerously close to
another war with Honduras in the mid-‘70s and led to a break in diplomatic
relations with Nicaragua after the start of that country’s Marxist revolution
in September of 1973...
From the September 14th, 1973 broadcast of BBC’s
9 O’Clock News:
Little more than ten months after the Rivera government in
El Salvador fell, another conservative administration in Central American
finds itself under attack. The Sandinista National Liberation Army, a radical
leftist organization which since 1961 has sought to bring Nicaragua under
Marxist rule, issued a statement today declaring what it called "a people’s
war" against the Somoza government that has been in power in Managua since
From the book Mi Salvadora(My El Salvador) by
former Salvadoran army colonel Julio Cristobal Marchado, English translation
copyright 1988 by Alfred A Knopf & Sons:
The years of exile were very hard ones for me. I watched
from a distance as the corrupt thugs who ran the National Executive Committee
plunged my country into a senseless involvement in the rebellion in Nicaragua
and took away everything the Salvadoran people held dear; there were times
when I was racked with despair that I might never be able to go home again...
From a June 1977 Newsweek article on the Carter
Administration’s foreign policy in Central America:
Despite President Carter’s best diplomatic efforts the
guerrilla war in Nicaragua, which in September will mark its fourth
anniversary, continues to elude a negotiated solution and U.S. relations with
El Salvador are still as strained as they were on the day Carter first took
office. One anonymous State Department veteran, a former embassy staffer in El
Salvador during the days of the Salvadoran Revolution, pessimistically
suggests that under NEC rule the country will-- if it hasn’t done so already
--gradually turn into a second Cuba, with the current NEC chairman and
Salvadoran president Nicola Mendes as its Castro...
From the November 28th, 1977 London Times:
From the January 16th, 1978 Houston Post:
From the June 4th, 1978 broadcast of NBC
Nightly News:
UN mediators are meeting with Salvadoran and Honduran
diplomats in Costa Rica tonight in a frantic effort to keep El Salvador and
Honduras from going to war with one another for the second time in just nine
years. The main issue in the round-the- clock negotiations: the Honduran
government’s persistent accusations that the NEC regime in El Salvador is
aiding radical Marxist factions in Honduras...
To Be Continued
