The Kennedy Curse
by Steve Payne
says: what if Johnson had allowed Cronkite to broadcast the whole long
interview (including the censored section)? Please note that the opinions
expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
May 2nd 1970,
on this day a national television network broadcast a three-hour film of a
recorded Walter Cronkite interview in which Lyndon Baines Johnson
expressed misgivings about the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted
alone in Dallas.
"They were probably also trying to dampen
speculation that Caastro did it, perhaps in retaliation for the Bay of
Pigs" -reader's commentIn fact during the session recorded in Texas
at LBJ Ranch during September 1969, he suggested that a conspiracy might
have been involved by stating that: "I can't honestly say that I've ever
been completely relieved of the fact that there might have been
international connections".
He originally requested that section of the interview to be censored on
the grounds of "national security", but later agreed to the whole session
to be broadcast. He died shortly afterwards of a massive heart attack.
Watch the Conspiracy Section of the Interview
"I would say that they were frantically trying to
keep people from believing that the KGB or East Bloc had had a hand in
killing St. JFK. If the people had believed that, the missiles would have
been flying... " - reader's commentJohnson was forced to resign the
Vice Presidency only a few months after the events in Dallas, although
details of John F. Kennedy's own involvement in the "Bobby Baker" scandal
were hidden for many years.
"Enough sensation might have made the Cold War
go hot" - reader's comment
Baker introduced the East German hostess Ellen Rometsch to the
President, perhaps part of the international connection to which Johnson
was alluding.
Also his secretary, Nancy Carole Tyler, shared an apartment with Mary Jo
Kopechne, an aide to Senator George Smathers and later to Senator Bobby
Kennedy. Tyler was killed in a plane crash in 1965. Kopechne was killed in
1969, in an accident on Chappaquiddick Island in a car driven by Senator
Ted Kennedy.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
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