Impeached even without Watergate by Steve Payne
says: would Richard Nixon still have faced impeachment in a timeline
with no Watergate Scandal? Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On August 15th, 1973:
the continued bombing of North Vietnam after the cut-off
deadline set by the Case-Church Amendment created an escalation in the
crisis between the legislative and executive functions in the US Government
that would finally be resolved by the impeachment of President Richard
"Nixon's attempt to "impound" funds Congress had
refused to appropriate for the war was among the impeachment charges
considered by the Ervin committee". - readers commentThe critical
issue was the divergent assessments of the conflict that had emerged from
the Eastertide Offensive. Because prior to March 30th, 1972 Nixon had been
publically committed to American withdrawal from Vietnam. Of course the
American public had long since detected a disparity between Nixons words and
actions, particularly after the Laos "incursion", an escalation which
enraged the anti-war movement and provoked the Kent State University
demonstration. And the authority of the Presidency had been challenged by
the Congressional repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions which had served
as the basis for the intervention in 1965.
Nixon continued to emphasise the success of Vietnamisation throughout the
LAM SON 719 and Eastertide Campaigns. And whilst the ARVN Forces had
demonstrated their ability to defend South Vietnam, it was self-evident that
US naval and air power was required to prevent the Soviets and Chinese
resupplying the NVA during such an invasion.
The Eastertide Campaign had been a disaster for the NVA, and Nixon had
pressed the advantage with agreement on the Paris Peace Accords ahead of his
re-election. By signing that document, the US was committed to dismantling
all of its bases in South Vietnam. The US Congress banked that committment
by reintroducing the Case-Church Amendment (which had previously been
defeated), demanding an end to American military involvement in Southeast
Asia with no funds available after August 15th, 1973. Planning a slower
withdrawal of forces, Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger lobbied
frantically to have the deadline extended. A decision point was now reached,
whether to confront the US Congress, or abandon South Vietnam to its fate.
says lacking the necessary Congressional support, Nixon signed the
Case-Church Amendment into law. In this scenario his authority is not
weakened by Watergate,and he decides to lock horns with the US Congress.n
2009, to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
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