The Life of the King
by Eric Lipps
says: what if Elvis had lived? asks Eric Lipps who reviews
the King of Rock 'n' Roll's career from 1977 to the present day. Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect
the views of the author(s).
In 2010, Elvis Presley,
the legendary "King of Rock 'n' Roll," celebrated his 75th
birthday at his Graceland manor outside Memphis, Tennessee.
Presley had narrowly survived an overdose of prescription medication on
August 16, 1977, during a period when he had been experiencing a number
of health problems, including what would subsequently be diagnosed as
the early stages of degenerative arthritis. After that incident, he
finally yielded to the pleadings of intimates, withdrawing from
performance for over two years. It would later be learned that during
this time the pop icon underwent a rigorous detoxification program to
wean him off the painkillers to which he had become addicted.
By the spring of 1980, a reinvigorated and slimmed-down Presley would be
ready to re-enter the spotlight. His singing engagements, however, would
slowly be overshadowed by the star's newly aggressive political
involvement: Presley would be an outspoken supporter of Ronald Reagan
both that year and in 1984, and would court right-wing televangelists
Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, who in turn would use their TV
ministries to promote him.
Presley was no latter-day convert to conservatism. As early as 1970
he had met privately with then-President Richard Nixon, denouncing the
hippie culture and asking to be given a Bureau of Narcotics and
Dangerous Drugs badge to add to similar souvenirs had been collecting.
He had also been outspokenly hostile to the Beatles, though whether from
political motives or out of resentment at their having displaced him in
the 1960s limelight is difficult to say. By 1988, however, he had moved
far enough rightward to endorse Pat Robertson in that year's GOP
primaries. Cynics, noting the TV preacher's promotion of Presley on his
"700 Club" talk show, suggested that Presley was merely paying
off a debt, but the two men's friendship was apparently genuine.
By the 1990s, however, the onetime King was ready to abdicate, this time
for good. Advancing age had brought a new round of health problems, and
younger performers such as Michael Jackson were displacing Presley among
all but a dwindling set of aging fans. In August of 1998, Elvis formally
announced his retirement. Thereafter, he would make only occasional
appearances, generally as a guest on late-night talk programs, though he
did briefly appear (as himself) in the 2003 feature biopic Life of
the King.
Eric Lipps
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