Operation First Born Son
by Eric Lipps
says: what if Eisenhower's heart attack had been fatal? Please note
that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
September 24: on this day
in 1955 a stunned America learned that President Dwight D. Eisenhower
(pictured, below) had died following a heart attack suffered early that
the first symptoms, the President had been rushed to Walter Reed
Hospital for emergency treatment, but despite what a terse official
press release described as "heroic measures," doctors had been
unable to save the sixty-four-year-old Eisenhower. He was pronounced
dead at 11:14 A.M., Eastern time.
"Tonight, my fellow Americans, this country
is at war. We are at war with an enemy who strikes from those shadows to
destroy what we have built and what we defend" ~ Richard Nixon
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon (pictured, above) took the
presidential oath at noon, becoming the thirty-fifth President of the
United States. Under the terms of the Twenty-second Amendment, because
he would have less than two years of Eisenhower's unexpired term to
serve, he would be eligible to run for the White House in his own name
not only in 1956 but again in 1960.
"That goddamn camel-jockey who thinks he can
push around civilized white men" ~ Richard NixonNixon
assumed the presidency in the midst of a serious crisis in the Middle
East. Egypt's president, Gamal Abdul Nasser, had been moving closer to
the Soviets, arranging, among other things, to ship large quantities of
Egyptian cotton to the USSR in exchange for arms, which it was assumed
he planned eventually to use in an attack on Israel. In July 1956 the
matter came to a head when Nasser nationalized the strategically vital
Suez Canal.
response was volcanic. Years later, transcripts of meetings in the Oval
office would make public the President's fury at Nasser (pictured,
right), whom he described as "that goddamn camel-jockey who thinks
he can push around civilized white men".
Meeting with leaders from Britain, France and Israel, the President
would commit American armed forces to an effort to retake the canal and
depose Nasser by force. The assault, codenamed Operation Firstborn Sons,
would be launched in mid-September; U.S., British, French and Israeli
forces would quickly overwhelm the Egyptian military, reaching Cairo on
Sept. 25. Nasser fled the city, and a temporary occupation government
was installed under the leadership of U.S. Gen. Matthew Ridgway. In
February 1957 a new, pro-Western Egyptian president would be installed.
the seizure of the Suez Canal would prove to be the spark which ignited
a greater conflict. In exile, Nasser became the rallying point for an
increasingly radical Arab movement based around Egypt's Muslim
Brotherhood--which, ironically, Nasser had harshly suppressed while in
power. Terrorist attacks on Western facilities throughout the Middle
East, and against the state of Israel, escalated. Finally, on Sept. 25,
1960--four years after the occupation of Cairo and only weeks before
President Nixon was to face off against Democratic challenger John F.
Kennedy (pictured, left) in the U.S. presidential election - a massive
terror bombing wrecked a key section of the Canal, closing it off.
"We shall prevail" ~ Richard NixonThat
evening, a somber President Nixon faced the U.S. television audience to
declare, "Tonight, my fellow Americans, this country is at war. We
are at war with an enemy based not in Moscow or Peking, though both of
these capitals support this foe, but in the shadows of the world; an
enemy who strikes from those shadows to destroy what we have built and
what we defend. We are at war with an enemy whose weapon is the creation
of terror. We are at war with that terror, and we shall not flinch, we
shall not yield. We shall prevail".
That speech would be widely credited with tipping the balance in one of
the closest presidential elections in U.S. history, peeling away several
states the Democratic candidate had expected to win and allowing Nixon a
narrow re-election victory which would have made him the first man since
FDR to serve more than two full terms . . . if not for the events of
November 22, 1963, when President Nixon was assassinated while on a
visit to his home state of California by a 19-year-old Arab immigrant,
Sirhan Sirhan.
says, the POD was suggested by an account in "A World of Trouble:
The White House and the Middle East--from the Cold War to the War on
Terror" by Patrick Tyler. Ike actually did have a heart attack on
that date, although in our history, obviously, he survived.
Eric Lipps
Guest Historian of Today
in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on Facebook
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Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
