Failed Coup in Libya
by Eric Lipps
says: what if Qaddafi's failure to ascend to power in Libya created even
bigger problems for the West? muses Eric Lipps. Please note that the
opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the
On September 1st 1969,
an attempted coup in Libya failed to unseat the monarchy of King Idris I.
Many of the coup plotters and their supporters were killed or imprisoned.
One who was not was Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi, who escaped into exile in
Syria, where he was sheltered by the Baathist regime of Hafez el-Assad.
From his sanctuary in Damascus, the exiled Qaddafi would gradually
establish a network of terrorist connections extending from the
Palestinian Liberation Organization to the IRA. This network would become
infamous for attacks on civilian targets, including the 1988 bombing of a
Pan Am 747, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, with the loss of all
on board, and a similar attack on French UTA DC-10 over Niger in which 170
people died. U.S. attempts to pressure the Assad regime to surrender
Qaddafi for trial met with no success; neither did repeated attempts at
the terrorist leader's assassination by Israel's Mossad.
A new story by Eric LippsQaddafi was finally
captured while trying to flee during the U.S. invasion of Syria which
followed that nation's 1999 attack on Israel, which has featured an
unsuccessful attempt to use a nuclear device purchased from Pakistan. The
device failed to achieve a nuclear explosion, but its conventional
explosive trigger scattered lethal plutonium over a small area along the
Israeli border. It was Qaddafi's attempt at a nuclear attack rather than a
purely conventional one which would produce the firestorm of public
outrage which would force President Clinton to take military action.
At Qaddafi's trial before the international Court of Justice in The Hague,
it would be revealed that the Libyan had been instrumental in persuading
Assad to obtain the nuclear device and carry out the attack. Assad himself
would not be tried, having disappeared during the invasion; persistent
rumors had him locked away in some secret U.S. or Israeli prison, but no
proof of this would emerge.
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Today in Alternate History web site.
Eric Lipps, Guest Historian of
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