Double Cross by Stan Brin
says: what if the British Government had refused to recognise Israel?.
Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily
reflect the views of the author(s).
February 1st 1949,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Twitter.following the refusal of His Majesty's
goverment to recognize Israel's national independence, the Knesset issued
a war crimes indictment against Prime Minister Clement Atlee, Foreign
Secretary Ernst Bevin, and Field Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery, chief of
the Imperial General Staff.
The British leaders were specifically charged with conceiving and
implementing the recent Siege of Jerusalem and the demolition of Jewish
Quarter of the old city. The siege cost an estimated six thousand Jewish
The intention of besieging forces was to isolate the 100,000 Jewish
residents of the city from the rest of the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine
and, in the case of the Jordanian forces, to conquer East Jerusalem
(including the Old City). Aside from the large Jewish population,
Jerusalem held special importance to the Yishuv for "religious and
nationalist" reasons. In particular, the Arab forces tried to cut off the
road to Jerusalem from the coastal plain, where the majority of the Jewish
population resided. The Arabs blocked access to Jerusalem "at Latrun and
Bab al-Wad", a narrow valley surrounded by Arab villages on hills on both
sides. The Arabs also fired off shells indiscriminately into West
Jerusalem. The breaking of the siege on Jerusalem and the annexation of
the captured areas to the Jewish state became primary goals for the
Israelis in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
The fighting led to the evacuation of the Jewish villages of Neve Yaakov,
Atarot, Kalya and Beit HaArava, and the expulsion of the Jewish
inhabitants of the Old City of Jerusalem. Before the war, the Jews of the
Old City had friendly relations with their Arab neighbors and were sorry
to have to leave.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Stan Brin, Guest Historian of
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