CSA Part 8, To the Revolution,
Our Congrats by Gerry Shannon
says: how might the Confederate States of America felt about the events
of the Iranian Revolution? Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1979, Confederate
President Jimmy Carter sends a letter of congratulations to Ayatollah
Khomeini and his revolutionaries for securing control of their country
following prolonged hostilities to bring about a new "Islamic Republic" in
Iran. The letter also contains a note of hope that both the CSA and Iran can
now begin a new era of friendliness and co-operation, and begin a new
relationship that would be beneficial for them both.
The letter is read out on state media and printed in Iranian national
newspapers, and it's chief theme is the similarities - however forced -
that Carter demonstrates between the revolutionary roots of the
Confederacy and this new Islamic Republic. Carter ends with a flourish by
quoting the words of Robert E. Lee, the second President of the
Confederate States of America, who once wrote: "You can be anything you
want to be, have anything you desire, accomplish anything you set out to
accomplish - if you hold to that desire with a singleness of purpose".
Carter's letter gets guarded praise from the Ayatollah, the reaction in
the government of the United States is one of fury. US President Ted
Kennedy (pictured, right) and his cabinet feel Carter is being too
opportunistic after the collapse of the US-backed Iranian government, and
that the Confederacy is clearly hoping to gain from the financial
interests that it's neighbour has now lost and ultimately have a foothold
in the troubled Middle East. However, Kennedy's deeper concern - as he
relates to his Chief of Staff Mary Kopechne - is that relations between
the United States and Confederacy will be damaged enough to put his dream
of reunification of the two countries indefinitely on hold. Though Kennedy
himself could not have foreseen these fraught relations becoming even
further strained when the United States embassy in Iran would be seized by
Iranian forces nine months later in a prolonged hostage crisis.
says you can read the whole CSA Today thread on the
in Alternate History Web Site.
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Gerry Shannon
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