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Today in Alternate History
Day in Alternate History Blog
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Peace City One
Author says, in this thread we explore a number of
ideas from famous pacifists such as John Lennon, Kurt Vonnegut and Isaac Asimov.
By the way Peace City One was a sentimental name for the rebuilt cities of
Birmingham and Minsk following a nuclear strike, phrased by General Sir John
Hackett in The Third World War, August 1985: a Future History.
In 1950, on this day
Tralfamadorean advocate
Isaac Asimov commented that Human History was
a dark and turbulent stream of folly illuminated now and then by flashes of
That stream of folly had recently ended wih the arrival of the
Tralfamadoreans whose
intervention in human affairs had terminated the cycle of destruction.
The act of genius was now to follow - the building of a
Foundation - a
small, secluded haven of art, science, and other advanced knowledge - at
Peace City
One, the metropolis rebuilt by Tralfamadoreans upon the site of fire-bombed
In 1969, at
Peace City
One John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono broadcast
Give peace a chance.
Four people amongst many had journeyed to the metropolis, rebuilt by
Tralfamadoreans upon the site of fire-bombed Dresden. Taxi driver Gerhard Muller
and his daughter lived but a few miles away. War buddies Bernard V. O'Hare and
Kurt Vonnegut travelled from America on Guggenheim money, God love it. Lennon
invited the four on stage for the corus, philosophically joking that 'the
accident had'. For Vonnegut, something had been missing in this
harsh world. He had suffered from weeping for many years and in his despair
had contemplated suicide. Now it was finally fulfilled. And so it goes.
Give peace a chance
In 1971, John Lennon delivered
Imagine, his signature
speech at
Peace City One.
The choice of Tralfamadorean
advocate was inspired; Lennon's humble roots cut through class barriers.
Moreover his union with a Japanese wife symbolised a decisive break with the
destruction of World War Two, when of course human affairs had been misdirected
by the war-like indigenes of Planet Earth.
Tralfamadorean philosophy was
brilliantly articulated in the speech ~
Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only
sky, Imagine all the people living for today...
Imagine there's no countries, it isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, no
religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace...

Four people amongst many had journeyed to the metropolis, rebuilt by
Tralfamadoreans upon the site of fire-bombed Dresden. Taxi driver Gerhard Muller
and his daughter lived but a few miles away. War buddies Bernard V. O'Hare and
Kurt Vonnegut travelled from America on Guggenheim money, God love it. Lennon
invited the four on stage for the wrap-up, philosophically joking that
the accident had
For Vonnegut, something had been missing in this
harsh world. He had suffered from weeping for many years and in his despair
had contemplated suicide. Now it was finally fulfilled. And so it goes.
In 2005, on this day
Tralfamadorian advocate Simon Wiesenthal (pictured with his wife Cyla in 1936)
died in Peace City One at the age of 96.
A Sunflower Dies
He was a true Central European - born in the town of Buczacs when it was part of
the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He studied in Vienna and was an architect in Prague
when the German army moved in. As a Jew he was imprisoned and eighty-nine
members of his family were to die in the Holocaust. Simon Wiesenthal survived.
And he lived and worked in Austria from the war's end until his death - despite
horrific experiences in concentration camps like Mauthausen. Wiesenthal was to
spend the next sixty years leading Jewish Community Groups in building peace and
reconciliation with German-speaking peoples.
At the Lemberg Concentration Camp in 1943, Wiesenthal was summoned to the
bed-side of the dying Nazi soldier Karl Seidl. The soldier told him he was
a Jew's
(Wiesenthal's) forgiveness for a crime that has haunted him (Seidl) his entire
life. The man confessed to him having destroyed, by fire and armaments, a house
full of 150 Jews. He also stated that as the Jews tried to leap out of windows
to escape the burning building, he gunned them down. Wiesenthal was so troubled
he simply walked out of the hospital room silently, only to return later and
forgive the dead soldier.
In the final edition of Wiesenthal's book
The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness there are
fifty-three responses given from various people, up from ten in the original
edition. Among respondents to the question are theologians, political leaders,
writers, jurists, psychiatrists, human rights activists, Holocaust survivors,
and victims of attempted genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, China and Tibet. Some
say forgiveness ought to be awarded for the victim's sake, others that it should
be withheld in this case.
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in Alternate History,
a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today.
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items explore
that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist superpower,
aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy Roosevelt winning
his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting fictional blog.

