Right of Return
by Steve Payne
says: in which we continue our Israel60
thread by returning to the Jewish Colony in Alaka a week after it has
reverted to the United States, as Michael Chabon envisages in his ingenius
novel, "The Yiddish Policemen's Union". Please note that the
opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of
the author(s).
5th January 2010: on this
day sixty years after the Slattery
Report (the Problem of Alaskan Development), recommended the provision
of land in Alaska for the temporary refugee settlement of European Jews
who were being persecuted by the Nazis during World War II, the first
citizens of the newly formed Federal District of Sitka exercised their
newly obtained right of return to Palestine.
Because under the arrangements for the "Reversion",
on the stroke of midnight 31st December 2009, the sixty year lease on
the independent Jewish settlement created on the Alaskan coast had
expired. The Acting Mayor of the Federal District of Sitka Sarah Palin
had reached a broad settlement with both the Tlingit Alaska Natives and
also the Governments of Palestine and Jordan.
"Jerusalem, a city of blood and slogans
painted on the wall, severed heads on telephone poles" ~ Michael
ChabonUnsatisfied by the American lease, at the climax of World
War Two Zionists sought to create a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Their
expectations had been unfairly raised by the Balfour Declaration, in
which the British Government stated that whole of Mandatory Palestine
would become the Jewish National Home. But by the time the State of
Israel was declared, Britain was committed to the Hashemite Kingdom of
Transjordan. Five Arab armies immediately attacked the new nation
including the Arab Legion controversially headed by a British Officer,
John Glubb (picured, below).
Commander of the Arab Legion, General John Bagot] Glubb ('Glubb Pasha')
should be imprisoned for serving in a foreign army without the King's
permission" ~ British MPAfter months of savage fighting, an
Arab Palestine State was created. But the so-called "West Bank"
of Jordan, comprising East Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea remained Jordian
"occupied territories". Jewish institutions and houses of
worship were destroyed, and inhabitants expelled. And it was the grand
children of those Palestinian refugees that travelled to Sitka who were
now offered a right of return negotiated by Sarah Palin.
During the sixty years since the failed attempt to create a Jewish
homeland in Israel, Sitka had thrived. Undoubtedly the high point of
Jewish Civilization was the"Safety Pin", a tall building
erected for the 1977 World Fair held in Sitka and a source of pride for
its inhabitants.
says, please note we extended the lease from fifty to sixty years to
bring Sarah Palin into the timeline. Given her role in Alaska it would add
more excitment to a McCain-Palin Campaign Ticket, perhaps. Original
content has been repurposed to celebrate the author's genius © The
Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon (2007), Arabian Fables,
published by Facts and Logic about the Middle East (Flame)
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in
Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on Facebook
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