Liquidation by Chris Oakley
says: what if the Prime Minister of Great Britain really was a
Soviet spy? Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).

August 20th 1974,
on this day British prime minister Harold Wilson was
found dead on a beach in Great Britain's Scilly Isles, victim of a gunshot
wound to the skull.
"If the Soviets had the PM of the UK spying for them,
how did Europe avoid ending up taken over by the Warsaw Pact?" - reader
commentInitial press reports described his death as a suicide brought
on by depression over the failure of his economic policiies, but
investigation by Scotland Yard detectives soon turned up evidence the late
prime minister had in fact been murdered by unknown assailants; within two
days of Wilson's demise a nationwide manhunt for the suspected killer or
killers was on. What wasn't known as the time -- and wouldn't be known for
another three decades -- was that Wilson had been assassinated by rogue MI-6
agents who'd recently learned he was spying for the KGB and decided to
liquidate him before he could escape to the Soviet Union.
When the truth about Wilson's murder finally came to light in a
Guardian investigative report published on the 30-year anniversary
of his death, it touched off a political firestorm which rocked the British
government to its core and prompted new prime minister Tony Blair to order a
full-scale inquiry into the Wilson assassination. Scores of MI-6 officials
were forced to resign as a result of the ensuing scandal and a dozen more
arrested on suspicion of having played a role in the assassination
conspiracy. The controversy even touched intelligence agencies on the other
side of the Atlantic, as the CIA's European section was found to have
provided the final confirmation Wilson was working for the Soviets.
says to view guest historian's comments on this thread please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Chris Oakley, Guest Historian of
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