NASA admitted Pioneer 10
contaminated Jupiter!
by Allen W. McDonnell
says: please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On January 2nd 1974,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Squidoo.on this day NASA came to the
conclusion that the crash of Pioneer 10 on the limb of Jupiter December
4th, 1973 likely planted Earth bacteria in the upper atmosphere.
NASA admitted Pioneer 10 contaminated Jupiter! The fateful probe suffered
a computer glitch when passing through the intense Van Allen type
radiation belts that concentrate in the Jovian magnetosphere that fired
the thrusters dry and altered course just enough to graze the atmosphere
and crash on Jupiter. The impact occurred on the edge of the planet at a
low angle, similar to the way the Apollo missions returned to Earth from
exploring the moon. While the event was too small to show on Earth based
telescopes Pioneer 10 continued sending pictures back to NASA until
minutes before impact and the impact latitude is known.
Now a month later Earth based telescopes have detected a color change in
the atmospheric belt where the collision took place. Spectrographic study
of the discolored band have detected complex organic molecules identical
to those built by simple single cell life forms on Earth. A new story by
Allen W. McDonnellScientists have concluded that Earthly bacteria,
hibernating on the Pioneer spacecraft, were released when it fell into
Jupiter and have survived by consuming the organic clouds of Methane and
Ammonia in the Jovian atmosphere. The Miller/Urey experiment in a lab in
1953 demonstrated that lightning passing through clouds like those on
Jupiter can create amino acids in very small quantities and pieces of
organic material even smaller called tholins in large quantities. Without
life these chemicals simply exist for a few months before they are swept
too low and the heat from inside Jupiter causes them to break back down
into the simpler molecules they began as, Ammonia, Methane and Water.
Life, in the form of some exotic bacteria hitchhiking on Pioneer 10, has
now found a way to access these tholins and reproduce. Jupiter will never
be the same as once a planet is contaminated with Bacteria there is no
practical way imaginable to bring it back to a pristine state of
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Allen W. McDonnell, Guest Historian of
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