Death of the Little Squirt
by Steve Payne and
John P. Braungart
says: what if the central figures of "Europe of the Dictators" had used
their talents to pursue a career in art? Please note that the opinions
expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
March 10th 1953,
on this day Winny Churchill, Al Schicklegruber and a host of other
contemporary artists travelled to the town of Gori to attend the funeral
of the diminutive Georgian Painter, Joe Stalin.
A new installment from the "Happy
Hitler Artist" ThreadBorn Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili, as
a rebellious young man he had adopted the pen name of Stalin, or "man of
steel". Of course this characteristic was applied to the determination of
his mind, rather than his body.
"So what sorts of things did they paint? I
imagine Churchill went in for landscapes...\"a tree never complains that
you didn\'t capture it right,\" he once commented on that subject. Hitler
would do apocalyptic scenes of universal destruction and chaos...what
would Stalin paint?" - reader's commentBecause by the age of
twelve, two horse-drawn carriage accidents left his left arm permanently
damaged. And during the Great War he was deemed unfit for service.
The forthright American painter Harry S. Truman labelled him the "Little
Squirt" even though Stalin at five foot four was barely a head shorter
than Truman, himself hardly a giant measuring just five foot nine.
"Thomas More's vision of utopia would be
complete....[achieved if art was the tool]. Especially if Hitler could
have achieved his own artistic longing"- reader's commentDespite
these physical limitations, he could paint rather well. And yet for
evidence of Stalin's various frustrations one has only to look at his
troubled output during his "red rage period". Churchill for one could
surely understand Stalin's schizophrenic mental state, the two sides
separated by the artistic expression which he labelled an "iron curtain".
Winny reflected upon his own challenges; during his period of isolation in
the early nineteen thirties, he recalled that he quit painting altogether
to work as an illustrator for various Science Fiction and Fantasy pulps of
the Depression Era.
"Good end note" - reader's commentYet
despite the emotional characters present, the funeral _itself_ was
remarkably calm. And the highlight perhaps was the reading of a delightful
verse by the Chinese poet, Mao Zedong. Of course afterwards was a
different matter, Churchill for one got riotously drunk, although
Schicklegruber, being teetotal, departed early rather than watch his
colleagues get blitzkrieged.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
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