Catholic Reagan by Eric Lipps
says: what if Ronald Reagan was Catholic? muses Eric Lipps. Please note
that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
On November 4th 1980,
former movie and television personality and California governor Ronald
Wilson Reagan defeated incumbent Democrat James Earl "Jimmy" Carter in the
U.S. presidential election, becoming the second Catholic, after John F.
Kennedy, to win the White House..
Reagan was the product of a mixed household in which his father Jack
Reagan was a mostly nonobservant Catholic and his mother Nelle a fervent
Protestant evangelical of the Disciples of Christ denomination. According
to Reagan, his father left to his mother his religious upbringing and that
of his elder brother Neil. Nelle Reagan chose to honor both of the
family's religious faiths by raising Neil as a Protestant and Ronald as a
Catholic. As President Reagan would say in is autobiography, Where's The
Rest of Me?, it could easily have gone the other way around; Mrs. Reagan's
choice for her son Neil was as much a matter of chance as of any conscious
desire to have the elder of her two sons join her own church.
"One difference would be that the First Lady would
be Jane Wyman (Spock's mom) instead of Nancy Davis as Catholics aren't
suppposed to get divorces" - reader's commentsMr. Reagan's religion
would be counted by political analysts as a factor in his loss to
President Gerald R. Ford in the 1976 GOP primaries. By 1980, however,
increasing ties between such right-wing evangelical leaders as the Revs.
Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and the Roman Catholic Church on social
issues, particularly abortion, would more than overcome anti-Catholic
prejudice. Mr. Reagan would be further aided by the fury of Protestant
fundamentalists at President Carter, whom many of them had supported in
'76 on the strength of his own evangelicalism only to find that in office
he pursed policies they found offensive, such as his failure to
wholeheartedly support Israel and his alleged "weakness" in dealing with
the Soviet Union and, after the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran by
Islamic militants on Nov. 4, 1979, the government of Iran.
"Assuming, of course, that Reagan marrieed Wyman at
all in this TL. Almost certainly, though, whether the wife were Wyman or
someone else, it wouldn't be Nancy, whose father was a rabid right-winger
of the old school with, I uinderstand, strong anti-Catholic views" -
reader's commentsMany liberals feared that as president Reagan
would force through legislation enforcing Catholic positions on abortion
and other issues. Reagan easily deflected such warnings by pointing to,
and quoting from, President Kennedy's assurances to Protestants in 1960
that he would not let his church dictate his actions in office. On
Election Day, Reagan carried 49 states, defeating Carter 55 percent to 45
in the popular vote.
"Under Chaos Theory, this should have some kind of
fallout, but what? Further revitalization of the American Catholic
Church?" - reader's commentsIn office, Reagan would at times seem
to bear out his critics' warnings, forging a political alliance with the
equally conservative Pope John Paul II, a native of Communist-ruled
Poland, and refusing to act decisively against a wave of bombings and
shootings targeting abortion providers or to commit significant federal
resources to research against the new disease known as Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, until the ailment had spread well beyond its
initial loci among homosexuals and intravenous-drug abusers. Eventually he
found himself at odds on the latter issue with his own surgeon general, C.
Everett Koop, whom Reagan had appointed precisely because of Dr. Koop's
deeply conservative religious background. His early bellicose rhetoric
toward the Soviet Union likewise echoed that of the Vatican. But by 1984
President Reagan would have changed his mind about AIDS, authorizing
billions of dollars in NIH research funding to combat it, and in his
second term, following the rise to power in Moscow of the reformist
Mikhail Gorbachev, he would moderate his stand on U.S.-Soviet relations as
well. By the time he left office in January 1989, he had largely assuaged
the fears of those who had seen him as serving Rome, though at the cost of
angering some former supporters who had hoped he would stick to the
hard-line positions he and the Holy See had seemed to have in common.
says in our history, of course, it was the other way around. Ronald
Reagan was raised a Protestant and brother Neil as a Catholic. As in the
timeline imagined here, however, Reagan as a politician would find it easy
to work with conservative Catholics like Karol Wojtyla, better known as Pope
John Paul II, and would play a crucial role in strengthening the alliance
between the Vatican and right-wing Protestant evangelicals in America. To
view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Eric Lipps, Guest Historian of
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